"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Heavy footsteps kept coming from behind.

It was Charlotte Lingling, aka Big Mom, who showed up.

She was coming over with an angry look on her face.

As far as the eye can see, there are monsters, ruins and corpses.

Many of the nations she had worked so hard to build were destroyed, making her face distorted with anger.

"What's going on! Where do these intruders come from, or what are they!"

The aunt looked at everything in front of her angrily and yelled.

"Mom, we don't know what's going on! They appeared suddenly!"

Owen quickly ran over and said.

"Suddenly, is there such a thing in this world? What on earth do you do for food!"

Auntie didn't accept this reason and glared at Owen, so scared that he almost lost his footing.

"Forget it, wait until I kill these monsters, and then I'll settle the score with you."

While the aunt was talking, souls continued to enter her body from all directions.

This is Auntie's ability to extract the soul of a person in a state of fear and turn it into her own power.

Now countless monsters suddenly appear to destroy everything, which naturally frightens many people.

Just one thought from Big Mom is enough to extract a large number of souls.

After absorbing a large amount of souls, Auntie's size is constantly increasing, and the domineering power she exudes is becoming more and more terrifying, making Owen and other children next to her unable to stand and almost fainting.

"A group of disgusting monsters with no collectible value! Prometheus! Zeus! Columbus!"

As the aunt shouted three names.

The two clouds and a sword created with her power immediately came together with a grin on her face.

It turned into a great sword that emitted dazzling lightning and kept burning flames!

"Singing Light Sword!"

Auntie holds a brand new weapon, and then with a powerful swing, she directly shoots out a huge sword energy mixed with thunder and fire energy, destroying all the monsters it touches.

Even those monsters that are several times bigger than Big Mom will only end up with their bodies chopped through.

However, no matter how many monsters Big Mom kills, there will still be more monsters emerging from the blood pool.

"What kind of pool is that? Don't throw monsters into other people's homes!"

After the aunt scolded angrily, she swung her sword hard to attack the monster in the blood pool!

In a certain sky, Warring States turned into Laton's back.

The third admiral and Garp were looking at the screen nervously.

"Auntie has already taken action. It would be terrible if she succeeds in containing him."

Qingzhi said with a rather ugly expression.

"That won't work. It's troublesome enough to have a white beard, but it'll be even worse if there's another aunt!"

Garp said with a gloomy expression.

"However, some monsters can be said to have the strength of the Four Emperors, and there are still stronger ones that have not yet emerged. Can we alone deal with them?"

At this time, Kizaru noticed this problem.

Through the screen, he saw that some monsters could compete with Big Mom, and there were many such monsters.

"Don't worry, leave that level to me. I have the Cow Talisman and I'm not afraid of that kind of monster."

Garp said confidently that the Ox Talisman can strengthen his power hundreds of times. With this blessing, if Garp were placed in the Dragon Ball world, he would have a combat power of more than 100,000.

"Hey! Sengoku, speed up!"

Garp knocked Sengoku on the head and shouted.

"It's already very fast! Some people will fall if it goes any faster!"

Warring States cursed in great displeasure.

At this time, on the other side of the world.

The strengthened aunt is killing everyone in all directions, waving the light sword, mercilessly slaughtering the monsters in all directions.

"Come on, what's wrong! Is this all you can do to invade my country?"

Auntie's sword fell, and the shock wave exploded, instantly shattering hundreds of monsters.

Then he turned around and pierced the mouth of the giant python-like monster with his sword, then raised it up and cut off its head!

"As expected of my mother! She is so strong! As long as my mother is here, these monsters are nothing to be afraid of!"

Perospero couldn't help shouting excitedly after seeing Big Mom's power.

"Yes, this is the territory of the Four Emperors. Don't underestimate mom with these ugly monsters!"

Smoothie clenched his fists and shouted excitedly.


In the next second, the blood pool set off a huge splash of water, gushing upward to a very high level like a waterfall.

This sudden movement attracted everyone's attention.


Waves of deep roars came from the liquid gushing out of the blood pool.

As the liquid fell, a purple skin covered with pits, huge gray-brown fangs, and green pupils were revealed from the gaps in the water flow.

When all the liquid has fallen down.

A huge head with a height of 300 meters was exposed, and a huge purple neck of nearly 300 meters was connected below. The neck and head were 600 meters huge. It was not known how long the main body was that was not exposed under the blood pool.

"This! What's going on with this monster!"

Aunt Ma looked at this huge monster that appeared like this, and her pupils couldn't help but shrink slightly.

She had obviously killed many monsters larger than herself, but when this monster appeared, her body trembled instinctively.

A long-forgotten feeling emerged from her heart and gradually dominated her limbs, making her tremble and feel an inexplicable chill.

This feeling is fear!

Auntie's instinct is telling her that this monster is much stronger than herself!

"Are you kidding! I'm the aunt! I'm the Yonko, how can there be a creature stronger than me!"

Faced with this instinctive warning, Auntie chose to ignore it in order to defend her dignity, and bravely approached the huge head.

"go to hell!"

Auntie unleashed all her weapon-colored Haki and Overlord-colored Haki, compressed them into the Mingguang Sword, and then swung with all her strength, hitting the head with a shock wave far more powerful than ever before.

As soon as this shock wave came out, everything it passed was ruins and corpses! Nothing could survive this move unscathed, and even the flat ground was turned over into a huge basin by the impact!

After the big monsters about 500 meters in front encountered Big Mom's move, the parts of their bodies that came into contact were torn apart, making it difficult to resist.

Auntie's attack did not stop like this. Instead, she concentrated all her strength and continued to swing the light sword crazily, creating one shock wave after another with the same power, trying to smash the huge monster that terrified her into pieces.

However, facing Big Mom's attack, the monster just opened its mouth full of fangs, letting powerful shock waves enter its mouth one after another.

After everything went in, it closed its mouth and made a swallowing motion. It actually ate all the aunt's full-strength attacks.

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