American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 322 The battle against the blood pool [1]

Dagu is getting closer and closer to the blood pool. He is very nervous and his heart is beating fast.

"Can I fight against such a large number of monsters? No, I have to do it!"

When Dagu thought of this, he took out the magic stick and was ready to transform at any time.

"Gagaa ... Although several giant bats were large in size, they were not as powerful as the local monsters. After being hit by Tiga's laser, they instantly exploded into countless pieces of meat and fell to the ground.

Tiga immediately flew towards the blood pool when he saw this.

When he arrived at the blood pool, he saw that the entire island was full of monsters, and the workers on it had been slaughtered.

"Sorry I'm late."

Seeing this scene, Dagu felt very guilty, and then turned this sadness into motivation and immediately switched to the composite mode.

Use the Zapelion Ray to shoot at the island!

The power of this was very strong, and it set off an extremely terrifying explosion covering the entire island. Many monsters were destroyed in this explosion.

"It seems that although there are many monsters, some of them are not very strong."

Dagu commented in his heart, which was undoubtedly good news for him.

When the smoke from the explosion dissipated, most of the island was destroyed and turned into a huge meteorite crater, but the blood pool was the only one that was not affected at all.

The next second, a huge tentacle over 50 meters long stretched out from the blood pool and attacked Tiga.

Seeing this, Tiga immediately retreated and dodged.

Then a monster nearly 100 meters tall emerged from the blood pool.

This is a monster that looks a bit like a crocodile, with thick tentacles on its body. It has no normal skin on its body and is covered with pustules, which looks particularly disgusting.

Not just one, more and more monsters are constantly emerging from the blood pool, each of which is dozens of meters tall, and some are even more exaggerated than Gol Zanzibarba.

Then a group of monsters under 30 meters are emerging.

"Crimson Knightmon, give me a hand!"

At this time, Da Gu immediately released Crimson Knightmon.

Because of the influence of Tiga's power, Crimson Knightmon became as tall and mighty as Tiga!

"Yes, I command!"

Crimson Knightmon raised his knight gun, and his eyes revealed his determination to fight to the end!

"Zaiperiod Ray!"

"Pure Land of Bliss!"

Tiga and Crimson Knightmon fired rays at the same time, combining into a more powerful combined ray, attacking the ground, instantly sweeping away a large number of monsters, even those monsters with larger sizes could not escape.

Naruto Universe.

"The location of the blood pool is in the Valley of the End!"

After seeing the location of the blood pool, Tsunade had to slap the table hard to stand up. Such an intense movement made her full chest shake violently.

But no one has time to appreciate it now.

"Damn! It's too far away!"

Jiraiya's expression was not very good either.

In order to hold the Five Kage Conference, the five Kage-level figures gathered in the Iron Country. If they want to rush to the Valley of the End, it will undoubtedly take some time.

But now monsters have begun to emerge from the blood pool, and no one knows where these monsters will go.

However, for Tsunade and Jiraiya, the most important thing is that the Valley of the End is very close to Konoha Village.

That is to say, Konoha Village will be attacked by the monsters in the blood pool first, which is undoubtedly what the two do not want to see.

"What should we do if we want to rush over? It will definitely be too late to take a boat."

Mei Terumi reminded.

"That's no problem. We can use Rayquaza."

At this time, Ai took out the Pokémon Ball and said.

"Rayquaza flies very fast. It only takes me an hour to get here from the Land of Lightning. From here to the Valley of the End, I think it will be within an hour."

Ai couldn't hide it at this time. The threat of the blood pool was too great. If it took too long, a large number of monsters would appear, and the Land of Lightning would be in danger, so it had to be resolved as soon as possible.

"That's great. Although my Kyogre can fly, it's not as fast as yours."

Mei Terumi said with a little envy.

After hearing this, Ohnoki next to him couldn't help showing his displeasure.

No matter how slow it is, it can still fly, unlike his Groudon, which can't fly at all!

"Then let's go, Tsunade and Jiraiya, there's no point in you worrying now."

Grandma Chiyo said to the two of them.

"Well, I know it very well."

Tsunade nodded, then looked at the screen, and at this moment she saw Naruto constantly posting comments, all of which said leave it to me.

Naruto: "Grandma Tsunade! Lecherous Immortal! I know you can't come back so soon! But don't worry! Leave it to me next!"

Jiraiya: "Wait Naruto! What do you want to do!"

Tsunade: "Don't mess around, don't go to the Valley of the End!"

Naruto: "Hey, grandma, Sage, I am not a child, I am also a member of Konoha."

Even though they couldn't see Naruto, Tsunade and Jiraiya could see Naruto's smile just by saying this.

Naruto: "As a man and a ninja, I have the consciousness to stand up and fight! And now is no longer the time for me to choose. Some flying monsters have approached Konoha!"

Tsunade: "What!"

At this time, Konoha Ninja Village.

More than a dozen flying monsters appeared in the sky, including bats, vultures, and even pterosaurs.

In short, each one is more ferocious and terrifying than the other. They are flying down from the sky and attacking people on the ground!

When they appeared, Konoha's ninjas immediately stood up and fought.

Use various ninjutsu and taijutsu to knock them down one by one.

"What kind of monster is this? It doesn't look like a psychic beast."

Kakashi looked at the dead monsters in surprise, having never seen them before.

"There are monsters coming!"

Then Asuma pointed into the distance and shouted.

I saw a group of flying monsters approaching Konoha in the distant sky.

Seeing this, Kakashi and the other jonins could not think too much and could only prepare for battle.

Tsunade: "I understand, Naruto, then Konoha will be left to you, but don't be too pushy!"

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