American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 338 The battle against the blood pool【17】


After Leo let out a war cry, his body kept spinning like a gyroscope, continuously emitting timer beams, bombarding monsters from all directions.

At this time, the five robots in the sky were already in place, responsible for attacking the waves of monsters in different positions to prevent the monsters in the blood pool from spreading outward.

Garuda grew two flame knives in each hand like claws, and then used the characteristics of flying back and forth in the air at a very fast speed to constantly wander on the monster tide, waving the flame blades, and slaughtering a large group of monsters every time he swung the knife.

Dorukulus himself has many heavy weapons, and he just stays in the air motionless, constantly firing missiles and lightning, bombarding the monsters below.

Gunxisa is holding two big guns and constantly firing light cannons to attack.

Libaiasan holds two knives, constantly slashing out blades formed by water, bombarding the monsters around.

And Guntras, not to mention, when he landed, he burst out a terrifying shock wave, crushing countless monsters.

Fire his fists again, and the crystal on his forehead releases lasers, turning into a ruthless killing weapon.

Five super star robots, each showing their power, implemented Seven's orders and prevented the monster tide from crossing the range they guarded.

Pirate Universe

Now many monsters have emerged in Wan Guo, and many residents have been ruthlessly slaughtered.

The Big Mom Pirates immediately stood up to resist in order to protect their territory.

However, the only ones who can fight against so many terrifying monsters are Charlotte Linlin and some sons of high seniority. Others will be overwhelmed and slaughtered by the terrifying number even if they can kill a few of them in the face of so many monsters.

"Damn, where do these monsters come from!"

After Katakuri pierced several monsters with a trident, he couldn't help but want to lose his temper.

There were monsters everywhere, and many subordinates and brothers and sisters were slaughtered, which made him, the brother, almost unable to calm down.

"According to the information, it came out of a strange pool, and I don't know where it came from!"

While Owen said this, he was using his fiery fist to knock down a huge bear-shaped monster of 100 meters.

"How long will this fight last? We are losing people and there are more and more monsters. In the end, we can only rely on us to hold on!" Daifuku was anxious and didn't know what to do. "Even if it's just us, we have to kill them! No matter what it is, don't even think about messing around in the territory of the Big Mom Pirates!" Katakuri's voice was extremely gloomy, as if anyone who heard it would be dragged into hell. The surrounding environment suddenly changed. No matter what material it was, it all became soft and elastic. "Hmph!" Katakuri punched the ground, and then everything around him spit out into strips, just like dough! Crazy attack on the monsters around. He actually knocked all the monsters away! "Cut, cut, rice cake!" Katakuri turned his arm into a rice cake, which swelled up and protruded, and then added the armed color domineering, which looked like a mace. Then he immediately spun at high speed like a gyroscope, and then charged forward like a train, ruthlessly crushing and slaughtering any monster. Even if there was a monster standing a hundred meters tall in front of him, he would crush it directly! When Katakuri regained his footing, he slapped the ground with both hands.

"Flowing glutinous rice balls!"

The next second, the surrounding ground turned into glutinous rice balls, flowing madly towards Katakuri.

This time, with Katakuri as the center, all the monsters within a radius of dozens of meters were pulled over by him.

Then Katakuri threw many glutinous rice balls with both hands, creating many donuts in the air, and then he immediately jumped on them to avoid the monsters that were pulled back.

"Glutinous rice balls chanting!"

I saw fists full of armed color domineering constantly launched from countless donuts, like a meteor shower, constantly bombarding the monsters below.

Katakuri slaughtered many monsters by himself. This feat inspired the surviving members of the Charlotte family and other subordinates.

"Don't be afraid! Don't forget that we have our pillar, Brother Katakuri!"

"That's right, as long as Brother Katakuri is here! There's nothing to be afraid of these monsters!"

"And mom hasn't made a move yet!"

"Kill them!!"

Now the fighting force and morale of the Wan Guo side have greatly increased, and they are trying their best to fight against the monsters around them.


At this time, huge monsters of several hundred meters in length emerged from the blood pool one after another.

Seeing such huge monsters constantly emerging, the soldiers and pirates who had been morale-boosting were all frightened and dumbfounded, and only a few people could remain calm.

"What kind of monster is this, why is there such a strong air pressure!"

Katakuri looked at the huge monsters of several hundred meters in front of him in shock.

He could feel a very strong sense of oppression, as if this was to show that the strength of these monsters was stronger than his own.

"How is this possible! I am the second in command of Big Mom's pirate group, Katakuri!"

Katakuri took a deep breath and suppressed his inner restlessness. Then his fist turned into a huge glutinous rice ball, covered with armed color domineering and barbs. He jumped towards the nearest monster in front of him, which was about 300 meters long and had no fur, was bloated all over, and was covered with pustules like an orangutan. He swung his transformed fist and smashed it down!

The monster faced Katakuri's fist and directly hit it with its head!

The result of this collision was that Katakuri was flung away.

The orangutan monster only had bleeding on its head and leaned back. It didn't seem to be seriously injured.

Then it leapt to the top of Katakuri and slapped Katakuri deep into the ground.

Terrifying shock waves continued to split the surrounding ground.

"Brother Katakuri!"

Dafu and Owen shouted with shock on their faces.

They had never seen anything knock Katakuri into the ground.


The next second Katakuri jumped out of the ground.

He had some injuries, but they didn't look serious.

"Fortunately, I turned into glutinous rice in time to avoid it."

Katakuri exhaled with lingering fear.

When he withstood the monster's palm, he felt a force stronger than his own, causing him to be injured when he came into contact. He had time to turn into glutinous rice later to avoid suffering greater damage when he was knocked into the ground.

"There is one whose strength is not inferior to mine. There are several others. Now..."

Just as Katakuri was analyzing the situation, his pupils began to dilate involuntarily and he could no longer remain calm.

Because he saw huge monsters hundreds of meters long crawling out of the blood pool.

The aura exuded by every monster is stronger than my own!

After seeing this, Katakuri's body trembled uncontrollably. This was the first time he was afraid.

"Powerful country!!!"

At this moment, a voice full of anger, like an old lady's, came from behind.

After Katakuri heard this, he ran towards the side at full speed without even thinking about it.

Then a huge and terrifying shock wave crushed where he had just stood.

He rushed straight towards the hairless orangutan monster and penetrated its body.

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