Diana: "So what about the world you created! No one will die! And the resources are unlimited!"

Aaron: "The souls of all living things will be taken to the dream world I created. The soul can survive for an unknown number of years. Without the restraint of the body, there is no death. As for the issue of resources, the life of the gods is more than unknown. For billions of years, as long as I am still here, the world I created will not perish due to resource issues and can have unlimited resources.”

Loki: "How many billions of years of life! How is that possible!"

Hypnos: "Is this Loki from Nordic mythology? It seems to be much weaker than ours. He is actually surprised by such a thing."

Loki didn't expect that he would be ridiculed, and his face turned ugly for a moment. At the same time, he wondered, is Loki from the Saint Seiya universe very powerful?

Odin raised his eyebrows, this Aaron made him feel a lot of pressure.

Ancient One: "It sounds exactly like the same thing, but without a body and a soul, there is no point in being a human being. The soul cannot enjoy many things like the body, and all you create is a world without fun. "

Pandora: "You stupid thing, you dare to question Lord Hades's great deeds!"

Thanatos: "Fortunately you are not in our universe, otherwise I would definitely kill you with my ability as the God of Death."

Ancient One: "That's not necessarily true. Maybe you can't kill me."

Although Ancient One didn't know how powerful the gods in the Saint Seiya LC universe were, she had the Time Stone and contracts with many demon gods, so she had the confidence to fight against any god.

Luffy: "Ah, if you don't have a body, you won't be able to enjoy many things. That means you can't eat! Then I might as well die and not go to that world!"

Zoro: "That's right! If you don't even have to drink, what's the point? Anyway, you won't know anything after death, so just die. If you die in pursuit of your ideal, I will never regret it!"

Naruto: "You're right, death is nothing to be afraid of! If I can implement my beliefs, death is nothing!"

Sage: "Haha! What an interesting young man. It's a pity that you are not in my universe, otherwise I really want you to be a saint!"

Minos: "Hey, so humans are really stupid. Why do they refuse to accept the guidance of the gods?"

In the city of Hades, Minos looked at Aaron, only to see Aaron's expression of nostalgia.

"Such a statement sounds like that boy from Pegasus."

Aaron recalled with a smile.

"Oh, as Hades, don't let your secret be discovered when you show such an expression."

Minos sneered and said that he was the only one in Pluto's army who knew that Aaron had not actually been suppressed by Hades and in turn controlled Hades.

He found this kind of human beings who were freed from the control of gods and in turn controlled by gods very interesting.

Sasha: "Brother Aaron, maybe you are right, but equally, everyone has the right to live. I also live as a human being. I have seen human beings supporting each other and working hard to survive, even in the face of death. No regrets, even if there are regrets, leave it to like-minded people, or the next generation will continue to realize it, and it will be passed down and passed on repeatedly.

This is how human beings cooperate with each other and pass on ideas to create the world today. Such a world must not be destroyed because of you. Not all human beings must pursue death! They still have unfinished business and cannot lose it because of your actions! "

Diana: "That's very good. Athena from another universe, your words are completely unlike the Athena I know. I have lived as a demigod for countless years, and I have indeed seen countless sufferings in the world. Many people think Death, but there are people who work hard to change their destiny and want to live. They should not die!

Aaron! If I were in your universe, I would definitely attack you! "

Rogers: "I am also the one who decides whether anyone's life or death should be decided by themselves, not by any god. Why do you represent everyone!"

Rogers, who has experienced the war, has seen how many lives were lost, so he is very disgusted with Aaron and Thanos' behavior of killing others at will without regard to the will of others.

What save the world! It's completely selfish!

Thanos: "It's extremely stupid. To put it nicely, it's actually because you don't want to give up everything you have. But it doesn't matter. We don't need anyone to understand. All we need is to unswervingly complete the concept."

Aaron: "Indeed, if we were in the same universe, I would really want to talk to you."

In Thanos' fleet, Thanos was thoughtful and felt that Aaron's words made sense.

Can destroying half of life really solve the problem? Given the reproductive capacity of life, sooner or later it may become unbalanced. It seems that destroying all life and rebuilding a new universe is the right way!

"Lord Thanos, we are willing to continue to follow your ideas!"

Ebony Maw was the first to kneel down to show his loyalty, followed by General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri and Black Dwarf.

"Damn madman!"

Nebula, who knelt down with her, had a look of horror on her face. She didn't expect Thanos to be so crazy that he wanted to kill all life.

No, she can't stay here anymore!


"Heimdall, try your best to find this madman Thanos! We must eliminate him before the matter becomes serious!"

Odin immediately ordered Heimdall.

"Sir, I have been looking for him since I saw the screen, but I couldn't find him. Thanos must be in a more distant galaxy."

Heimdall replied.

"Then make all defense preparations and be ready to fight at any time!"

Odin changed his strategy. Since he already knew Thanos' plan and he got two Infinity Stones, he must be fully prepared!

"It seems that now is not the time to die and inherit the position. I still have more things to do."

Odin stroked the Odin robe on his body and thought so.

"By the way, Heimdall, find a way to find the Cosmic Cube, that's very important!"

Odin remembered this. The Cosmic Cube is the Space Stone. I don't know how many years it has been missing. It must be found as soon as possible.

As long as Thanos can't collect the Infinity Stones, he can't realize his ambition!


"Master Ancient One, what should we do next?"

Strange took a deep breath. He didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying madman in this world. This made him tremble.

"Continue to strengthen your practice, become stronger, and prepare to meet the enemy."

Ancient One simply replied that this was the only effective way.

In the Mexican tavern, Tony Stark went out to contact Jarvis and asked it to upgrade the Mark armor first.

"Sir, the crystal missile has not been fully controlled yet and is not suitable for installation on the Mark Armor."

"Now is not the time to be particular about these things. I will correct this problem soon."

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