American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 170 Dog spell, restore young white beard!

"And what's that sound!"

Whitebeard looked around vigilantly, not knowing the source of the sound at all, which made him even more weird.

Why did something suddenly appear in this world that made him feel inexplicable and dangerous?

If the severe pain was not still there, he might have thought he was dreaming.

"Dad! I'll treat you first!"

At this time, Marco flew over anxiously and used the flame of regeneration to treat Whitebeard's injuries, his face full of anxiety.

Whitebeard was already seriously ill, and now there is such a big battle, who knows how long he can live.

When everyone thought about it, they felt extremely anxious, and with the death of many companions, the atmosphere became particularly heavy.

"Boys, don't be so sad."

Seeing this, Whitebeard was about to raise his hand and say something to encourage morale, but then he found that there was something he had never seen before in his hand, and there was a dog painted on it.

"What is this?"

This made Whitebeard depressed. When did he have such a thing?

Just when he was puzzled, the dog talisman suddenly emitted a dazzling light, covering Whitebeard's whole body.


This sudden scene shocked everyone, and they all ran to Whitebeard in a hurry for fear of something happening.

But Whitebeard looked fine, and it seemed that something had changed.

"Wait, Dad's illness is gone?"

At this time, Marco said with a shocked face. He had been checking Whitebeard's body. He was still full of pain in the last second, but now he was not sick at all, just like a normal person.

"How is it possible? Isn't Dad seriously ill?"

"I don't know!"

"Is it related to this?"

Whitebeard immediately looked at the dog talisman in his hand, and at this moment, a voice sounded in his ears again.

"The dog talisman can restore the holder to his youthful state, keep youth forever, and live forever, and be immune to all diseases. No matter how serious the injury is, he will not die."

"Who is talking! Who are you!"

Whitebeard roared at the surroundings, and his every word was filled with far more powerful power than before, and when he spoke, he could actually cause the surrounding sea surface to shake constantly!

Such a change made Whitebeard stunned. Could it be that this thing can really keep him young and immortal?


At this moment, Ace's voice came. Hearing his voice, everyone looked over in surprise.

A while ago, they suddenly saw the wanted poster. Ace's bounty skyrocketed a lot. They had to worry about his situation and wondered what Ace did to increase his bounty so much.

When they saw Ace reappear, they all breathed a sigh of relief, but they were puzzled as to why Ace's flame turned purple?

Navy Headquarters.

Garp and Sengoku looked so ugly. They didn't expect that Whitebeard could actually restore his youth and have the ability to be immortal.

That would be a big trouble. They knew how strong Whitebeard was when he was young. As long as he wanted, he could destroy the whole world at any time.

Fortunately, Whitebeard didn't have that kind of ambition. In addition, he was old and weak now, and he was no longer as scary as when he was young.

But now he has recovered, so Garp and Sengoku have to be extremely vigilant!

"Damn it, we must do everything we can to eliminate Whitebeard and take away his dog charm!"

Zhan Guo clenched his fists and said.

"Don't be impatient. You and I know how strong that guy is. If you make him angry, he will only drag the whole world down."

This time, Garp was unexpectedly calm and calmed Zhan Guo. No one knew better than him how terrifying Whitebeard was.

Even if he had a bull charm that could increase his strength by hundreds of times, he had to be cautious.

At this time, in the comment area, after learning about the reward Whitebeard received, everyone spoke out.

Strange: "Forever young, immortal! There is actually such a magical prop!"

Wang: "There are indeed such props in the magic books I have read, but basically they all cost a huge price. It is unheard of to have such a simple one like this!"

Naruto: "Forever young? It's the same as Grandma Tsunade's ninjutsu."

Tsunade: "That's different. I can't be immortal."

In the Hokage Building, Tsunade had to mutter the four words of eternal youth. No matter who it is, especially women, and especially beautiful women, they all desire eternal youth.

A big problem with Tsunade's ninjutsu is that if the chakra is overused, it will age. It would be nice to have a substitute.

In the Pirate World, Nami and Robin's eyes changed a little. Such treasures are also very tempting to them.

"Or, find a chance to steal it."

Nami couldn't help thinking so. Such a crazy idea immediately shocked others.

Bruce Wayne: "Who is this Whitebeard? He can actually defeat such a big monster. I remember that in Leo Universe, it took two Ultramen and a robot to defeat it."

Moroboshi Tuan: "That's different. The giant jellyfish in the Pirate World is much smaller than the one here, and the strength is much worse."

Natasha: "Wait, where is the other Bruce Wayne? Why is he gone?"

Doraemon: "The other Bruce Wayne is the current Bruce Wayne. The Bruce Wayne of IKEA returned to the past timeline, and there is only one Bruce Wayne left here."

Luffy: "What do you mean? What happened to that person?"

Ancient One: "This kind of time travel problem is very complicated. Anyway, there is only one Bruce Wayne now."

Tony Stark: "I am not confused by this question. We must discuss it carefully when we have the chance."

Nami: "Don't! It's too complicated!"

Bruce Wayne: "Ahem, now is not the time to talk about this. Is Whitebeard a pirate? A pirate who can defeat such a powerful jellyfish and has the power of immortality is not a good sign."

Aokiji: "Indeed, this is the strongest pirate in the world. He has the power to cause earthquakes. As long as he wants, he can cause earthquakes and tsunamis all over the world. He has the power to destroy the world."

Nick Fury: "What is so terrible!"

Jiraiya: "Let the whole world set off earthquakes and tsunamis!"

This made Jiraiya take a breath. Humans can only live on land. If they are really caught in an earthquake, no one can escape. Even if they can temporarily escape, they have to deal with the subsequent disaster losses, which are enough to cause a devastating blow to any civilization!

"Can I deal with this kind of power?"

This made Jiraiya have to be vigilant.

Bruce Wayne: "What! This is so terrible. Such a person can completely blackmail the whole world to satisfy his own selfish desires." Bruce Wayne stepped on a pile of humanoid corpses and took a breath. He didn't expect Whitebeard to be so terrible. If the criminals in Gotham City had this power, I'm afraid they would demand ransom from all countries at all times!

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