Tony Stark can't care about that much now. Now that he knows there is a madman who wants to destroy the universe, he must always be prepared.

At this time, Nick Fury is quietly contacting SHIELD scientists.

"Do your best to study the Rubik's Cube and achieve more results!"

"But Director, with our current technology, if we want to go deeper, we may be in big trouble!"

"Now is not the time to say this, this is an order!"

Nick Fury is in a very bad mood now, and he really wants to spit out fragrance.

How come there is such a madman who kills everything outside the earth!

This puts a lot of pressure on him, the director who protects the earth.

"Captain Marvel, when will you return to Earth?"

Nick Fury looked at the sky.

He has been sending messages to Captain Marvel for half a month, but he has not seen her coming back, which makes Nick Fury very anxious.

Klin: "Um, did we forget something?"

Sun Wukong: "Ah? Is there any?"

Piccolo: "The idiot is a contained object that appears in our universe and takes over the mask!"

Sun Wukong: "Ah! Oh yeah, I almost forgot!"

Not just Monkey King, many people have almost forgotten this incident because of the relationship between Thanos and Aaron.

Piccolo: "It's really stupid. What happens in other universes has nothing to do with us. While you were wasting your time, I was already looking everywhere for the whereabouts of that thing that occupied the mask."

At this time, Piccolo was flying in the sky. According to the screen display, the strange occupying mask was on a certain mountain.

But the scenery of the mountains is basically the same, so for a while it was impossible to find which mountain it was.

Leping: "Hurry up! We can't let this guy Piccolo take the lead!"

Tianjin Fan: "Wait a minute, there's a person next to that mask!"

Others looked at the screen carefully after hearing this, and saw an unexpected person!

It's Vegeta!

At this time, Vegeta seemed to be sweating profusely as he walked.

"Damn it, I still can't transform. I'm so angry. Why can't it!"

Vegeta muttered angrily.

During this time, he has been trying his best to transform himself into a Super Saiyan. He has thought about all kinds of things that can make him angry, but he just can't transform!

Exploited by Frieza, he lost to the low-level warrior Kakarot, and even the people on Earth had higher combat prowess than him.

Waiting for all this makes Vegeta particularly angry all the time.

But he had finished thinking about it, but he still couldn't transform into a Super Saiyan, which made him very unhappy.

"Where have you been! You asked me to prepare food for you, but I have been preparing for so long, and you just came back. It's too cold. It's none of my business!"

Just then Bulma's voice came, and Bulma was seen sitting next to the campfire staring at Vegeta dissatisfied, and then threw a few grilled fish over.

"You stinky woman, you dare to treat me like this. Do you really think I don't dare to kill you?"

Vegeta was already angry, but when he saw Bulma's attitude, he became even more angry.

"Kill me if you can. Anyway, I can use the Dragon Ball to resurrect. And if I die, Wukong and the others won't have to worry so much. Can you beat Wukong!"

However, Bulma was not afraid of Vegeta's threat at all and looked at him with a sneer.

At first she was scared to death, but then she thought that Vegeta would rely on her to restrain Sun Wukong and the others, and asked her to prepare food so that Vegeta could focus more on training.

So Bulma gradually became more confident.

"Damn woman, I dare not kill you, but I can abuse you!"

When had Vegeta been so humiliated by an Earthling with a combat power of less than 5? His face turned red and he wanted to beat Bulma.

"Hohohoho, the majestic Saiyan prince has actually been reduced to bullying weak ants, don't you feel ashamed?"

Just then a strange sound came into Vegeta's ears.


This immediately made Vegeta alert and looked around, and finally found a very strange and strange white mask on the ground at his feet.

"I am the mask that can help you."

The voice came from the mask.


This frightened Bulma so much that she jumped back.

"Who do you dare to pretend to be?"

Vegeta was annoyed when he saw such an ugly mask and stepped on it.

According to Vegeta's opinion, his kick could directly crush the mask, but the mask could actually withstand his kick, which had to surprise him.

"Don't be so rude, don't you want to become a Super Saiyan?"

The occupying mask continued, his voice filled with a strange magic.

"What's the meaning!?"

When it came to being related to Super Saiyan, Vegeta was confused as to how this mask knew about it.

"I know everything, and I know your difficulties. You are a proud Saiyan prince, but you succumbed to work under Frieza, whom you despise most. This makes you feel particularly aggrieved. Now you can't even defeat lower-level warriors. Make you even more unhappy."

The one who occupies the mask actually knows Vegeta's situation and inner thoughts, and tells the truth.

"what do you want to say in the end!"

Listening to an incomprehensible mask speak out his problems made Vegeta particularly annoyed.

"Aren't you willing to accept it? You are the best Saiyan. Are you willing to be worse than the people you look down on? I believe you are not willing to accept it. If you really want to become stronger and become someone who can overcome everything, Super Saiyan, then put on me immediately, I will help you become the strongest Super Saiyan, kill everything you hate, and help you become the strongest overlord in the universe!"

If you occupy the mask, it sounds particularly magical and can easily confuse people.

Krillin: "Oh my God! This mask can't be true. It can really turn Vegeta into a Super Saiyan!"

Tianjin Fan: "Absolutely not. In that case, we won't be able to kill him!"

Sun Wuhan: "We have to find a way to find him quickly!"

Sun Wukong: "But where is he?"

The Z warriors were extremely anxious, flying in the sky like headless flies, searching various mountains, but they couldn't find Vegeta.

Vegeta didn't say anything, but slowly picked up the mask, causing all the Z warriors to feel dizzy.

Son Goku: "Vegita! No! You will die if you wear this mask!"

Sun Wukong could only remind Vegeta in this way, but Vegeta was not paying attention to the screen now and kept staring at the occupying mask.

"Come, put on me, and I will make you so."

"Damn it, both of them are like this!"

At this time, Vegeta's words made the possessor of the mask stunned for a moment.

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