American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 175: Big Saisha's problem, looking for Bulma.

Leo Universe, Team Mac's base.

The team members, even Fengyuan, looked worried, not knowing what was going on.

At this time, the stars came back, and they didn't look too good.

"team leader!"

Seeing the stars returning, the team members gathered around them.

"Consultant, they didn't make things difficult for you, did they?"

One of the team members asked worriedly.

"How could it not be?"

The stars replied like this.

"Suddenly, there are four more powerful robots, and they can be combined into an even more terrifying super robot. The Japanese high-level officials are very eager to have such a powerful weapon in their hands and asked me to hand over control."

"Did you agree?"

"of course not!"

Zhu Hoshidan shouted sternly.

"I know very well what these high-level officials are thinking. If they are allowed to take control of powerful robots like Gunteras, I don't know what they will do. What's more, even foreign countries are eyeing these robots now, and I can't help it even more. Just hand it over."

"Furthermore, Gunteras only recognizes me as his master, so they can't even control me by force."

After hearing Zhuoxingdan's words, the team members breathed a sigh of relief.

These giant robots are important weapons for them to fight monsters. If they are really taken away for research or something, their combat power will be weakened again.

They really don't want anyone to sacrifice anymore!

"It's just that after some discussion, I still want to allow them to study these robots, and I also promised them that I will only use Gunteras to fight. If necessary, I will call the other four."

When Zhu Xingtan said this, his expression was a little strange.

He already knows that the four robots are controlled by Gunteras, which means that as long as he is willing, Gunteras can summon them and combine them into Daishasha.

It doesn't matter what opinions the top management has.

"Fengyuan, come here."

At this time, Zhu Xingtuan called Fengyuan out, and the two of them walked to the corner to whisper.

"Your strength has improved a lot now, but you still need to strengthen your training. We don't know what kind of crisis there will be later."

"Don't worry, Captain, I understand!"

Fengyuan also knows what the situation is like, and he doesn't know what terrible contained objects will appear in three days. The stronger he can become during this period, the better.

"I have sent Ultra's signature to the Kingdom of Light and told them what happened. I will be here soon for support."

"Are they compatriots from the captain's hometown!"

After hearing this, Fengyuan was surprised and curious, wanting to see what Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light was like.

dragon ball universe

At this time, Sun Wukong and others are looking for humanoid monsters to eliminate.

Originally, they thought that such a weak creature would be quite simple to eliminate.

But in fact they underestimated the seriousness of the matter.

The humanoid monsters were indeed much weaker than them, but their terrifying fecundity was very troublesome.

As long as they are not found for a period of time, more humanoid monsters will breed, and it will be endless and impossible to kill them all.

This still has to do with the help of the gods, otherwise more humanoid monsters will appear elsewhere.

At first, everyone originally wanted to use the Dragon Balls to kill all the humanoid monsters, but due to the resurrection of Sun Wukong, the Dragon Balls could not be used for a year.

So the Z warriors can only solve it on their own.

At the same time, they still have to do one thing, and that is to find Vegeta and Bulma.

This task is left to the strongest Sun Wukong.

"Damn it, where did Vegeta go? He has learned to hide his aura."

Sun Wukong floated in the air and looked around. He had been searching all day, but he couldn't find Vegeta's whereabouts.

This made him very anxious and worried about Bulma's safety.

"Bulma, it must be okay."

After praying in his heart, Sun Wukong flew towards another place. He is now searching the approximate location where the god last saw Vegeta, hoping to find it as soon as possible.

What he didn't know, however, was that Bulma and Vegeta were in the forest below him.

Bulma looked anxiously at Sun Wukong who was walking away, wanting to scream and ask Sun Wukong to save him.

But her mouth was tightly covered by Vegeta and she couldn't make a sound.

When Vegeta confirmed that he couldn't see Son Goku, he let go of Bulma.

"You bastard! You treat a lady like this, don't even think about who picked you up and took you home for treatment! Is this how you treat your savior!"

Bulma was furious and cursed at Vegeta with tears streaming down her face.

When had she ever been so wronged?

"Shut up! If you don't want to be killed by me! Just shut your mouth!"

Vegeta got irritated when he heard Bulma's scolding and yelled at her in turn.

Bulma was so scared that she didn't dare to act rashly.


Just then Bulma's stomach rang, and she realized now that she hadn't eaten all day and was starving.

"Ooooooo, I'm so hungry."

Now Bulma didn't have the strength to keep arguing, so she lay on the ground with a tired look on her face.


Seeing this, Vegeta threw some fruits to Bulma.

Then he picked up the animals he hunted at some point and used Qigong to make a fire and roast them on the spot.

Bulma could only eat the fruits when she saw them, and then looked at the sky, hoping that someone could save her.

Vegeta gradually became unhappy as he looked at the flames.

"Damn Kakarot, I will definitely become stronger!"

Doraemon universe.

My husband’s family.

"Okay! Today we will start learning magic at my husband's house!"

Fat Tiger shouted with an imposing look.

"Hey! Even though this is the case, my parents will be back in a few days, so they can't stay at my house forever!"

The husband reminded quickly.

"Don't worry, I will make arrangements when the time comes."

Doraemon said this.

Since they knew that Nobita had a bunch of magic books, they all asked to learn magic together.

Doraemon also felt that it would be a good thing for multiple people to help deal with the contained objects, so he agreed.

So he used a copy mirror to copy Nobita's magic wand for everyone to use.

According to the classification of magic books, Doraemon made a curriculum and assigned everyone to study. Now Fat Tiger and the three of them are learning the introductory floating spell.

Nobita, on the other hand, is learning new magic and turning everything into stone.

"If Shizuka doesn't understand, you can ask me. Although the floating spell is for beginners, it's very difficult. It took me three days to learn it."

Nobita said to Shizuka with a proud look on his face.

Now he finally has a chance to stand proud and walk in front of everyone.

He was already thinking about how to teach Shizuka as a senior and gain Shizuka's love.

"Thank you Nobita, but I have already learned it."

"It's okay, Shizuka. I don't understand. Eh? What did you say?"

Hearing this, Nobita suddenly turned into beet-eyed.

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