American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 193 The proud Vegeta, the legendary Super Saiyan!

"I'm a royal Saiyan prince! Damn Frieza looks down on me. Even Kakarot, a low-level warrior, is stronger than me. Now he's even looking down on me with a strange mask that I don't know where he came from! How serious! I, Vegeta, am easy to mess with!"

The more Vegeta spoke, the angrier he became. Veins kept popping up on his forehead. His hands holding the mask continued to increase their strength.


Vegeta's state made the occupying mask slightly stunned.

"Stop kidding me! I'm Vegeta! The noblest Saiyan prince! I don't need the help of a tattered mask!"

After Vegeta finished speaking, he threw the occupying mask into the air, and then used the afterburner bomb!

The purple light directly flooded the mask and reached the distant stars, causing a huge explosion.

This move is powerful enough to penetrate the earth.

But even with such a powerful move, it was unable to destroy the occupying mask.

The mask that occupies just has white smoke coming out of its surface and falls to the ground gently.

"How is it possible that there are people who can't be deceived by me!"

It was quite shocking to possess the mask. It has survived for who knows how many years. It can read people's hearts and is proficient in human nature and psychology. Therefore, it can bewitch others to wear it again and again. As a result, it is the first time that I encounter someone like Vegeta who cannot be bewitched. existence, which makes it completely puzzling.

Occupying the mask and trying to probe Vegeta's heart, he finally discovered something.

"This guy's self-esteem is so strong. It's so strong that the more I try to bewitch him, the more I resist!"

At this moment, Occupying the Mask finally understood why the enchantment failed. Vegeta's self-esteem was something he had never seen before!

"There's no way to destroy it! Are you some kind of containment object?"

At this moment, Vegeta finally realized that what he encountered was a contained object, and then showed a sneer.

"What good things will I get if I take you in? Hey, woman, I remember you have a magic capsule, right?"

Vegeta turned his head and looked at Bulma who was huddled behind the trees and said.

Bulma didn't expect Vegeta to still remember her, so she had to tremble with fear and quickly walked out and nodded.

"That capsule can release things, and you can also put things in it. Give me an empty one!"

Vegeta yelled at Bulma in a commanding tone.

"I know! Why are you so cruel!"

After Bulma screamed in dissatisfaction, she immediately took out the empty capsule and threw it to Vegeta.

"Teach me how to use it!"

"You don't know what to do with yourself!"

After Bulma finished complaining, she taught Vegeta how to use the capsule.

"No! You can't do this, otherwise I will lose my freedom!"

The possessor of the mask already knew what the universal capsule was for, and immediately screamed anxiously. Without a body, it couldn't do anything if it couldn't confuse others.

"Ah, by the way, this beautiful lady, don't you..."

Possessing the mask immediately changed his strategy and planned to seduce Bulma.

"Shut up!"

However, Vegeta didn't give it a chance and immediately put the mask into the universal capsule.

Krillin: "Oh my God! Still taken in by Vegeta!"

Piccolo: "Damn! It's too late!"

Bruce Wayne: "What is that capsule? Why can you put things in it!"

Klin: "That's called a universal capsule. It can store anything, even aircraft and cannons."

Tony Stark: "There is such convenient high technology! With this kind of thing, it will be very convenient to carry anything. Can you tell me how it was developed!"

Klin: "I don't understand this either."

Bruce Wayne: "Is it possible that the technological level of your world is actually very high?"

Klin: "I don't know. If a car can fly, does it count as very high?"

Rogers: "Cars can fly! Isn't this a theory Howard once proposed!"

Tony Stark: "Of course this is very high! You really underestimate your world!"

Doraemon: "Such words are nothing to me."

Natasha: "Don't compare it with yours."

Diana: "Don't misunderstand the point. The most important thing is that this person named Vegeta was successfully contained. He is an enemy who wants to invade the earth!"

Sun Wukong: "Yeah! I wonder what reward he will get!"

Sun Wuhan: "Dad, you look very excited."

"Congratulations to Vegeta for successfully containing the occupying mask and being rewarded with the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline."

"Super Saiyan!"

Vegeta never expected that the reward he would receive would actually be the Super Saiyan he longed for!

But it suddenly felt a little strange, what is the difference between the legendary Super Saiyan bloodline and transformation.

"Actually, there are two types of Super Saiyans. One is formed by practicing hard and then using anger to transcend the limit. This type can be said to be something that every Saiyan has the opportunity to achieve. However, the second The latter is the legendary Super Saiyan that only appears once in a thousand years. "

The explanation on the screen made Sun Wukong and Vegeta feel quite confused.

"The legendary Super Saiyan, once the transformation is completed, will have unrivaled power. He will not lose his physical strength rapidly due to long-term battles. He can easily resist magma with his body and can survive in space. He is not an ordinary Super Saiyan. Saiyans can compare.”

"However, this kind of transformation will cause him to lose his self-consciousness and enter a state of madness due to too much power. However, this screen can eliminate this problem and allow Vegeta to maintain his consciousness at all times."

After the on-screen explanation ended, many people were quite shocked.

Those who have seen how powerful the Super Saiyan transformed by Son Goku have to be even more surprised. They did not expect that there are even more powerful Super Saiyans.

Especially the Z warriors were hit the hardest!

Krillin: "No! There is actually a Super Saiyan stronger than Goku!"

Piccolo: "Damn it! Why is this Vegeta so lucky!"

Tianjin Fan: "Now we are in trouble. If this legendary Super Saiyan is stronger than Goku, we will be dead!"

Vegeta: "Hahahaha! God helps me. I didn't expect that I would be so lucky and get such a powerful reward! Kakarot, Earthlings, and Namekians, you are dead!"

Vegeta felt extremely excited. He never thought that Super Saiyans had such a classification. He was so lucky to get such a powerful power.

If it was really that powerful, Frieza wouldn't even take it seriously, let alone Kakarot!

At this moment, Vegeta suddenly felt that there was powerful energy approaching from above!

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