After seeing Sun Wukong's words, many people were originally feeling melancholy, but now they were relieved and showed some smiles.

Yes, a child can go into danger alone to save his friends.

So how could they admit defeat.

Ancient One: "Actually, we don't need to worry too much. It was said on the previous screen that the number of monsters appearing in the blood pool is not fixed, which means that there may not necessarily be tens of millions of monsters, but maybe just a few, or a few. Hundreds, tens of thousands.”

Usopp: "If I had seen tens of thousands of monsters before, I would have been scared, but compared to tens of millions, it's much better."

Zhu Xingtuan: "In other words, this is a competition for luck. It depends on whether we are lucky or not, whether we will encounter tens of millions of monsters."

Bruce Wayne: "If we're lucky, we'll have enough time to get ready."

Naruto: "How should we prepare?"

Tsunade: "We can only take one step at a time."

Dagu: "I hope everyone goes well. I have to inform my companions about this. Maybe they are weak, but they can help a lot!"

Sage: "I hope everyone comes back alive."

After everyone left their last words, they all started to take action to go to the place where the blood pool appeared.

Marvel Universe.

"The blood pool is not far from us, let's set off."

While Tony Stark said this, he arranged for Jarvis to mobilize all the suits.

"I've contacted the council and they don't believe it."

Nick Fury made a round of calls and almost made the phone go up in smoke.

"How about I let Jarvis directly hack into all weapon systems?"

Tony Stark suggested.

"Farewell, there will be a lot of trouble. It depends on the situation."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he sent a message to Hill, asking her to bring Cain and Dr. Banner, and not to forget her new pet.

Then Tony Stark, Rogers, Nick Fury, Natasha and Barton left the tavern and headed to the blood pool.

Only Thor kept sleeping on the table.

"You should have heard what happened, why don't you go quickly?"

Xie Yun, who had been silent all this time, looked at Thor and said.

In fact, Thor didn't completely fall asleep, he knew what happened.

"So what if I go, I don't have Thor's hammer anymore, I'm nothing."

Thor is now very lost and feels that his replacement is of no use.

"But are you really just doing nothing, waiting for monsters to come in front of you and kill you, dying like a coward? Is this still the famous God of Thunder? The most glorious warrior in Asgard?"

Xie Yun's gentle words stimulated Thor's nerves.

After hearing this, Thor slowly opened his eyes, his confused eyes showing a bit of determination.

"Maybe you're right."

After Thor finished speaking, he slowly stood up, took the wine bottle and walked out.

DC Universe.

Bruce Wayne took the fighter plane created by Arthur with a yellow light and headed to the location of the blood pool, which was in the western region, quite far from Iceland.

"Hey! Where are you taking me! And your plane is so cool!"

Arthur shouted from the back.

"Thank you for the compliment. Anyway, we are going to fight. A group of unknown monsters are invading our world!"

Bruce Wayne answered simply and clearly.

"What are you talking about!"

Naturally, Arthur found it hard to believe this.

But since he had been pulled onto the plane, he could only follow.

At this time, Diana was on her way with Barry.

Barry was very fast, and Diana simply let Barry run on his back.

With Barry's speed, he can cross mountains in an instant, even run on the sea, and reach the scene of the incident in the shortest time in the world.

"Is this speed okay? Do you want me to go slower?"

"No, that's it, and the sooner the better!"

"Okay, monster, right? I'll do my best!"

Barry ran with a girl on his back for the first time and had to blush.

In the past, if he took something and ran with the speed force, the thing would definitely break due to the huge force.

But Diana is different. Her body structure is completely beyond human cognition, so she can naturally withstand the reaction of Barry's Speed ​​Force, not to mention that she still has a distant Utopia to protect herself.

"Barry's speed is getting faster and faster, starting to approach the speed of light!"

Diana still had time to analyze Barry's changes in speed, and had to be curious about Barry's room for growth.

Ultraman Leo universe

"Hoshidan! Why did you activate five robots without authorization!"

In the conference room, Morohoshidan was being scolded by his staff.

Because he activated the five super star god robots Gunteras, Garuda, Dorukulus, Gangxisai and Libaiasan without authorization.

According to the requirements of his superiors, he must hand over the robot to the government for management and research, and cannot activate it without authorization.

Since the star clusters can be activated at will, they agreed to their request.

Now that the blood pool appears, many monsters will emerge. Naturally, the star clusters need to use the power of the Super Star God Robot!

"Sorry, the situation is urgent. Now a group of monsters are going to invade. I need the power of the Super Star God, and I hope you can mobilize the missile weapon systems from all over the world to provide support at any time!"

Zhu Xing Tuan's words undoubtedly sound very crazy to outsiders. Who can believe such a thing and still mobilize missiles? This is just because Zhu Xing Tuan is crazy.

"Hoshidan! I think you are crazy! Do you know what you are talking about!"

"I know it very well, but you will see later that what I said is the truth!"

After Zhuoxingtan finished speaking, he hung up the communication without hesitation, and at the same time issued orders to all members of the MAC team patrolling outside to prepare for rescue work.

They didn't understand what would happen and could only trust the captain.

"Captain! Let's go!"

Fengyuan looked at Zhu Xingtuan with a firm expression and said.

"Yeah! Risk our lives to protect the earth!"

After Zhu Xingtuan finished speaking, he took out Ultra glasses, and Feng Yuan also raised the Lion's Eye ring.

The two of them transformed into Ultraman at the same time, appeared on the base instantly, and flew towards the location of the blood pool. The blood pool was on an island in America. They had to get there as soon as possible before being late.

Now the five super star gods have met with the two Ultraman. Five robots and two Ultraman are flying in the sky, which undoubtedly caused many people to look at the sky.

Of course the children were very excited, while the adults looked confused and worried.

The location of the blood pool is on an island, and Dorami can use any door to get there.

"Is this a blood pool? It looks so scary!"

Xiaofu couldn't help but tremble looking at the blood pool.

The blood pool covers an extremely large area, covering almost half of the island, and the liquid looks no different from blood, which is very disgusting.

"Okay, we have to get ready now."


Just as Dorami finished speaking, more than a dozen huge tentacles emerged from the blood pool! !

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