American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 337 The battle against the blood pool【16】

"call out!"


Under the action of chopping and piercing.

Two large holes were opened in the slug monster's body, and a lot of foul-smelling liquid flowed out like a waterfall.

"It really works, then now is the time!"

Seeing this, Da Gu immediately resorted to a trick.

"Zaipelliao light!"

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

Tiga and Red Lotus Knightmon respectively fired rays at the large holes they made.

Just two rays of light merged and collided inside the slug monster, causing a big explosion!

The terrifying explosion wave directly broke the slug monster's body into two halves.

Then a lot of green acid spurted out from the cracks in the two body parts.

"Get out of the way!"

Diga realized something was wrong and immediately retreated, and the Red Lotus Knightmon also quickly retreated.

At the same time, use the fastest speed to avoid the scope of the acid splash.

The acid from the explosion sprayed around like a heavy rain.

All the monsters it touches, even those a hundred meters tall, will melt until no bones are left.

The scene that was originally filled with monsters was now melted into patches of blue basin, and the air was filled with stench.

There were only a handful of monster corpses, and the rest were basically melted away.

One can imagine how terrifying the corrosive liquid of the slug monster is.

"Fortunately, I hid quickly, otherwise we would have been doomed if we met."

Dagu said with lingering fear, and at the same time he also discovered something.

That is, although some of these monsters are extremely large in size, they are not very strong in terms of strength. Like the monsters that were over 100 meters in size just now, they would have died together if it had been Golzangelba.

This made Dagu gradually increase his confidence.

In the next second, many monsters appeared in the blood pool again, and no one could count how many monsters there were in it.

Then huge monsters over a hundred meters appeared one after another.

"How long will this fight last?"

After Dagu finished speaking worriedly, he immediately fired a laser attack downwards.

At this time, the members of the Victory Team rushed to the scene in the form of Feiyan 2, Feiyan 1 and Atdis.

"Oh my God, there are so many monsters, and there are robots among them. What is going on?"

It was the first time that Xincheng saw so many monsters. I was frightened and couldn't believe it.

"And they all seem to come out of this pool. What on earth is that!"

Horii was also frightened by this scene. When had the Victory Team ever seen such a terrifying monster?

"We have to fight no matter what. What if we all retreat from those civilians!"

Zongfang suppressed the fear in his heart. In this situation, they must fight to the end.

"Everyone, I have explained this matter to the director. All military weapons of TPC will be dispatched to support you. You must stay alive until reinforcements arrive."

At this time Hui Jian's voice came.

"Facing so many monsters, I don't ask you to do anything, I ask you to survive!"

Even in the command room, Hui Jian felt a strong sense of oppression across the screen.

Can humans really fight against such a large number of monsters?

Hui Jian really didn't dare to think about it.

Now she can't expect everyone to destroy the monsters, she can only hope that they all come back alive.

"Understood, captain, all attack! Support Tiga!"

After Munakata responded to the captain's order, he immediately issued instructions to everyone.

At this moment, Feiyan 1, 2 and Atdis launched all lasers and missiles to bombard the monsters in the blood pool.

The power of their weapons is enough to destroy monsters under twenty meters. This record gives them a little confidence.

"Dagu, where are you?"

In Feiyan No. 2, Lina has always been in the same situation.

But now she can't contact Dagu. If the situation here wasn't the most important, she really wants to find Dagu now.

The only thing I can do now is pray.

Ultraman Leo universe

Leo, Seven and five Super Star God robots have arrived at the scene.

Now many blood pool monsters have emerged, arrived in the town, and carried out massacres.

Countless people are running around, painful howls are heard in an endless stream, prosperous buildings continue to be reduced to ruins, and signs of human civilization are constantly being destroyed. Such a tragic situation seems to be in purgatory on earth.


When Leo saw this, he couldn't hold back and wanted to go down to save the remaining humans in the city and destroy the group of monsters.

"Leo! Wait!"

Just then Severn stopped Leo from going down.

"Captain, why stop me!"

Leo looked at Severn in confusion and asked.

"How are you going to deal with those monsters that are much smaller than you? If you attack at will, you will hurt the remaining people!"

Seven explained the pros and cons to remind Leo.

"Leave this to me! Go to an open area and deal with the monsters that haven't come yet!"

"team leader."

"Go quickly!"

Faced with Severn's tough attitude, Leo could only nod, believing in Severn's ability, and then immediately moved towards the wave of monsters further away.

"The five of you, spread out and attack the monsters on the ground from a distance from the air, and shorten the range of the monsters as much as possible!"

Seven ordered five Super Star God robots.

After receiving the order, the five robots immediately flew away.

Then Seven looked at the countless monsters on the ground and the people who were screaming.

"Ultra telekinesis!"

I saw Seven folding his hands in front of his face, and then releasing a powerful wave of telekinesis.

Severn's telepathy was as pervasive as water, penetrating into every location in the city below.

Then under his control, all the monsters were grabbed into the air by telekinesis, and then they were forcefully crushed and exploded!

Being able to use telekinesis to this extent, in the entire Kingdom of Light, apart from King Ultra, only Seven can do it.

After seeing what Severn did, Leo had to sigh at Severin's powerful telepathy.

If it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to do this.

Since the city didn't have to worry, Leo naturally focused all his attention on the monster in front of him.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Several monsters over a hundred meters in size immediately rushed toward Leo when they saw him approaching.

"Leo Flying Kick!"

Seeing this, Leo did not hesitate to use Leo Flying Kick, rushing towards these hundreds of meters big monsters like meteorites, directly kicking them through at the same time.

When it landed, a terrifying shock wave erupted, spreading like ocean waves, mercilessly crushing the small monsters it touched.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!"

At this moment, a robot over 100 meters in size kept firing lasers at Leo.

Leo was slow to dodge and fell to the ground under the laser bombardment, seemingly unable to get up.

At the critical moment, Gunteras came in time and knocked the huge robot down.

After Leo was no longer harassed by the laser, he immediately jumped up like a carp.

Shoot the L77 light at the 100-meter-large robot!

This light was so powerful that it directly exploded the robot into countless pieces.

Set off an even more terrifying explosion, destroying many monsters along with it.

"As long as I'm here! You can't even think about harming humans!"

Leo clenched his fists and glanced at every monster angrily. This scene reminded him of the invasion of L77.

He said he didn't want to experience it again.

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