American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 345 Asking the Nine Lamas to take action!


Kakashi looked at the three toads and Naruto in disbelief, and then immediately focused on the chameleon monster that suddenly appeared.

The aura exuded by this monster was more terrifying than all the Jōnin put together.

And the most tragic thing is that behind that monster, there are dozens of monsters with no distinction in terms of aura or size.

After all the ninjas saw the group of monsters, they were dumbfounded, and some even knelt down helplessly.

"Are we dreaming? What kind of nightmare is this?"

Asuma no longer had any fighting spirit and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

It made him feel like he was going back to the night when Kyuubi invaded the village many years ago.

He was still young at that time, and could only watch helplessly as he faced the invasion of Kyuubi.

Now that he has finally become a powerful jounin, he is still powerless in the face of the same or even more serious situation.

Not just Asuma, many people had the same idea.

At this moment despair enveloped everyone's hearts.

. . . . .

At this time, Naruto and the three toads fell into a forest, and they stood up with difficulty.

"Ahem! Naruto, are you okay?"

Bunta lay on the ground and looked at Naruto on its back. In order to protect Naruto, it specially used itself as a meat pad.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

Naruto, in turn, was concerned about the situation of the three of them.

"We're fine, but that chameleon bastard's blow made us a bit seriously injured. We have to go back to rest. I'm sorry, Naruto."

After Bunta finished speaking, the three toads disappeared at the same time, letting Naruto fall to the ground.


This moment made Naruto very unwilling. He didn't expect the monsters in the blood pool to be so terrifying. Even the toad boss he was proud of was no match for him.


At this time, there was an explosion in Konoha Ninja Village. Even if he was not at the scene, Naruto seemed to be able to hear countless screams.

"No, I have to return to the village, but my strength is not enough to protect the village. What should I do?"

Naruto grabbed his hair in annoyance. He now regretted why he didn't practice well during this period and was fooling around every day.

But what would happen even if he practiced cultivation?

"By the way, I can use the power of the Nine Lamas, but my body can't bear too much."

Naruto looked at his hands. He remembered Jiraiya saying that he didn't have much power from the Nine Tails. If he had more power, his body would not be able to withstand the backlash.

"Only by fully using the power of the nine tails can we defeat these monsters, that is to say."

Naruto thought about something and gradually closed his eyes before entering the cell where Kyuubi was held.

"Well, what's wrong?"

Kurama looked at Naruto in confusion.

"I want to ask you to save the village. As long as you are willing to help me save the village, I will release you!"

Naruto said pointing to the sealing talisman.


After hearing this, Jiulama looked at Naruto in confusion.

"You have also seen those monsters, they are not something Konoha can deal with. I can't bear too much of your power, so you can only take action yourself!"

Naruto anxiously explained the situation to Nine Lamas.


As a result, as soon as he finished speaking, the Nine Lamas immediately slapped the cage hard, frightening Naruto to retreat.

"Don't be arrogant! I don't care if you use my power as a mercy, but you actually want me to help your village! Have you forgotten who sealed me?"

The Nine Lama's eyes were full of resentment and hatred. If it weren't for the cage, it would definitely want to eat Naruto.

"Okay, if you want to break the seal, you can break it, but I don't guarantee what I will do."

When the Nine Lama said this, he bared his teeth and showed a cruel smile.

"You must be lonely."

However, facing the threat of Nine Lamas, Naruto said such a sentence, which made Nine Lamas stunned for a moment.

"I have always thought you were scary, but it doesn't seem like that. When I chatted with you last time, I realized that you are not incapable of communication. You also have your own thoughts. The reason why you hate everything so much is just It’s caused by other people’s misunderstanding of you.”

Naruto slowly stood up and spoke every word to the Nine Lamas.

"What do you know? Who do you think you are? Do you know me well?"

The Nine Lamas were unhappy with Naruto's attitude and yelled angrily.

"I can probably understand it, because I have lived until now being hated by others."

Naruto looked at Kurama's pupils carefully.

He always felt that he had seen the hatred in its eyes somewhere before, but now he understood that it was something he had experienced before.

"I have been resented and bullied since I was a child. I also thought about revenge like you, but I survived because I didn't want to become the man they imagined, and I didn't want to admit defeat! So Nine Lama , are you really so willing to be regarded as a terrible monster all the time? "

The Nine Lama had to be startled when he heard Naruto's words. For a moment, he remembered what the Sage of Six Paths once said.

"You kid, who do you think you are?"

Nine Lamas roared.

"I am nothing, I am Uzumaki Naruto, the man who wants to become Hokage! I am also your friend! Since we have the same fate, why should we become enemies!"

Naruto suddenly showed a hearty smile and said to the Nine Lamas.

This made Jiu Lama not know what to say.

"Anyway, Konoha will be destroyed if you don't care. If you want to destroy Konoha in the end, you might as well take a gamble and let's talk about the rest later. I'm not the kind of person who thinks about it in detail."

When Naruto said this, his hand gradually placed on the sealing talisman.

"Boy, are you really crazy?"

Jiulama didn't expect Naruto to be so enlightened and couldn't help but ask.


Naruto just smiled at this, and just as his hand was about to exert force, a hand grabbed Naruto's arm.

"Wait a minute, are you really going to do this? The consequences will be disastrous."

Who else could the person appear besides Namikaze Minato!

"Who are you!?"

Naruto looked confused when he saw the sudden appearance.

He has the same yellow hair as himself, but is much more handsome and taller than him.

"I am the Fourth Hokage and the one who sealed the Nine Lamas."

Namikaze Minato replied with a smile.

"Ah! You are the Fourth Hokage! You are the one who sealed the Nine Lamas in my body!"

Naruto screamed in disbelief when he learned the identity of the other party.

"It's you, the fourth generation! Come in, I'm going to kill you!"

Kurama was naturally furious when he saw Namikaze Minato. He wanted to break the fence in front of him, grab Namikaze Minato and eat him.

"Oh, you can't catch me in there, woo!"

When Minato Namikaze was teasing Kurama, Naruto suddenly punched Minato Namikaze in the stomach.

"Why do you do that? Do you know how much I have suffered!"

Naruto couldn't help but shed tears when he said this. If it weren't for the relationship with the culprit in front of him, how would he have such a childhood!

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