"Lord Athena, human beings are indeed stupid. I have seen it more clearly than anyone else over the past two hundred years, but please remember that human beings can survive to this day only because they have a heart that is good and does not give in, even if There are many evil people in the world, but there are also great people who do not succumb to evil, fight with them every day, protect the weak, and people who want to do good from the bottom of their hearts. There are even some evil people who will change their ways and be good. "

When Sage said this, he turned his head and looked at Manigote.

Manigault knew very well that what Sage was talking about was what happened when he was a child. Being cueed suddenly made Manigault couldn't help but scratch his head in embarrassment.

"So Lord Athena, please believe that our duty is to protect such complex humans. Their development will be determined by themselves. If we interfere too deeply, we will only become like Aaron and the previous popes. ”

Speaking of the previous pope, Sage couldn't help but look sad.

Sasha also knew about the previous pope, and when he saw Sage comforting himself with this incident, he showed his usual smile.

"Don't worry, I understand."

The other Golden Saints didn't say much. They knew very well the bad nature of human beings, but they also knew the greatness of human beings. Otherwise, they wouldn't be able to stand here and fight against the evil gods trying to infect the earth.

Hades City.

"Hmph, I don't believe in rebounding everything and controlling everything."

Radamandis shouted disdainfully, he has always been extremely confident in his own power.

"I don't know if the so-called vector operation can operate the puppet line."

Minos twiddled his fingers with a smirk on his face.

"This skill sounds powerful, but in fact it only targets physical energy. If it is a spiritual attack, it may not be able to rebound at all. That Pope Sage must have known this and deliberately didn't say it."

Aiagos suddenly thought of the countermeasures of vector operation and sneered disdainfully.

"What disgusts me the most is that idiot who dares to call himself a god. If such a human being exists in our world, he must be eradicated."

Danatus looked disgusted. The dragon people made him feel particularly disgusted.

"It's really sad. Human beings who live under that kind of idiot rule must be the same as the ones here. They also need the salvation of death."

Aaron looked at the screen and muttered to himself. Sure enough, human beings' bad nature is the same in any universe.

This makes Aaron even more determined to carry out the LC (Lost Canvas) plan and use death to save mankind around the world!

dragon ball universe

"Tch, I don't care about the Celestial Dragons or the Revolutionary Army. It's just that the power to bounce back everything is of no use to Vegeta."

Piccolo said looking at the sky.

Now the sky is filled with explosions of Qigong waves and a green light.

As a result, the sky kept shaking and the clouds shattered, as if the entire sky would collapse at any time.

There are also qigong bombs falling from the sky from time to time, destroying everything they encounter, leaving the earth covered with cracks that make people's hair stand on end.

Fortunately, Sun Wukong attracted Vegeta to an uninhabited place within a radius of tens of thousands of meters in time, otherwise countless lives would have been implicated.

"Hahaha! Kakarot, what's wrong with you? Why are you just avoiding me? Are you afraid of me?"

Vegeta, who had green hair and swollen muscles, kept firing green light bullets to chase Sun Wukong.

Faced with Vegeta's terrifying offensive, Sun Wukong could only keep flying to avoid it, trying to keep a distance.

"Damn, this is too powerful. I don't know if it's my imagination, but Vegeta seems to be getting stronger in combat."

Sun Wukong didn't look very good.

At the beginning of the battle, Sun Wukong could still maintain the upper hand, but as time passed, Vegeta gradually gained the upper hand, and Sun Wukong was suppressed and beaten.

Only now did he understand how powerful the legendary Super Saiyan was.

That physical strength is almost a bottomless pit, it will not be lost very much, and it is getting stronger bit by bit during the battle.

On the other hand, Wukong's physical strength continues to evaporate as time goes by, and it will be very bad if it continues like this.

"I caught you!"

In the next second, Vegeta appeared next to Sun Wukong almost teleporting, raised his elbow high, gathered a green energy ball in his elbow, and then slammed it down towards Sun Wukong.

The next second, there was a dazzling green light in the sky, and then there was an astonishing explosion. Sun Wukong fell like a bird with injured wings, smoking all over his body.

"go to hell!"

Seeing this, Vegeta immediately raised his hand to gather energy balls and destroy Sun Wukong.

"Wukong! Catch it!"

Just then Leping's voice sounded, and he flew from a distance and threw a small bag of things to Sun Wukong!

Seeing this, Sun Wukong immediately raised his hand to catch it with great effort, then took out a green bean and ate it, instantly recovering his physical strength and injuries!

Son Goku immediately entered the Super Saiyan state and distanced himself from Vegeta as quickly as possible.

"It was so dangerous. I almost thought I was going to die. Fortunately, the fairy beans were delivered in time."

Sun Wukong looked at the fairy beans in his hand. There were three fairy beans left, so he had to use them sparingly.

"Is it a medicine to restore strength? Because I stood up from the edge of death, I have become a little stronger, but it is still not enough in front of me."

Vegeta mocked disdainfully.

“Whether it’s not enough, you’ll have to fight to find out!”

After saying this with a confident smile, Sun Wukong quickly rushed towards Vegeta!

In the DC Universe at this time

Bruce Wayne controls a yellow light energy plane flying high in the sky.

I'm thinking about vector operations.

It seems that that kind of effect can also be achieved with a yellow light ring.

Then he looked at the screen to see what was going on in Iceland, and saw that Diana had arrived in Central City.

This made him feel a little relieved. It was undoubtedly a good thing that Diana could solve it quickly.

It was obviously night, but the streets of Central City were brightly lit and full of people.

After Diana jumped to the top of a building, she looked carefully below and found cracks in many places on the ground, and smoke was constantly coming out.

There were many people watching the excitement near the crack, and more people didn't know what they were discussing. In short, they seemed to be panicked.

"Did you see it? Suddenly a hand stretched out from the ground and grabbed a drunkard!"

"I saw it too, but it was just a whip sticking out!"

"My child, suddenly a whip snatched my child away. You policemen, hurry up and rescue me."

"What I saw was even more terrifying. It was a big sword that suddenly pierced the ground and pierced several people, like skewers!"

"In the smoke, I saw a big shadow, like a monster in a movie. Is the end of the world coming!"

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