"Master Gu Yi, how is your retreat these days?"

Modo asked respectfully.

"It's going well. We have developed magic that suits us."

Gu Yi shook his fan and then looked at Strange.

"How is Strange?"

"He learns very quickly, but he is a little arrogant."

When Mordo said this, he looked at the king, who could only shrug helplessly.

Gu Yi knew this a long time ago, and looked at the screen.

Doraemon Universe.

"This is the screen we talked about, let's take a look together!"

When the screen appeared, Nobita immediately excitedly drew the attention of Suneo, Fat Tiger and Shizuka.

When the three of them saw this screen for the first time, they were all very surprised.

"I'll tell you!"

Nobita immediately took the lead in explaining the function of this screen.

Doraemon next to him was speechless.

The reason why Nobita was so active in explaining the screen was not because he was so enthusiastic, but because he could finally get out of the suffering of studying.

These days, Nobita has to learn magic, do homework, and accept everyone's supervision, so he can't be lazy for a while.

Now that he finally has a reason to be lazy, how can he not be excited!

Then Doraemon looked at the potions that each of them made behind him. They were healing potions in the first-year potion course. Although there were many materials that were not available in this world, some of them could be replaced.

Shizuka did the best, followed by Fat Tiger and Suneo, and Nobita's was completely an unknown liquid!

Even in terms of spells, Nobita was worse than others. The only thing to be thankful for was that Nobita had learned the herbal medicine course well.

But where in this world did the magic herbs in the herbal medicine book come from!

This made Doraemon worry about Nobita's future.

DC Universe

Bruce Wayne and Diana returned to the secret base through the portal, and Alfred prepared various refreshments very considerately.

Even candles had to be taken out, but Bruce Wayne stopped them.

Seeing this, Alfred could only walk away helplessly, looking at the screen he had seen for the first time.


"Darkwing Bat, you continue to chase humanoid monsters and mimicking beasts, don't hurt humans."

Bruce Wayne said to the Darkwing Bat in the mirror, then raised the yellow light ring and released a ball of light to it.

After the Darkwing Bat ate the ball of light, it looked full of strength, and left after a satisfied cry.

"This yellow light energy can also be used as food for your pet."

Diana said with a little curiosity.

"Yes, I researched it this morning. This ring can simulate life and create energy creatures. I made it to feed the Darkwing Bat."

Bruce Wayne replied.

"But I'm afraid you won't just feed it."

Diana suddenly said this.

Bruce Wayne didn't answer, but looked at the screen.

["The predicted containment this time will appear in other universes, and people from other universes are being pulled to join the live broadcast room.\

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