American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 174 The ninja world changes and the Five Kage Conference is held!

Warring States glanced at Garp. If he was normal, he would have angrily scolded Garp for such a crazy idea.

But it's different now.

Because of the Tiger Talisman, Warring States wanted to try such a crazy thing.

So Sengoku picked up Rodan and Godzilla's Devil Fruit.

Raton's ability to fly, which he saw through the screen, was helpful.

Akainu had personally experienced Godzilla's strength. That terrifying ray actually seriously injured him! It is enough to show that Godzilla is as powerful as any other fantasy beast!

"Hey, even if you want to try it in the Warring States period, you shouldn't be so crazy about eating it together."

Garp didn't expect Sengoku to pick up two of them directly, and he had to look worried.

"If it really works, I don't mind eating two. Now is an extraordinary period, and it's not my turn to hesitate."

After Warring States finished speaking, he looked at the tiger charm worn around his neck.

This is a big gamble, success or failure depends on it!

Thinking of this, Warring States suddenly decided to eat it!

Naruto World

The three shadow-level figures were looking at the newly obtained divine beasts, Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyogre.

The sudden appearance of the mythical beast and the strange sound left them completely confused as to what was going on.

But when they saw the powerful destructive power of these three beasts, they suddenly forgot about this problem.


"Big characters explode!/Dragon Wave/Water Cannon!"

When the three shadows got these three elves, they immediately knew what skills these three elves had and could command them easily.

The three mythical beasts, who were arrogant in the original world, will obey their orders and use their moves because of the rewards on the screen.

It was so hot that it burned a large area of ​​the sea.

The light that tears apart the sky and penetrates everything with incomparable power.

A water cannon that floods everything and destroys everything with force.

Such terrifying power refreshed these three Kage's understanding of Pokemon.

With such amazing power, even the Nine Lamas are stronger than him!

Moreover, such a monster still obeys his orders. According to the voice, there is still room to become stronger. How can they not be excited.

Now they all thought at the same time that the strength of their village would improve a lot and they would not be afraid of other ninja villages!

"What an interesting baby. Not only is it powerful, it can also control the weather."

Terumi Mei looked at the heavy rain that had been falling since Kyogre appeared. As long as Kyogre was willing, the rain could stop.

The ninjas of Kirigakure Village basically use water escape. In this heavy rain environment, the power of water escape will be even higher.

In other words, as long as Kyogre is here, the strength of the ninjas in their ninja village will be several times greater than before!

Terumi Mei couldn't help but feel happy when she thought of this.

"Oh, this is the rumored beautiful Mizukage, Terumi Mei? Sure enough, seeing is better than hearing a hundred times."

Just then Jiraiya's voice came.

Terumi Mei immediately looked at the source of the sound warily.

I saw Jilai falling from the sky and slowly landing on the ground.

Jiraiya looked at Kyogre, and just by looking at it, he could see that Kyogre had amazing power, enough to threaten Jiraiya, making him have to be cautious.

"You are Jiraiya, one of the Sannin of Konoha!"

Terumi Mei recognized Jiraiya and screamed in surprise.

"Yes, but don't be afraid. I have no hostility. On the contrary, major events are happening in the ninja world now, and we need to convene a five-kage conference."

Jiraiya said with a serious face.

Now that the matter has spread to five ninja villages, Konoha cannot solve it by itself.

At this time, the other two clones of Jiraiya also contacted Ai and Onoki, explaining the situation and convening a five-kage conference.

Tsunade also agreed with this matter. In the past, there was an invasion of containment objects, and in the future, Orochimaru caused trouble. She didn't know what the ninja world would become in the future.

At this time, Orochimaru was conducting research on the synthesis of super beasts in his secret base.

Now this secret base has become a place where monsters gather.

At a glance, there are javo monsters with many glasses on their faces everywhere.

Then, each cell was inhabited by monsters produced by the C virus, which were very restless and ran into the wall.

Now this place is simply a monster defense, and normal people simply don't dare to live here.

Orochimaru enjoys such an environment. He is now using the C-Virus biochemical monster he developed through the Super Beast Making Machine to create a monster that is only over thirty meters tall.

Each monster looks particularly scary and has different shapes.

Some are covered with tentacles, some have huge throats that take up half of the body, some have human-like limbs and crawl on the ground, and some are completely bone with almost no flesh at all.

In short, they have a common feature, which is that they contain strong C virus toxins. As long as they are put outside, they can continuously cause biochemical crises.

However, among so many works, the one that satisfies Orochimaru the most is the super beast that combines the psychic beast and the C-virus monster.

This super beast not only has the characteristics of spreading viruses and being powerful, but also has certain intelligence and can perform ninjutsu.

"Lord Orochimaru, if we use too many psychic beasts, I am afraid that many psychic beast races will be dissatisfied and regard us as enemies."

Kabuto reminded.

It's not the right time for them to cause outrage.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I already have enough super beasts now. It's really interesting. What kind of machine is this? And how many principles do these monsters have that I haven't studied yet? It's really interesting."

Orochimaru sneered twice and looked at his proud work with fiery eyes. Now he is already a crazy scientist.

"By the way, there are some ninja villages and high-level officials of major countries who want to purchase the C-virus through us, and some of them require it to be controllable."

Kabuto continued to explain.

Since the biochemical crisis was triggered in Konoha and many ninja villages saw the effects, it attracted a lot of transactions.

This extremely inhumane thing is prohibited in many places on the surface, but in fact it is rampant in private. Everyone is eager to obtain powerful and powerful power to achieve their desires.

"Then sell it to them, and tell them that if possible, it's best to use a psychic beast to trade with me."

Orochimaru gave a sneer.

If he catches the psychic beast by himself, he may arouse the anger of all the psychic beasts, but it is not necessarily possible to spread this risk.

"I understand, you are indeed Lord Orochimaru."

Hearing this, Kabuto suddenly admired Orochimaru even more and raised his glasses.

"By the way, Akatsuki also found us."

"Who's coming?"

"It's Itachi Uchiha and Kisame Inikasaki."

"Haha, it's these two people. Then I will personally receive them, my colleagues whom I haven't seen for a long time."

When Orochimaru said this, he showed a particularly cold smile.

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