American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 173 Thanos, Director of the Family Planning Bureau!

The sudden reward sound made everyone in the Marvel Universe startled.

Natasha: "Who is Thanos?"

Nick Fury: "I've said before that visual monsters appear in the universe. This Thanos should be a cosmic talent."

Tony Stark: "I don't know what it is like. Is it like Asgard and similar to Earthlings?"

Ancient One: "If I were you, I would never want to know who Thanos is."

Tony Stark: "Huh? What do you mean?"

After Tony Stark asked, Ancient One did not answer, but looked at the screen with a look of shock.

Didn't you expect to be exposed to Thanos so soon? Sure enough, everything has changed since this screen appeared.

Now Gu Yi can no longer see clearly what the future will look like.

Odin: "Thanos! It's this crazy Titan! Now we're in trouble!"

Thor: "What's wrong, Father? Who is this Thanos? Why do you feel so panicked?"

Odin: "This guy is a madman who specializes in wiping out half of all life on every planet!"

Naruto: "What! Destroy half of all life? Why is that?"

Odin: "It is said that this madman believes that the resources of the universe are limited, but the excessive population leads to frequent resources. The number of lives should be reduced to achieve a balance in order to achieve the continuation of life, so every time he goes to a planet, he will kill half of it." life."

Warring States: "What! Isn't this a typical lunatic!"

Morohoshidan: "What a joke! What does this guy think of life?"

Fengyuan: "This is simply an evil invader!"

Diana: "This is simply evil! For the sake of balancing resources, it's just to satisfy your own selfish desires of massacre!"

Chopper: "That's right! It's really too much!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, there are so many childish people here. I think this guy named Thanos did the right thing."

Jiraiya: "Orochimaru! What more nonsense are you talking about!"

Orochimaru: "Jiraiya, you are someone who has experienced several wars. Isn't the emergence of wars caused by lack of resources and conflicts between people? If the number of people is really reduced by half, it will not be because of insufficient resources. Cause war, make peace.”

Bruce Wayne: "Really? I don't think so. As long as human desires are still there, no matter how much the population is reduced or how much resources are increased, war is inevitable. Massacre is simply a temporary solution, not the root cause."

Orochimaru: "Indeed, after all, it is a small number of people who are allocating resources. It might be better if those people are killed, at least to minimize conflicts."

Tsunade: "Don't promote this fallacy in your place!"

Navy Headquarters.

Garp looked at the screen and suddenly fell into thought.

"Hey, Sengoku, do you think that if the number of people in our world is reduced by half, there will still be so many pirates and there will be wars?"

"Hey, Garp, what are you talking about!"

After hearing this, Warring States scolded displeasedly.

"Or if it's the Celestial Dragons who are being reduced, right?"

"Stop talking!"

Warring States was worried that Garp would become more and more outrageous, so he immediately yelled loudly to avoid being overheard.

"Hahaha! Don't worry, I'm just saying casually. What Bruce said is right. As long as the greedy fools are still there, how can war be avoided? It's just a matter of quantity!"

Garp immediately returned to his usual laughter and patted Sengoku on the shoulder, making Sengoku look extremely ugly.

At this time, somewhere in the Marvel Universe, there is a huge and powerful spaceship.

Dressed in purple and golden armor, the bald cosmonaut is sitting on the throne, wiping the sword in his hand. It is the terrifying Titan who will destroy half of all life in the universe in the future - Thanos.

"Ebony Maw, have you studied clearly what those creatures are?"

Thanos asked in a cold voice.

"Not yet. I have never seen such creatures. They are naturally very fast and can read biological waves instantly. It is very interesting. If they are bred well, they will become a powerful combat force for us."

Ebony Throat said as he looked at the more than twenty visual beasts locked in culture fluid.

Half an hour ago, when Thanos led an army to massacre a planet, he suddenly discovered these visual phantom beasts, and then immediately started fighting.

After spending some effort, kill them all and grab a few to study.

And Thanos also used the Mind Stone to control the thoughts of the visual beasts and become his subordinates.

"Reward Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet."

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared in Thanos's ear. Before he could react, a glove he had never seen before suddenly appeared on his right hand.

"The Infinity Gauntlet can control the Infinity Stones and maximize the power of the Infinity Stones."

The cold voice continued to appear.

"who is it!"

Thanos immediately stood up and looked around.

General Deathblade, Proxima Centauri, Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf, after realizing that something was wrong with Thanos, immediately prepared for battle and alerted the surroundings.

But Thanos could no longer hear the electronic sound, and then looked at the Infinity Gauntlet with a confused look on his face.

"This forecast ends here. The next forecast will be three days later."

After the voice on the screen finished speaking, the screens in front of everyone disappeared.

Pirate World, Skull Island.

"Is this the end? I still want to see more."

Luffy said with a bored look on his face, he was still looking forward to showing off his skills.

"Okay, don't worry about this for now, what should we do next!"

Nami looked at Skull Island with a worried look. Monsters kept passing by, and she could see the massacre between various monsters, which made her very scared.

Fortunately, I used magic to hide the Sunshine from being discovered.

"What to do! Of course we are going on an adventure!"

Luffy immediately became extremely excited and shouted with his eyes shining.

A place like this is definitely his favorite adventure stage, how could he miss it!

"I knew it."

Nami, Usopp and Chopper immediately burst into tears, worrying about their futures.

On the contrary, everyone else is gearing up, just in time to test their new abilities and improve their strength!

Navy Headquarters.

The three generals have returned to the Navy Headquarters, leaving a large number of naval forces to guard Skull Island.

"Then this group of visual fantasy beasts will be handed over to Vegapunk to study and transform into weapons for us to use. Akainu will serve as a guard to supervise these visual fantasy beasts."

"Then Kizaru pursues the monster that escaped Skull Island."

"Ah, those monsters are flying all over the world. Even if I can turn into light and fly, I don't know how long it will take to catch them."

Kizaru immediately said helplessly.

"Then find a way to pursue him, it's really up to you!"

Warring States is also quite helpless. Raton flies very fast and cannot catch up with warships. All he can do now is to convey this matter to everyone to resist and find ways to reduce losses.

"Sengoku, why don't you eat this Rodon's Devil Fruit and go after it."

Garp picked up Rodon's Devil Fruit and suggested to Sengoku.

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