People on the ground were discussing previous encounters.

Without exception, they all encountered the underground Fire Demon Giant, and many victims had begun to appear.

Then Diana brazenly fell from the sky and jumped in front of an abyss crevice.

Her sudden appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Diana didn't care about other people's eyes, but looked at the crack in front of her. It was so deep that no one knew where it led.

"Ma'am, please stay away."

At this time, a policeman came over cautiously and tried to persuade Diana.

As a result, in the next second, Diana directly put the mantra lasso on the policeman's arm, which frightened many people.

"Don't worry, I'm just asking you to tell the truth."

Diana calmly reassured.

"Has anyone gone down to investigate, how many people died, and did you see what it was?"

Diana asked questions one after another.

"Some people went down, but they never came back up. From the radio, they said they encountered monsters, and then they couldn't hear their voices anymore."

"We are still counting how many people died, but it is no less than a hundred."

"As for what it was, some people said it was a big bat, and some said it was a giant with a sword and a whip."

In the case of the policeman's truth lasso, every word is true.

After receiving these responses, Diana immediately put away the Lasso of Truth.

"Thank you."

Then, in full view of everyone, Diana jumped into the crack and broke into danger!

This caused the people around to exclaim, and everyone came to the crack and looked down with shocked expressions.

Diana landed smoothly after falling for a while.

Walking on uneven ground.

"Based on the time and distance of the fall, it's at least more than two thousand meters."

Diana looked over the crack, then around.

The space here is large and there are many tunnels, which don't look like they were formed naturally at all.

It was obvious that the underground fire demon giant was moving around.

Being able to create such a large space through movement, one can imagine how huge the underground Balrog is.

So Diana got ready, put the mantra lasso on her lower back, held the Sword of Vulcan in her left hand, and the Sword of Victory Oath in her right hand, and explored this underground space.

"Come out! I know you're here!"

Slowly exploring was not Diana's style. She shouted directly to the front to make the underground fire giant appear.

On the yellow light jet, Bruce Wayne had to break into a cold sweat when he saw Diana's bold move.

If it were him, he would definitely act cautiously.

Bruce Wayne: "Diana, you have to be careful, your opponent is an unknown monster."

Diana: "Don't worry, Bruce, I have defeated countless monsters, I will not lose."

Bruce Wayne: "Be careful."

Sanji: "It's true. In such a dangerous and dark cave, there is only one lady walking forward. If I were here, I would definitely become your knight!"

If anyone saw Sanji's appearance now, they would see that his body was like seaweed, twisting wildly, with no bones at all.


Zoro next to him couldn't help but cursed when he saw Sanji like this.

"Ah! What did you say!"

This immediately made Sanji glare at Zoro with dissatisfaction.

So the two guys started arguing again.

Diana: "This gentleman, are you questioning me?"

Jiraiya: "No, I think that's not what he meant. It's just a simple love for the opposite sex."

Tsunade: "Jiraiya, shut up."

Doraemon: "But this space is so big, and there are so many complicated roads. The underground giant Balrog must be huge."

Loki: "Huh, he's just huddled under the ground. He's not a giant."

Tony Stark: "Speaking of which, Diana has arrived. So Bruce, how is the situation over there?"

Bruce Wayne: "I'm driving as fast as I can, but it still takes another hour to reach Iceland."

At this time, Bruce Wayne was already in a cold area, with heavy snow falling all around and the temperature being quite low.

If any plane dares to get close to this place, it will probably freeze and crash after a short flight, or it will be shaken by the storm and become uncontrollable.

However, the aircraft made with yellow light energy is not afraid of snowstorms at all and flies very steadily and quickly.

No jet machine in the world can compare to this one.

However, no matter how fast the speed was, Bruce Wayne was still very anxious. During this period, several victims appeared in Iceland.

By playing the screen of Iceland, we can see that some people have been bewitched by the King of Snow Mountain and taken away, and their whereabouts are unknown.

In this hour, I don’t know how many more people will die.

At this time, Diana is working hard to find the underground Balrog Giant.

"What a stinking sulfur smell."

Diana couldn't help but cover her nose. The smell of sulfur here was so strong that just by inhaling it, it felt like her nose was about to melt.


As Diana walked a little further, she suddenly heard a burst of electricity coming from behind.

This immediately made her turn around alertly, but there was nothing behind her.

Barton: "What was that just now! A bolt of lightning passed by!"

Rogers: "Yes? Where?"

Barton: "Just now, I barely caught a glimpse of it!"

Tony Stark: "Please, why didn't I see it? Why did lightning suddenly appear?"

Natasha: "No, I saw it too. There was indeed lightning just now."

Dagu: "Really? Is it the underground flame demon giant? But what does it have to do with lightning?"

Star cluster: "Maybe it turned into lightning movement! Don't forget, it was mentioned in the previous information that the underground flame demon giant has the ability to change its appearance!"

Kizaru: "But turning into lightning is a bit ridiculous."

Diana: "What on earth is it? Just go and see it and you'll find out!"

At this time, Diana had already moved towards the source of the sound.

When I reached a location, I suddenly found that the ground was scorched black and even smoking. It was obviously burnt black just now.

Then there were two corpses next to them. They looked miserable and their bodies were completely charred.

"It must be that giant fire demon! Where are you!"

Diana looked around and roared.

"Are you a coward? It's no wonder that you are so big, but you are as timid as a mouse! If you have the ability, come out and fight!"

While provoking, Diana looked around vigilantly to prevent being plotted.


Just then, the sound of electricity appeared again, coming from behind.

So Diana immediately turned around and saw a bolt of lightning coming towards her!

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