"Haha! Luffy must be very happy to see this move!"

Facing such a powerful laser beam, Garp was still in the mood to joke at this time. He stepped on the air with all his strength, unleashed a moon step that was so powerful that it shook the atmosphere, and jumped to a higher position to avoid the laser beam.

Let the laser beam fall into the monster tide, indirectly helping to eliminate many monsters.

It's just that the power of this light is terrible. It directly penetrates the island and sets off a big explosion, causing the island to become more divided and the place where you can stand is constantly decreasing.

"I don't know anything about high technology, I only know how to beat you to pieces with my fists!"

After Garp landed on top of the giant robot, he punched the robot with all his strength, causing the robot's head to sink into the body and pierce the body!

. . . . . .

Naruto universe.

The monsters in the blood pool are spreading in all directions, and most of them seem to be aware of the nearest Konoha and are moving towards Konoha.

Now there are many, countless monsters approaching outside the Konoha Ninja Village.

Facing such a battle, all the ninjas were almost frightened.

When have they ever seen such a scene?

None of the ninja wars recorded in the past could compare to this situation.

"Kakashi, do you think we can deal with so many monsters?"

Asuma had trouble keeping calm.

He thought that the previous C-virus monster invasion was terrifying enough, but who knew there would be something even more terrifying.

"You have to deal with it even if you can't deal with it. If we all retreat, who will protect the village!"

Kakashi said righteously.

He is also under great pressure now, but he can't back down!

"All ninjas, throw out detonating charms to attack!"

Kakashi ordered immediately.

Then all the chuunin and jounin threw out kunai with detonating talismans.

A large number of kunai fell into the tide of monsters like a heavy rain, causing countless explosions.

Blow up many monsters to death, with blood and flesh flying everywhere, and limbs flying everywhere!

However, many of these monsters are very fast.

For example, there are monsters like bobcats, apes, money wolves, and a large group of flying monsters.

Directly dodging the attacks of a large number of kunai and detonating talismans, he quickly approached Konoha.

"Konoha's great whirlwind!"

When Metkai saw this, he immediately jumped out and used a series of roundhouse kicks to kick away some of the approaching monsters.

"Fire escape! Fire ball!"

"Water escape! Water dragon bullet!"

The other jounin also used ninjutsu to bombard the approaching monsters, wiping them all out.

Some of the ninjutsu missed, the companions nearby immediately attacked and eliminated them at close range.

"No! There are too many of these monsters!"

"Hurry up and replenish supplies!"

"Transport more kunai and detonating charms!"

No matter how many monsters everyone tried to kill, it was too powerless against the almost endless wave of monsters.

Therefore, no one dared to relax or slow down the speed of throwing kunai.

Nowadays, the logistics chunin responsible for transporting kunai and detonating talismans almost have to break their legs to ensure that the supplies can be supplied.

"There's a big guy!"

At this time someone shouted.

I saw in the monster tide, a group of hundred-meter-tall monsters were trampling short monsters and heading towards Konoha.

Seeing this group of monsters that were over a hundred meters tall, the Konoha ninjas and even Kakashi had particularly ugly expressions.

"How can there be such a big monster? Is this a psychic beast? No, it's bigger than the Kyuubi!"

Asuma's voice was trembling as he spoke, unable to believe the huge monster he saw in front of him.

"There is no time to be afraid, we have to fight hard! Climb on top of these monsters, concentrate your strength, and destroy their heads!"

After Kakashi finished speaking, he was ready. As long as the monsters were close, he would jump up and attack the back of their necks with Raikiri.

"Psychic art!"

At this moment, Naruto's voice echoed throughout the battlefield!

Three huge plumes of white smoke suddenly appeared, followed by three toads dozens of meters tall appearing in front of the Konoha Ninja Village.

"Hey! Isn't this Lord Jiraiya's psychic beast!"

Kakashi screamed in shock after seeing this, thinking that it was Jiraiya who had rushed back.

But if you look closely, the person standing above Gamabunta is not Jiraiya but Naruto.

At this moment, Naruto has used the power of the Nine Tails, red chakra is emitting from his body, and there are four tails turned into red chakra behind his butt.

With the blessing of the Nine-Tails power, Naruto can easily summon three powerful toads!

"Okay, Boss Wentai! Boss Guang! Boss Jian! Let's go together!"

Naruto shouted excitedly.

"Hey! I'm the boss, and these two are my younger brothers!"

Gamabunta was dissatisfied with Naruto calling his seniority indiscriminately.

"Okay, defeat these monsters and I will change!"

Naruto shouted disapprovingly.

"Really, why are there so many monsters!"

Gamabunta was not in the mood to study the issue of names, and stared at the endless group of monsters opposite with an ugly expression. How come he had never heard of this group of monsters before?

"It's troublesome to explain, but let's fight first!"

As Naruto said this, three giant toads had drawn their weapons and immediately rushed towards the wave of monsters on the opposite side.

The huge size directly knocked away or crushed all the small monsters blocking the way without using any attacks.

After arriving in front of those 100-meter giant monsters.

Gamabunta drew his sword and slashed.

Tomahiro pulled out both swords at the same time and struck at an incredible angle.

Toad Ken thrust out the steel fork with all his strength!

Directly cut off or pierce several monsters that were hundreds of meters tall!

"Tsk, it's good but useless."

After actually feeling the strength of these terrifyingly large monsters, Gamabunta sneered disdainfully.

Then he used his knife at high speed to attack the giant monsters approaching, hacking them to death one by one.

During this period, some flying monsters came down from the sky to attack. Naruto jumped on them directly, and with the power of the nine tails, he used powerful physical skills to knock them all away!

Seeing Naruto showing off his power with the psychic beast, many jounin had to look blank.

Especially Iruka and Kakashi, who were most familiar with Naruto, their expressions were even more indescribable.

"Is this still Naruto? How did he become so strong? What happened to his chakra!"

Kakashi looked at Naruto in disbelief. Is this the same Naruto who was very weak before and could only talk nonsense and rely on perseverance?

What a change!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, extremely heavy footsteps came. Every time these footsteps appeared, the entire Konoha would shake violently.

Behind the monster tide, a chameleon monster with a body size of more than 500 meters was slowly approaching. Every time it moved, it would trample countless monsters to death.

The chameleon monster glanced at the three toads that were showing off their power, then slowly opened its mouth, and its tongue popped out instantly.


In just a split second, Gamabunta, Gamahiro and Gamatake were shot flying into the sky at the same time!

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