American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 286 Sadako appears in the Doraemon universe

"Aren't you even her match?"

After hearing this, Hill quickly asked Cain.

"It's not that we're not opponents, it's just that she can't hurt me, and I can't hurt her. It's impossible to tell the winner."

Cain replied with a helpless shrug.

"What should we do if we encounter Sadako, or similar evil spirits? Do you know how to develop radio wave weapons to restrain evil spirits?"

Hill asked one after another.

"Of course I know, I will provide you with the knowledge I know, don't worry."

After Cain finished speaking, he showed a hearty smile, looking quite innocent and pure.

This made Hill, who had met countless people, couldn't help but blush on her cheeks. She didn't know how many people she had met, but no one could be as pure as Cain.

She suddenly felt a little hot and couldn't help but stroke the reality distortion cat to divert her attention.

"Speaking of which, what if it were you? What would happen if you faced Sadako?"

Hill couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Don't make fun of me, I don't want to face that disgusting female ghost."

The reality distortion cat immediately shook his head in defiance.

Hill didn't ask any more questions after hearing this.

The conversation between these two people made Bruce Banner on the side look confused and kept looking at them back and forth.

Evil spirit? ghost? Radio weapons? What are these talking about?

["Now predict the universe in which Sadako will appear.\

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