"Teacher! Is there anything wrong with you?"

Nobita immediately jumped on the teacher anxiously, checking the teacher up and down, but he couldn't see anything wrong at all.

"What can happen to me? Why are you at my house?"

The teacher looked at Nobita and the others blankly, completely confused as to what was going on.

"The teacher just watched the videotape, so he will die in seven days."

Xiaofu couldn't help but express his inner thoughts directly, with a sad look on his face.

After hearing this, the others looked at their teacher with reluctance and sadness.

Although their teacher is very strict and cruel, he is doing it for their own good and holds a very important position in their minds. Now that the teacher is about to die, how can they not feel uncomfortable?

"Ah! What are you talking about! You suddenly came to my house and suddenly said that I was going to die! What do you want to do!"

The teacher shouted angrily, glaring at Nobita and the others.

Not to mention how scary the momentum was, it instantly caused several of them to fall to the ground and dare not look directly at the teacher.

"Have you finished your homework yet? Come back and do your homework quickly!"

The teacher kept yelling angrily.

In an instant, Doraemon and the other five were so frightened that they walked through any door and returned to their home.

Naruto: "Nobita, your teacher is so fierce. I suddenly feel that Iruka and the lustful immortal are a bit gentle."

Jiraiya: "Hey! What do I look like in your eyes?"

Luffy: "Anyway, it's much better to say goodbye to my grandpa."

Garp: "You're so itchy!"

Sisyphus: "Wait a minute! What's going on in this world! Why do they go to another place after passing through one place, and what's going on with this blue creature!"

Tony Stark: "Haha. I knew you newcomers would be shocked. Doraemon is the future robot of their universe. He has many high technologies beyond imagination. That door is a prop that can go anywhere at will. Not only that, he also has the power to change cause and effect.”

Ashmita: "What! A prop that can even change cause and effect."

Thanatos: "Don't talk nonsense! Even a god can't change cause and effect. How can a creature that's not even a human do it?"

Tony Stark: "Don't believe it, Doraemon is just that powerful."

Bruce Wayne: "Indeed, I dare say that the science and technology mastered by Doraemon definitely exceeds that of any universe present."

Dagu: "So Doraemon Universe is so powerful? If the scientists in TPC knew about such powerful technology, they would definitely be very excited."

Zhu Xingtan: "I can understand this."

Thanos: "Even cause and effect can be changed. If I had such a tool, wouldn't it be able to speed up the realization of my wish?"

Aaron: "Indeed, if cause and effect can be changed at will, the world can be directly controlled by me."

Odin: "Thanos! You madman, don't even think about this!"

Ancient One: "That's right. As long as I'm alive, your ambition will never succeed."

Sasha: "Brother Aaron, I will definitely do my best to stop you."

Fengyuan: "Wait a minute, are Doraemon and the others successfully contained now?"

Warring States: "Probably not, otherwise why is there no prompt on the screen?"

Diana: "Perhaps, they have to actually capture Sadako herself to be considered a success in containment."

Natasha: "But Sadako's body is in another world, are they going to another world?"

At this time, Doraemon and the others were watching the video tape. It was obviously just an ordinary video tape, but it made them shudder.

"We haven't successfully contained him yet, right? Do we really have to capture the ghost named Sadako to be considered a success?"

Fat Tiger said this.

"Ah! Then I don't want it! I don't want to face such a terrifying monster!"

The husband immediately shook his head and refused.

"We have got this videotape back. As long as no one watches this videotape, nothing will happen to anyone! Let's just hide this videotape and pretend we don't know what to do!"

Xiaofu was already frightened by the Sadako playing on the screen, and he didn't want to face such a terrifying evil spirit at all.

"Don't forget! The teacher has watched the tape! He will die!"

At this time, Nobita anxiously reminded everyone of this.

After hearing this, everyone else fell silent. They didn't know how to save the teacher's life.

"Doraemon, can I have a first aid kit?"

Nobita asked immediately.

"I'm afraid not. The virus only appears when the disease occurs. It is useless to use the first aid kit now, and it will be even more useless when the disease occurs."

Doraemon shook his head.

"Then the only way to save the teacher is for someone to watch the videotape and inherit the curse."

When the husband said this, his body felt very heavy and he was sweating.

After hearing this, the other people's expressions turned ugly, and they couldn't help but subconsciously step back to keep distance from the videotape.

They don't dare to look at this thing.

Just when everyone looked sad, Doraemon immediately thought of something and raised his head vigorously.

"By the way, just change the cause and effect!"

After Doraemon said this sentence, he immediately came up with the lie-turning-truth mouth.

"As long as you use this to say that the teacher has not seen the video tape, maybe you can change your fate!"

Doraemon looked serious when he said it.

He didn't dare to guarantee whether it would really work according to his idea, after all, this was the first time he did such a thing.

"Then let's give it a try! I can't watch the teacher die in seven days!"

Nobita asked anxiously.


Doraemon immediately put on the lie-come-true mouthpiece and prepared to say something, while others looked at him expectantly.

"Hey, wait a minute."

At this time, Doraemon took off the lie-come-true mouthpiece.

"What's your teacher's name?"

Hearing Doraemon's question, Nobita and others had to think about it with a frown. They had always been used to calling the teacher, and they really didn't know what the teacher's real name was.

"I'll go ask my mother!"

Nobita decided to ask his mother and ran downstairs.

After a while, he ran back.

"Ah, I found out. The teacher's name is I Cheng Rongyilang."


Now that he knew the name, Doraemon immediately put on the lie-come-true mouthpiece.

"My teacher, Nariichiro, will not be cursed by Sadako's virus, and he will live well in the future!" After Doraemon said this, he took off the mouth that made the lie come true. "Is it successful now?" Nobita asked impatiently. "I don't know, I have to take a time machine to the future seven days later to see." Doraemon looked at the time machine worriedly, and everyone was very nervous at this moment.

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