! ! !

After Luo Ji and Xie Yun's eyes met, there was some confusion in their eyes, and they couldn't help but squint at him.


However, Xie Yun suddenly clapped his hands hard, scaring the others.

"What's wrong?"

Jane asked doubtfully.

"Nothing, just fighting mosquitoes."

After Xie Yun smiled, he stopped looking at Loki.

"It turns out I'm fighting mosquitoes. How can a mere human being see me?"

After Loki sneered, he ignored Xie Yun and looked at Thor with a gloomy look.

"My dear brother, I didn't expect you to turn out like this. I'm really disappointed."

There was a bit of ridicule in Loki's eyes, but there was also an invisible emotion, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Now that I know my life experience, it's even more impossible for me to let you go. I will find an opportunity to deal with you."

After Loki finished speaking, he left the room.

"Oh my God, Loki is actually here. It seems he is going to take action. I don't know what will happen."

After Xie Yun understood Loki's thoughts, he felt a little uneasy, but he soon felt at ease. According to the original plot, there would be absolutely no problem. What's more, since he was so powerful, nothing would happen to him.

"Okay, everyone, if someone wants to see us, let's go meet them."

Thor remembered his appointment with SHIELD and stood up unsteadily with the bottle in his hand.

Three days later, the day of live broadcast came again.

["Now entering the live broadcast of containment prediction, attracting viewers to come in\

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