"Ahhh! Here it comes!"

When Xiaofu first saw a bunch of tentacles emerging, he was so scared that his tongue and eyeballs flew out.

I saw a bunch of tentacles shooting towards Dorami and the others.

"Reflective Cloak!"

Seeing this, Dorami immediately took out the reflective cloak without saying a word, flicked it hard, and the tentacles bounced back!

"Cure light!"

Then Dorami took out the landline lamp and illuminated the blood pool, solidifying every part of the blood pool as much as possible to prevent the monsters inside from emerging.



However, this is of no use at all.

The solidified blood pool actually exploded and changed back to its previous appearance, and then more tentacles emerged from the blood pool.

You can see a very large, octopus-like shadow looming under the blood pool.

Dozens of tentacles more than 20 meters long stretch into the sky, which looks very spectacular and terrifying!


In the next second, bubbles were emerging from every part of the blood pool, and then various monsters appeared.

A monster that was as tall as a lynx and covered in scarlet.

A bipedal monster with a back like a blade.

Metal sphere.

A modified creature that is half flesh and half machine.

Giant bat.

Various different monsters kept popping up, all ranging from a few meters to ten meters tall, with different appearances.

Then monsters over fifty meters began to appear.

A huge crocodile with tentacles all over its body and a snail-like body, like a bloated orangutan magnified countless times and extremely fat.

No matter how many types of monsters there are, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are extremely ugly, and not a single piece of skin on their bodies is good.

"Ahhh! It's appeared!"

At this moment, Fat Tiger couldn't help but cry out in shock. Seeing a group of monsters emerge at the scene was much more shocking than watching it through the screen!

The monsters noticed Dorami and the others one after another, and approached them, as if they were going to be the first prey to be slaughtered.

Then the lynx monster burst out with astonishing speed and approached Dorami and the others!

"Momotaro rice balls!"

After Dorami finished speaking, he immediately threw out Momotaro rice balls to feed the lynx monster.

As a result, after the monster ate it, it had no effect at all and continued to rush towards Dorami.

"Hey! Momotaro's rice balls are useless!"

Dorami was shocked as she swung her reflective cloak and bounced the lynx monster back.

"These monsters cannot be described as normal animals."

As he spoke, Dorami immediately took out a wind-up frog toy from his pocket.

"Go home music box!"

Dorami immediately started the music box.

The frog toy immediately made bursts of music.

After hearing the sound, the group of monsters on the opposite side stopped one after another, then stood up in confusion, then walked back, and actually returned to the blood pool on their own initiative.

The Home Music Box is a music that emits music that makes any living thing want to go home.

It seems that it still has a certain effect on this group of monsters.

However not all monsters will work.

There are still many monsters who can withstand the power of the music box back home and continue to approach them.

"Dorami, please think of a way!"

Shizuka had to shake Dorami anxiously to urge her.

"Look at me!"

I saw Dorami immediately rummaging through his pockets.

At this moment, a group of monsters rushed over and were about to knock them down and kill them.

"Time pauser!"

Just then, Dorami escaped from his pocket with an item that looked like a timer.

She pressed it quickly.

All monster movements stopped one after another.

Not only them, but everything around them, including the wind and grass, will no longer continue.

"What's going on here?"

Xiaofu looked at the group of motionless monsters in front of him with a confused expression.

"I used the time pauser to pause time! Make the world unable to move."

After Dorami finished speaking, he began to take out a bunch of props.

Replicate mirrors, air cannons, shock guns, impact guns, shrinking lights, Aeolian fans, powerful gloves, reflective cloaks, sound freezing potions and other props.

And immediately copy it using the copy mirror.

"Is this enough! There are many monsters! And some of them are very tall!"

Xiaofu said anxiously.

"I don't know either, but we can only do what we can as much as possible now!"

Dorami didn't know, the only thing she could do was to use as many useful props as possible to fight against the monsters.

"Then let's stop time and destroy these monsters first!"

After Dorami picked up the weapon, he looked at the motionless monsters in front of him.

Xiaofu, Fat Tiger and Shizuka also knew that they had no choice now, so they all picked up the props and showed firm eyes.

Ultraman Tiga universe

"Da Gu! What are you talking about? A group of monsters will invade. Are you kidding me? Come back quickly!"

Now Dagu is driving Feiyan No. 1 in the direction of the blood pool. What he is doing is completely attacking privately and is against the rules.

So everyone on the Victory Team immediately contacted Da Gu and asked what was going on.

So Dagu took this opportunity to answer the question about the blood pool.

Of course, it will obviously be questioned by everyone, after all, who would believe such a thing.

So Vice Captain Zongfang immediately urged Dagu to come back quickly, otherwise he would be severely punished.

"I know it's hard for you to believe it, but you'll know it later."

Da Gu had a serious look on his face and was not joking at all. He knew very well that it would be difficult for them to believe it if he told everyone about it directly, so he could only act first and then tell the truth, using actions to prove himself.

"Ah! It's bad! Monsters are appearing on the island where Gakuma appeared before! And there is more than one reaction!"

At this time Ye Rui shouted nervously.

Then control the keyboard immediately.

The satellite broadcast of the island situation was immediately displayed on the screen.

I saw that a very large blood pool appeared on that island at some point, and groups of monsters of different sizes were emerging from it.

"Oh my God! What a monster this is!"

After Lina saw the monster emerging, she couldn't help but cover her mouth and scream in shock.

Although she has dealt with many monsters, the monsters that appeared in the blood pool were even more disgusting, weird and terrifying, and they did not look like what living things should look like at all.

"Dagu! It's true! A group of monsters are really appearing!"

Xincheng had to scream with shock on his face.

"But how did Dagu know?"

Horii had to wonder about this.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. It's dangerous for Dagu to go alone!"

Lina quickly explained the important point. She is very worried about Dagu now!

"Members of the victory team are dispatched immediately! And I have to contact the director!"

Hui Jian immediately gave the order. At the same time, she realized that something was not good. There were so many monsters that appeared, which was no longer something that the victory team could handle!

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