Naruto World

Jiraiya and Tsunade believed that the current situation was no longer something they could handle, not to mention that other ninja villages had already been involved in this matter. Coupled with Orochimaru's actions in the dark, they simply held a five-kage conference to jointly Face the future crisis of the ninja world.

The venue was decided to be held in Konoha.

In the Hokage building, the top figures of the five ninja villages gathered together. Since the Kazekage had not yet been selected, the most prestigious Chiyo came forward.

The Five Shadows Conference is not just a simple chat, but full of intricate intrigues. After all, everyone hopes to seek greater benefits for their ninja village.

Therefore, even if the meeting has not started yet, the atmosphere is particularly heavy and depressing.

And if you look carefully, you will find that most people can't help but look at Jiraiya.

There was no way anyone could let Jiraiya possess the power of the Sage of Six Paths.

This made Ai, Terumi Mei and Ohnoki feel quite unhappy.

They were originally complacent because they had obtained a powerful mythical beast, thinking that they could distance themselves from other ninja villages, but they didn't expect that there were also mythical beasts in other villages.

Jiraiya could actually get the power of the Six Paths Sage, which was much stronger than them, which made them feel very unhappy.

"Everyone should understand that the monsters you encountered before are creatures from other worlds and are a race hostile to humans."

Tsunade was the first to speak. She had already told everyone about the containment.

"Wait a minute, you suddenly talk about contained objects, other worlds, etc. Who would believe such a thing?"

Ai spoke immediately. In his eyes, this fact was so outrageous that it was difficult to describe.

"But if what Tsunade said is false, then what happened to the divine beast we got."

Mei Terumi said while playing with the red and white ball containing Kyogre in her hand.

"It is not an exaggeration to call those creatures a hostile race. It took our ninja village two days to clean up that humanoid monster. Their reproductive ability is too strong."

Onoki said solemnly, although the humanoid monsters are not as strong as them, the number of them is constantly multiplying, making it impossible to completely solve them.

Moreover, the humanoid monster is learning ninjutsu, which makes it more and more difficult, putting a lot of pressure on Onoki, the Tsuchikage.

"In addition to the contained objects, there is also the matter of Orochimaru. I know that everyone already knows about the C-virus. I want to tell everyone that it is definitely not a normal weapon, but a demon that destroys mankind!"

"We must not use that kind of thing for our own desires, so I hope everyone can try their best to find Orochimaru, put an end to the C virus, and not let this kind of thing destroy our ninja world!"

Tsunade said solemnly. When she thought of the damage caused by the C virus, she couldn't help showing strong hatred.

"Really? I don't think so."

But Ai had other ideas.

"No weapon's destructive power can compare with the C-virus. If you encounter troublesome enemies, it is too easy to first infect them into witless zombies and then destroy them. The javo is controllable and more powerful. , also very attractive.”

"Are you kidding me! Are you trying to transform your ninja into that kind of monster!"

Tsunade glared at Ai and scolded.

"That's still under consideration. What's more, there is news from Orochimaru that he is researching a creature that is more suitable as a weapon."

Upon hearing this, Tsunade and Jiraiya both thought of the Super Beast Synthesizer that Orochimaru had received as a reward.

In the past few days, I have been investigating around and collecting intelligence, but I haven't seen any movement from Orochimaru.

Such silence made them feel very abnormal, and they concluded that Orochimaru was doing something shady and waiting for the opportunity!


Just when Tsunade was about to continue saying something, the screen suddenly appeared in front of everyone, scaring the other people in the ninja village.

"This is the screen we talked about predicting contained objects. Let's take a look at it."

Jiraiya reassured him as he was used to.

Marvel Universe

In a Mexican bar.

Thor, Tony Stark, Nick Fury, Natasha, Clinton Barton, Rogers, Jane, Daisy and Xie Yun are talking here.

"It's impossible. I have become a mortal now and have lost my power. He will not pay attention to me. Don't want any Red Sea discs."

When Thor understood the origins of Nick Fury and Tony Stark, he immediately shook his head and drank a large gulp of wine.

Seeing Thor's dejected look.

Both Nick Fury and Tony Stark couldn't help but roll their eyes, completely unable to relate to the guy who was so high-spirited when they were fighting on the screen.

How can I communicate with a drunkard now?

"Hey Thor, you still have power."

That's when Rogers tried to talk Thor down.

"You have unparalleled courage. The reason why a warrior is a warrior is not just because of his strength. If you really have as much glory as you said, it must be because you have a heart that cannot be defeated."

"I am also very weak, but I am not afraid of any difficulties and will stand up countless times. I believe you can do the same."

Rogers is worthy of being a captain and a spiritual leader of the US military.

Every word is filled with extremely powerful belief, which seems to be able to infect others.

After hearing what Rogers said, Thor stopped drinking for a moment, but in the end he still shook his head.

"No, I'm not as strong as you say."

Then he drank the wine in the bottle again.

Seeing him like this, Rogers didn't know what to say.

"Captain, what you just said is actually very philosophical and suitable for a book. It's just that this guy's brain is now occupied by alcohol."

Tony Stark kindly moved closer to Rogers to comfort him.

It looked like Xie Yun wanted to press on him and bring them closer.

As they spoke, the screen suddenly appeared between them.

"What's this!"

Seeing this, Rogers couldn't help but retreat and subconsciously grabbed the belt.

"Don't worry Captain, this is the screen we were talking about."

Natasha immediately comforted her.

"Is that the one who predicts contained objects?"

After hearing this, Rogers couldn't help but want to touch the screen, but he went right through it.

"Sit quietly and watch, otherwise it will make people feel weird."

Tony Stark immediately pulled Rogers back to his seat.

I looked at Jane and Daisy. They were minding their own food and didn't know what was going on here.

As for Xie Yun, he had long pretended to know nothing.

Then these people focus on the screen.

Kama Taj.

Ancient Yi was in retreat studying magic, and then he sensed the screen appeared and exited the retreat and came to the square. Now everyone is ready to look at the screen and want to know what will appear next.

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