"Lieutenant General Garp."

As a disciple, Kebi saw Garp like this for the first time and had to swallow nervously.

After hearing this, everyone else realized that the matter must be particularly serious, otherwise Garp would not have said that, so they stopped asking any more questions.

"I will deal with those powerful monsters later."

After Garp finished speaking, he looked at the cow talisman in his hand. Without the cow talisman, he would not be able to fight against that kind of monster.

"It's so tragic. There are no more people left alive in the world."

Kizaru watched the situation of Wanguo through the screen, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The other people's expressions were not very good after hearing this.

The countries ruled by the Four Emperors will become like that, let alone other countries, so they must prevent the monsters from the blood pool from leaving the world at all costs!

"Well, Whitebeard has arrived in all nations!"

At this time, Kizaru saw Whitebeard approaching Wanguo through the screen.

Others immediately looked at the screen after hearing this.

Sure enough, Whitebeard is now over the world.

"It's really horrible, it's hell."

Whitebeard stood on Margao's back and looked at the extremely miserable nations.

There are no signs of human beings anymore, and there are terrible monsters everywhere.

Especially the group of monsters that are more than 100 meters long look like a disaster.

"Dad, what should we do?"

Ace asked from the side. He was turning three thousand flames into wings to let himself fly in the air.

"Ace, first destroy the group of monsters that want to fly out of the island."

Whitebeard glanced at the group of huge bats, various birds, and even pterosaur monsters that were flying towards the outside of the world.

"no problem."

After receiving the order, Ace's body was filled with flames and he quickly rushed towards the group of monsters.

"fire punch!"

The flame wings turned into fists and exploded into a majestic huge pillar of fire, rushing towards the group of monsters like meteorites.

This group of flying monsters are all less than a hundred meters in size, and Ace has the ability to destroy them all.

Ace's sudden attack attracted the attention of many monsters on the ground.

However, Ace ignored them and followed Whitebeard's instructions to attack the group of flying monsters.

"Margao, bear with it!"

While Whitebeard said this, the armed Haki, Overlord Haki and vibrating power were all compressed in his fists, and black lightning erupted from all over his body.

Just accumulating this power puts Margao under a lot of pressure, but in order to assist his father, he must hold on!


Whitebeard roared and punched the air in front of him with his fist!

The next second, the atmosphere from the sky above the entire world to the ground shook crazily, with countless black lightnings scattered all over it!

The vibration frequency is very high, and the force generated by each vibration is very terrifying. The total destructive power is no worse than or even stronger than a major earthquake!

One blow was not enough, Whitebeard kept punching the air, causing vibrations in a wider range and higher frequency.

I don’t know how many times it shook in one second. In short, no one could count it. Faced with such a dense bombardment of vibrations, nothing could resist it.

The weaker monster's body would fall apart the moment it suffered the shock.

A monster that is huge and powerful may be able to withstand it at first, but when the body is vibrated at ultra-high frequencies, his body destroys itself and instantly disintegrates into pieces.

Even if the monster is 500 to 700 meters long, it can only hold on for a while, and the skin will continue to crack and bleed in every part of the body due to the excessive vibration frequency of its surface.

As a result, the muscles inside are exposed to the air and vibrated together, gradually destroying the interior.

The only ones that can resist without being injured now are powerful monsters over 800 meters tall!

"Dong dong dong dong dong dong!!!"

Immediately afterwards, the entire island shook wildly, causing a terrifying earthquake. The ground tore apart, and cracks spread like spider webs in all directions, and the cracks became wider and wider.

As a result, many monsters fell into the depths of the earth.

In this way, those monsters that are able to endure and want to fight back will have to stay underground for the time being.

In less than a minute, Whitebeard crushed or buried countless monsters to death by creating extremely terrifying large-scale vibrations.

Only a small number of monsters ranging from hundreds of meters to a thousand meters can continue to withstand such crazy vibrations on the cracked ground!

"Here comes Whitebeard's terrifying shock attack that can destroy the world!"

Garp looked solemn after seeing Whitebeard's attack method on the screen.

Sure enough, the young and strongest Whitebeard at his peak is back!

"How is it possible? Is this Whitebeard's original strength?"

Akainu next to him looked particularly ugly, staring at the screen in disbelief.

In his eyes, Kanai and Whitebeard, the so-called strongest man in the world, are just losers from the old era.

However, after seeing the power of Whitebeard with his own eyes, his idea was immediately suppressed and could not be raised again.

If he had faced Whitebeard himself, he would have died just like those monsters!

Over all nations.

"It's been a long time since I've gone all out like this. With my previous body, it would have been impossible to exert such power."

Whitebeard had a satisfied smile on his face. This feeling of exerting his peak power at will cannot be described with other words except pleasure!

Then Whitebeard looked at the dog talisman. It was all thanks to this magical talisman.

"Margao, can you still hold on!"

Whitebeard asked.

"Don't worry, dad! I'm the second-in-command of the Whitebeard Pirates, how could I not be able to hold on!"

Margao smiled and said he could do it.

"Very good, he is indeed my son, but I still don't recognize this second-in-command, little brat!"

After Whitebeard finished speaking, he punched the air with his fists again, causing the entire island of Ten Thousand Kingdoms to shake more violently, and the scale and destructive power of the earthquake continued to increase.

The only thing that can stay safe is the area around the blood pool.

"Margao go to the ground first!"

At this time, Whitebeard gave the order, and Margao immediately took White Tiger to the edge of the island of Wanguo.

At this time, there was a group of monsters that had been flying in the air and planned to attack Whitebeard. Seeing this, Malgao immediately took off, bursting into phoenix flames, and then rotated his whole body to form a flame top, knocking all the monsters away.

At the same time, Ace also turned into a flaming meteor and fell from the sky, piercing some monsters who were planning to attack Whitebeard from behind.

"Dad! We will definitely cover you!"

Malgo and Ace shouted in unison, standing on either side of Whitebeard.

At this time, Whitebeard crossed his hands on his chest, and the air shock caused by the vibration was compressed into an air shield and attached to his fists.

At the same time, all the overlord-colored Haki and armed-colored Haki were concentrated in his fists, and black lightning continued to appear all over his body.


Only a loud roar was heard from Whitebeard, and then he punched the air on both sides with both fists, directly punching countless cracks in the air over a wide area.

The sea is shaking crazily at this moment!

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