"What! How is that possible?"

Not only Auntie, but everyone who knew Auntie's strength was dumbfounded and frightened when they saw this scene.

In their opinion, no creature in the world could withstand Big Mom's attack, but this monster who didn't know what it was actually ate it directly.

Such an impact that subverted cognition made everyone's brain jammed and unable to react at all.

"He actually ate it!"

Whitebeard, who was rushing on Margao's back, had a bad expression when he saw this scene.

Even he didn't dare to take Big Mom's move, but the monster dared to eat it. Doesn't this already prove that the strength of this monster is far superior to that of the four emperors!

"By the way, in the Dragon Ball universe, there have been giant monsters that are about a kilometer long. They can easily kill strong men who can kill me. This monster must be like that."

Cold sweat broke out on the white-bearded head.

It reminded me of the thousand-meter giant monster in the Dragon Ball universe that I saw on the screen and killed Ginyu instantly as soon as it appeared.

This conclusion made his scalp numb.

"Dad, do we still want to go there? That monster is not simple."

Margao didn't look very good, and his flying speed dropped.

"You're right. Although it's embarrassing to do this, I also think it's better for us not to go."

Ace's expression wasn't much better.

After hearing this, Whitebeard took a deep breath and finally calmed himself down.

"Keep going. Since it has appeared this time, it will definitely appear again in the future. We must seize every opportunity to improve our combat effectiveness."

Whitebeard also knew how dangerous this was, but he was more afraid that more such monsters would appear in the future, and he would be unable to resist, so he had to take a gamble no matter what.

He is a pirate, he seeks wealth through danger, and he will die just to take risks!

After Ace and Margo heard what Whitebeard meant, they both realized what their father wanted to do, and they would definitely support him to the end!


The aunt looked at the monster with a huge head in disbelief, her whole body trembling involuntarily.

"How is it possible? What's going on with this monster?"

Auntie's mouth was trembling, she couldn't believe that her attack could actually become the opponent's food.


This huge head emits an extremely weird and low laugh that will make anyone tremble when they hear it.

The next second, the monster's neck lengthened, and its head quickly rushed towards the aunt.

"Mom! Run! It's going to eat you!"

At this time, Katakuri shouted anxiously. He saw the bad future through the Haki of Wisdom. His expression changed drastically in an instant and he could not stay calm.


The aunt immediately moved after hearing this.

But at this moment, the huge head opened its mouth and erupted into a terrifying roar.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

Accompanied by the roar are very terrifying sound waves.

This sound wave has appeared, and everything around it is constantly shattering and exploding. When any monster hears it, its head will explode.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

After hearing this sound wave, Owen and Perospero twisted their bodies uncontrollably, and finally their heads exploded and turned into headless corpses.

The other Charlotte family members also died one by one with their heads exploded.


The aunt also felt extremely painful, as if countless explosives were bombing her head, causing her to hold her head and howl in pain, unable to move at all.

The next second, the huge head came to the aunt, opened its mouth and directly took the aunt into his mouth, and then bit hard.


A large amount of blood spurted out of its mouth.

The aunt, one of the four emperors, was bitten open by this monster!

Then the head completely swallowed the aunt's body into the mouth, chewed it, and swallowed it.

The super strong person who divided the new world like an emperor, the aunt of the four emperors, Charlotte Lingling was reduced to the food of this huge monster.


The next second there was movement in the blood pool, and a huge head like this monster emerged, also connected to a very long and thick neck.

Then the two heads were pressed to the ground, seemingly exerting themselves.

Then the third monster's head, which was exactly the same but two punches larger, squeezed out of the blood pool. The neck below it was very short, but as it continued to rise, it showed a very huge body!

The necks of the two huge heads are actually connected to the arms of its body.

In other words, the head of the monster that killed Big Mom is actually the arm of another monster!

This monster is one whole, with a body of more than one thousand meters. The upper body is similar to a human, but the hands are covered with fangs and the head is exactly the same. The lower body is covered with hair like barbs, and it does not resemble the feet of that kind of beast.

Monsters over a kilometer long stand among the nations, and distant islands can be clearly seen.


After Katakuri saw such a terrifying giant monster, he immediately knelt down and lost his will to fight.

The most powerful aunt is dead. Faced with such a monster, Katakuri can be said to be helpless.

"Thump thump!!"

What makes people even more desperate is that huge monsters over 600 meters tall are constantly appearing in the blood pool.

From seven hundred meters, eight hundred meters, nine hundred meters to a thousand meters, they are on all fours, with a bunch of tentacles, a snake-like body, and a bunch of limbs.

At a rough count, there are at least twenty.

Seeing so many monsters, Katakuri could no longer control himself, and his whole body was trembling crazily.

He could feel that the aura emitted by the monster about 700 meters away was stronger than Big Mom's, let alone others.

He watched helplessly as so many huge monsters came towards him.

Katakuri was so trembling that he forgot to resist, and seemed to feel that no matter how hard he resisted, it was useless.

. . . . . .

Warring States back.

Garp and the others looked particularly ugly when they saw Big Mom's tragic death.

"What a powerful monster, no one like Neptune can compare to it!"

Akainu kept panting as he spoke.

Although there are many in the Neptune class that are several kilometers long, none of them can compare with the monsters that emerge from the blood pool and are over 700 meters long.

"It's too scary. Each of them is a monster bigger than the Four Emperors. If they are allowed to run around, the world will be over!"

Qing Zhi said with a livid face.

He failed to control his voice well, and the marines behind him could hear clearly, causing their expressions to change drastically.

The following navy had no idea what was going on, why they were going to the Yonko's territory, and what happened to the monsters that exceeded the Yonko level!

"Sir Admiral, Lord Garp, can you tell us what's going on?"

A lieutenant general couldn't help but asked doubtfully.

"You'll know when you get there. It's hard for you to believe it now. I can only tell you to be prepared to fight with all your strength. This means a lot to you."

Garp is now like an old general who has set the sea magic needle, and his generous back makes people feel particularly reliable, and is no longer associated with the playful and smiling face of the past.

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