American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 343 Garp, whose combat power exceeds 100,000!

"Forget it, our goal has been achieved and we can leave. I hope we can get something back after we have paid so much."

Whitebeard sighed helplessly. He had no hope that he could solve the disaster in the blood pool.

"But if this kind of monster really escapes, what should we do if we encounter it again?"

As Ace said this, he looked at the blood pool, and now there were several more monsters over a kilometer running out.

Each one has strength that surpasses Whitebeard.

Such a monster, even if it runs away now, may be encountered again in the future.

"Don't worry, the Navy will take care of it."

Whitebeard, however, was not worried about this.


Only an extremely violent sound of breaking wind was heard.

The Radon that Sengoku transformed into is approaching rapidly.

Then a figure jumped up from behind Raton, and was approaching the monster with three heads at full speed. This person was either Garp or someone else.


I saw the muscles all over Garp's body bulging, and his weapon-colored Haki and Overlord-colored Haki were activated at the same time, compressed into his fist.

At the same time, the Ox Talisman shone brightly.

Garp used his moon step to jump on top of the three-headed monster and punch it down.

"Fist bone!"

In the past, if Garp attacked this kind of monster with one punch, it might not have any effect.

But this time, his fist contained the power of the Ox Talisman that was increased hundreds of times.

Under this terrifying blessing, Garp's fist directly blasted the head of this monster that was more than a kilometer tall. At the same time, the terrifying shock wave split the monster's body like a sharp blade, turning it into two half corpses, falling towards the left and right sides. Down.

This terrifying blow instantly stunned the marines on Ace, Margo and Rodon, and their eyes and tongues almost flew out.

"Oh my God, is this Grandpa's current strength?"

Ace looked at Garp's results in disbelief. It was really hard to believe that Garp was so powerful.

"This is not his power, it's just a borrowed prop. Of course, I'm not qualified to say that."

Whitebeard put it bluntly.

"It's amazing, Lord Garp is actually so strong!"

"That's right, that monster even lifted the island!"

"He is indeed the hero of the Navy, Vice Admiral Garp!"

The navy were all shouting excitedly now. They were all frightened when they approached Wan Guo and saw the tragic situation on the ground.

Who would have thought that the territory of the Four Emperors would be reduced to this level.

Even if they haven't come into contact yet, they can still feel the terrifying aura exuded by those monsters from a distance, which is simply not comparable to that of their ordinary lieutenant generals.

Not to mention the endless monsters that keep coming out.

But now Garp's punch gave everyone huge confidence, and their morale improved again.

"Everyone listen to the order and follow the three generals and me to destroy this group of monsters. We must not let so many monsters leave the island!"

Warring States immediately gave the order, and then quickly fell towards Wan Guo.

"Hey, isn't this order too far-fetched? There are only a few of us."

Qing Pheasant reminded.

"There is no other way. We don't have many naval deployments in the new world. Even if we want to transfer here, it will take a long time. We can only fight with all our strength first!"

Warring States said so.

"Then what should Whitebeard and the others do? He is very weak now. This is an opportunity!"

Akainu said as he looked at the three whitebeards who were gradually moving away.

"Don't worry about them, this is the most important thing now!"

Based on the pros and cons, Warring States decided to deal with the monsters in the blood pool first.

Whitebeard and the others had already flown far away, and there was no point in chasing them.

When Sengoku got close to the ground, all the marines on his back immediately jumped down and followed the three admirals to attack the surrounding monster waves.

At this time, Garp was rushing towards the larger monsters, and at the same time he released his overlord-colored domineering energy, causing many monsters to fall and reducing the pressure on others.

"Ice Age!"

"Eight-foot Magatama!"

"Meteor volcano!"

Ice, magma, and light, the power of three different elements, attacked monsters from all directions.

Frozen into ice, burned out, broken down ruthlessly.

In just a moment, more than a thousand monsters were instantly killed by the elemental attacks of the three generals.

Seeing the three generals showing their prowess, the other lieutenant generals to major generals and low-ranking marines all had their morale greatly increased and used various moves to attack other monsters.

Among them are Karp's disciples Kebi and Belumeb.

Several sailors actually turned into the monsters of Skull Island, Muto, King Kong and Swamp Giant Squid, and used three monster-specific attacks to fight against the group of tall monsters.

Apparently Sengoku decided to reward them with several Devil Fruits based on Skull Island monsters to enhance their strength.

At this time, the result of the battle has changed physically. In the past, his strongest form was the Buddha form.

Now due to eating two more Devil Fruits, his Buddha form has changed.

First it became over sixty meters tall.

The second is that the appearance is no longer that of the Big Buddha, but the body shape and hairstyle of the Big Buddha are maintained, but the face is the face of Godzilla, and there are Rodan's wings on the back.

It is a new fully beastly form that is a fusion of three animal-type Devil Fruits.

The result of this form is that it opens its mouth and compresses the three powers of Buddha's shock wave, Godzilla's atomic breath, and Rodan's fireball into its mouth at the same time.

After charging, Sengoku spewed out a golden, hot, quicksand-like flame ray with terrifying power, sweeping the monsters it touched.

Any monster touched by this flame ray will first be pierced through the body and then burned.

Even monsters of several hundred meters can hardly resist this move of Sengoku!

"Ah ... "Haaaa, so tired. I haven't exercised this hard for a long time. I'm still a little old and my mobility has decreased."

Garp moved his waist helplessly.

"If only I could get Whitebeard's dog charm, I'd be the strongest when I'm young."

After thinking this, Garp suddenly jumped up, creating a powerful shock wave that blew away a group of monsters that were approaching, and rushed straight towards a robot that had just appeared, which was made of steel and was a kilometer tall.

When the robot saw Garp coming, it opened its mouth and sprayed laser beams to attack Garp.

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