American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 176 Nobita is overtaken, black’s research

"This floating spell is actually very simple. As long as the spell is pronounced correctly and the wand is swung with the right force, it will be fine." Shizuka smiled and swung her wand at the book next to her. "Wingardium Leviosa!" As soon as Shizuka finished speaking, the book immediately floated up. Nobita was stunned when he saw this scene. It took him three days to learn this floating spell. How come Shizuka learned it in less than two hours? "We learned it too!" Just then, the voices of Fat Tiger and Suneo came. They also made the book float up, looking very proud. "Nobita, are you stupid? It takes three days to learn such a simple spell." "That is to say, the notes next to the book have detailed the specific steps and precautions. Just follow the above and pay more attention to it." "Nobita is so stupid." Fat Tiger and Suneo laughed at him, making Nobita blush. "Nobita, you have to work harder, otherwise you will be left behind again." Seeing this, Doraemon came over helplessly to remind Nobita. "Ahhhhhh!! Why is this happening?" This almost broke Nobita, and he rubbed his face frantically with both hands. "But I remember that this history of magic said that if you want to learn magic, you must have a talent for magic. I didn't expect that everyone has it." Doraemon looked at the second-grade history of magic in his hand. According to this book, he has learned what another magic world looks like. At the same time, he was surprised that Fat Tiger and the others also had a talent for magic. Marvel Universe, Mexican town. "Now we are testing Kamen Rider Black, Captain, please transform." Nick Fury spoke to Rogers through the microphone. They are going to test what kind of power Kamen Rider Black has this day. As for why they are in the Mexican town, it is because Tony Stark also wants to participate in this research, but he has to come to the Mexican town to find Thor, and he is too busy to split his time, so he simply asks Nick Fury to do the test here so that he can take care of both sides. If Nick Fury had refused this request in the past, such a major secret would definitely have to be conducted in the secret laboratory of SHIELD.

But considering Thor as an alien, he also had an obligation to contact him earlier, and Tony Stark gave up some benefits, so Nick Fury could only agree.


Rogers raised his right arm and shouted the word "transform".

Although it was the first time, the moment he got the transformer, he knew how to transform.

The next second, he was wearing a black tights armor on the ship, his eyes were red, and he looked like a locust.

"Is this Kamen Rider? It's clearly a locust?"

Tony Stark couldn't help but complain. If he was to develop it, it must be good-looking!

Then a series of tests began.

Speed, jumping power, strength, destructive power, defense.

Each item achieved results beyond the human field.

Although SHIELD's strongest laser cannon can knock Kamen Rider Black away, it cannot cause useful damage.

Even in the face of Gatling gun fire and tank bombing, Kamen Rider Black could not suffer much damage.

And the speed is much faster than the most advanced cars.

The amazing jumping power is enough to jump to the top of the building.

The most important thing is the terrible destructive power.

Whether it is fists or feet, as long as Rogers attacks with all his strength, he can explode with a power far exceeding the explosion of hundreds of tons of explosives.

Any military weapons, except missiles, weapons of mass destruction, cannot match the destructive power of BLACK.

"Great! There is such power, can we mass produce it! Even if the performance is weakened, it doesn't matter!"

After seeing the various data of Kamen Rider BLACK, Nick Fury shouted excitedly.

Although it is not as good as Natasha's superpowers, it is also an incredible combat power.

"What are you thinking about? I analyzed it. The material of black does not belong to the earth at all. With the materials of the earth, it can't be reproduced by one third."

Tony Stark rolled his eyes helplessly.

Although he didn't want to admit it, his proud Mark armor was not as good as Kamen Rider BLACK.

"No matter what, we have to continue researching."

Nick Fury said decisively.

"I know without you telling me, ahhh~~"

Tony Stark yawned loudly after he finished speaking.

He has been very busy these days, with various research projects.

Equipped with freezing weapons, weather control, crystal missiles, enhanced armor, and other high-tech research and development, he almost exhausted his energy.

Now there is another research on Kamen Rider Black, which makes him feel even more tired.

"You look tired, do you want to rest?"

Natasha said.

"Oh, then you should ask Einstein what he did after not sleeping, and I once fought a model for a whole day without sleeping."

Hearing this, Tony Stark immediately refused to admit defeat and forced himself to cheer up.

"Whatever you want."

Natasha just rolled her eyes helplessly.


At this time, Nick Fury quietly called Natasha to the side.

"What's the situation with the Rubik's Cube?"

Nick Fury asked.

Since Natasha's brain was developed by 30%, possessing amazing intelligence and various superpowers, Nick Fury simply asked her to join the research of the Cosmic Cube.

"That powerful energy is beyond imagination and cannot be controlled by humans. I can develop a controllable method at the current human stage, just like using it as a battery."

Natasha replied.

"Is that different from the laser weapons we developed before?"

"Yes, the power will be stronger and controllable."

"Listen Natasha, the world is complicated now, and we need to master the power of the Cosmic Cube as soon as possible."

"Fury, listen, I can see that the danger of the Cosmic Cube is far higher than you think. Even I don't dare to study the Cosmic Cube too deeply. Once we go too far, the world will perish. You are Do you want to destroy the world in advance?”

Natasha stared at Nick Fury coldly, her tone sounded calm, but it gave people a particularly nervous feeling.

As an old fox, Nick Fury had to be nervous.

"Okay, I listen to you, but what about distracting you from studying Kamen Rider BLACK?"

"No kidding, this looks simpler than the Cosmic Rubik's Cube."

"That's good, keep an eye on Stark and don't let him take away too many secrets."

"I'm afraid it's difficult."

Although Natasha looked down on the playboy Tony Stark, she had to admit that his brain was indeed different. The less he was allowed to get it, the more trouble he would be in.

"Director, that Thor is willing to meet with us, but he is in a very bad condition right now and needs his friends to be present."

Just then Coulson came to report about contact with Thor.

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