Mingming usually often takes a time machine to go back to the past and future, but this time everyone was a little scared and saw a future they didn't want to see.

"Ouch! What are you all afraid of!"

Just when everyone looked worried, Fat Tiger was the first to speak.

"It won't help no matter how scared you are now. Only by doing it will we know the result! Don't worry so much! Believe in Doraemon's props and believe in our luck!"

Fat Tiger said vigorously, with the aura of a leader.

Seeing Fat Tiger say this, everyone gained courage.

Yes, it’s useless to think so much here. It’s better to really go and see the future.

"Okay! Let's go! I don't believe that with so many props, I can't break the ghost's curse. If it doesn't work, I'll go to the future world to find a way!"

Doraemon cheered up immediately.

After everyone else cheered up, they immediately opened their desk drawers, entered the time machine, and traveled to the future seven days later.

When they saw this, many people couldn't help but be excited!

Tony Stark: "Doraemon! This is the time machine you said! Are you in a time tunnel now?"

Doraemon: "Yes, here is the time tunnel. We are traveling through time here now to the future seven days later."

Sage: "Oh my God! You can actually travel through time! This is incredible. Is this technology?"

Albafica: "You can actually travel through time! Wouldn't that change the regrets of the past!"

After seeing what Albafica said, the other Golden Saints couldn't help but have various thoughts.

No matter who you are, you will definitely have regrets, those who cannot be saved, and those who do not have time to say goodbye.

It's a pity that in this world they don't have the ability to go back to the past, so they can only move forward with regrets.

But now that there is an opportunity to make amends, who would not cherish it.

"If I can really go back in time, I can stop my brother from going astray in advance!"

Defteros couldn't help but clenched his fists.

He couldn't help but feel heartache when he thought about what happened back then.

Albafica also had some thoughts. The death of his master, Lugnis, had always been a thorn in his heart. He wanted to go back to the past countless times to stop this incident. Even if he could not become a Golden Saint, he still wanted Lugnis to be alive. .

There are also Hasgat and Sisyphus. They all thought of the dead old hero Ilyas. They all regretted why they didn't help him more when he died.

The most touching one is Sage. More than two hundred years ago, he finally defeated the Pluto army, but his companions were plotted by the God of Death and Sleep. If he could go back in time, he would never let this happen!

In the city of Hades.

Aspros watched Doraemon and Nobita traveling through time on the screen, and his mind full of knowledge had to run wildly.

"If I could go back in time, I would definitely not let my stupid brother stand in my way!"

Aspros couldn't help but grit his teeth. At that time, he was only a little bit close to replacing Sage as the pope!

Thanatos: "How is it possible! A mere human can actually master the method of traveling through time, which even the gods cannot do! How is it possible for a humble human being!"

Tony Stark: "Don't underestimate humans, you stinking gods from another universe! As long as technology continues to advance, the impossible will eventually be possible!"

Sage: "I really envy you. The level of science and technology is so high. It seems that we Saint Seiyas have to find ways to develop science."

Sisyphus: "But as far as I know, traveling through time must at least exceed the speed of light. Doraemon, can you exceed the speed of light?"

Doraemon: "Huh? No, we are entering the dimension of time to travel through time, we do not need to enter the speed of light."

Tony Stark: "It turns out that time also has dimensions!"

Ancient One: "Is it the time dimension? This is the first time I have heard of it."

Bruce Wayne: "How do you enter the time dimension? Can you travel through the past and the future just by entering!"

Doraemon: "How to find the time dimension, I don't know. Your universe is different from mine, and you can't travel as long as you reach the time dimension. You must have accurate destination coordinates, otherwise You will get lost in the dimension of time, and you won’t even be able to travel through it at any time.”

Tony Stark: "I don't believe it! I can't study it!"

When Tony Stark said this, he thought of his own void engine, which contains a lot of knowledge and can analyze everything, and perhaps time.

Unfortunately, according to the AI ​​of the Void Engine, you have to find a way to upgrade the engine to a certain level before you have a chance to analyze time.

But that requires a huge amount of energy, which gives Tony Stark a headache. His strongest energy is the reactor, and as a result, the void engine cannot be upgraded much.

This leaves Tony Stark where to find suitable upgrade materials.

I can only hope that I can get the rewards I need through containment.

Bruce Wayne looked at the yellow light ring. This ring clearly recorded the knowledge about time, but it traveled at super-light speed and did not mention information about the time dimension.

At this time, Doraemon and the others had traveled to the future seven days later, and landed at the corner diagonally opposite the teacher's house. The five of them hid behind the corner anxiously, looking at the teacher's house.

According to the past, teachers have to go out to work at this time, and they very much hope to see the teacher come out.

Time passed minute by minute, obviously not long ago, but Nobita and the others felt as if they had spent a long time.

Finally, the door to the teacher's house opened, and I, Eiichiro Narei, walked out as usual, seemingly nothing happened.

"It's okay! Teacher, it's okay!"

Seeing that the teacher was safe and sound, Nobita couldn't help shouting excitedly. Fortunately, the others quickly covered his mouth, otherwise they would be discovered.

But everyone looked excited.

The fact that the teacher still appeared normally meant that he was not infected with Sadako's strange virus.

So this means that they succeeded!

"Long live!"

After confirming that the teacher had gone away, Doraemon and others finally couldn't control themselves and kept jumping and cheering excitedly. Everyone was so excited that they shed tears, not to mention how happy they were.

Rhodes: "It actually worked. That mouth that looks like a toy can really change the cause and effect!"

Xupunos: "It's incredible. This is the technology that humans can do. It can easily accomplish things that even gods like us can't do!"

Danatus: "Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

Manigault: "God of Death, even if I can't see it, I can still imagine your appearance. It must be so funny!"

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