
Before Diana had time to react, she was knocked out by the lightning and hit the wall hard before landing.

Before Diana could stand up, a pair of red-gloved hands held her down.

"Don't move! Otherwise I don't know what I will do to you!"

A human voice came from the other side.

Diana took a closer look and saw that the other person was a human being, wearing red armor and a helmet, with only his eyes and mouth exposed.

"Are you a human being? Or is this an illusion you made?"

Diana questioned with narrowed eyes.

"I am originally a human being. What transformation? Who are you? Why did you kill so many people!"

The other party shouted anxiously to Diana.

"Ah? I kill?"

After hearing this, Diana raised her eyebrows slightly and looked at the other party.

"Isn't it? Eyewitnesses said that there was a whip that pulled the person underground, and a sword that pierced the person. Isn't it you!"

The other party shouted plausibly.

"Sword, and whip?"

After hearing this, Diana looked at the swords in her hands and the mantra noose on her waist.

"That's right! Who are you, why do you want to kill so many people, and what do you want to do by digging such a big hole here!"

Then the other party continued to ask questions, trying to figure out Diana's intentions.

"Is this your first time doing this? You can't suppress the prisoner by pressing your shoulders with your hands, or do you mean you don't know how to deal with girls?"

Diana suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"Ah? Ah!"

This question seemed to hit the other person's heart, making him anxious and not knowing what to say.


In the next second, Diana kicked the opponent directly in the chest and kicked him away.

"Oh oh oh!"

The other party immediately covered his stomach in pain and kept howling, and couldn't get up for a while.

For a moment just now, he felt as if he was going to die.

"I'm telling you, if you want to subdue your opponent, you have to be ruthless."

Diana calmly walked to the man's side.

When he saw Diana approaching, lightning burst out all over his body, and then he instantly moved to another place to keep distance from Diana.

"You can control lightning?"

Diana asked in surprise after seeing this ability.

"No, I can just move like lightning. No, why should I tell you?"

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

At this moment, a violent roar suddenly came from the surroundings. It sounded like an animal, but also a bit like a human being. It was particularly weird.

Then gunpowder smoke continued to float out from the surrounding tunnels, and the smoke was full of a strong pungent smell.

"What is it! What is it screaming!"

"It's the murderer you're looking for, the Balrog Giant."

Diana looked around calmly, she was finally about to appear.

"What, that means you are not the real murderer! I'm so sorry!"

This person had wronged someone, so he quickly bowed to Diana and apologized.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. Prepare to fight. That thing is not a kind person."

Diana twirled her swords, her eyes full of war intent.

"Okay, come on, Barry, you should have thought of it earlier. They described it as big, but this lady is so small, how could it be the same thing?"

Because he almost wronged an innocent person, he had to blame himself in frustration.

"So your name is Barry."

Diana looked at Barry when she heard that.

Only then did Barry realize that he had said his name. He was instantly panicked and at a loss. He waved his hands up and down, trying to cover his mouth, but put it down again.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. My name is Diana. People who know me will call me Wonder Woman. What about you?"

Diana said understandingly.

"The Flash, that's what they call me in Central City!"

Barry quickly answered the question.

"Hoo ho ho!!"

At this moment, strong winds were blowing all around, violent heat waves continued to pour in, and flames began to rise on the ground.

"Oh my God, what is this!"

Barry had never seen such a battle before and had to look around in confusion.

"That thing is coming!"

After Diana looked around, she immediately turned around, brandished the Sword of Victory Oath, split a beam of light, and attacked inside a tunnel!

When the beam of light rushed into the tunnel, a dazzling light burst out.

Then the surrounding rock walls and ground shook continuously.

The last fierce flame rushed out of the tunnel and attacked Diana!

Diana immediately picked up the shield on her back and held it in front of her.

When the flames touched the shield, it seemed to be separated by an invisible force, splitting directly on both sides, unable to harm Diana at all.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Heavy footsteps came from the tunnel, and every time the footsteps appeared, the entire space would tremble violently.

In the sea of ​​fire, a rather tall figure slowly walked out.

Its surface is red, its body seems to be made of rock, and it has a pair of huge ram horns on its head.

He holds a huge sword in his left hand and a whip wrapped around his right hand.

Every time he moved forward, the fire around him would become more intense. In the blink of an eye, he was surrounded by a sea of ​​fire and smoke.

If ordinary people were here, they would definitely be burned to death or suffocated to death in an instant.

"What is this? A moving statue?"

Barry looked at this huge monster in confusion, his mouth trembling continuously.

"Boy, it's fighting time, take care of yourself."

After Diana finished speaking, she quickly swung the Sword of Victory Oath and released many light blades, attacking the underground Fire Demon giant like a heavy rain!

So many light blades cut many wounds all over the body of the Fire Demon Giant. However, it is not known whether it has a body of flesh and blood, and it did not shed a drop of blood.

After flames emerged from so many 'wounds', the missing parts grew as if they had never been injured.


Diana let out a fierce war cry, raised the sword of Vulcan and charged towards the Balrog to attack.

When Balrog saw Diana rushing towards him, he immediately drew his giant sword.

Collided with Diana's sword.


The collision of the weapons on both sides caused a lot of noise and shock waves, causing the surrounding rock walls to crack and break.

When Barry saw this, his eyes were filled with shock and his mouth widened.

He didn't expect that besides himself, there were such ridiculously powerful humans!

Yellow light on jet plane.

Bruce Wayne observes the battle through the screen, keeping an eye on Barry.

"Barry, Flash, Alfred investigate this person immediately!"

Bruce Wayne took a deep breath. He had come into contact with several super-powered criminals in Gotham City, but none of them could control lightning as fast as Barry.

This made Bruce Wayne have to be alert, worried about what he would do if such a person was a criminal, so he immediately recorded Barry's every move in order to make preparations.

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