"Kamen Rider!"

When Tony Stark heard this name, he immediately thought of the Kamen Rider Night Rider Transformer that Bruce Wayne got. Is this the same?

"Kamen Rider BLACK is a cyborg created by the Golgom Empire in a parallel universe that used the Emperor Stone to transform humans. It has power beyond human imagination."

"The power of fists can reach 30 tons, the power of kicks can reach 50 tons, the jumping power exceeds tens of meters, the vision can see a distance of thousands of meters, and even the weaknesses of the enemy can be discovered, the skin can detect air flow movement and temperature, and hearing Can hear sounds five hundred meters away, even ultrasonic waves.”

"The body's defense is strong enough to withstand a kiloton bomb."

"However, the power of Kamen Rider Black is not just that. If the Emperor Stone continues to absorb the power of the sun, it will evolve into Kamen Rider BLACK RX."

After the voice on the screen explained, Tony Stark looked surprised. What empire transformed him into a cyborg? Why does it look so much like a crazy experiment in a science fiction movie?

It seems that Kamen Rider is not only the one wearing high-tech armor, but also has biological mutations.

"I don't know what the Gorgom Empire is, and it can actually evolve. The Emperor Stone is interesting."

Tony Stark became more and more excited as he thought about it, staring at Rogers' belt as if he was seeing some rare treasure.

"What was that sound just now? Why do I suddenly have multiple belts!"

Rogers was confused as to what situation he was encountering now.

"Captain Rogers, I believe there are many things you can't believe right now, but it doesn't matter, I will explain to you slowly."

Nick Fury took a deep breath and suppressed the joy in his heart. It is undoubtedly a good thing that Steve Rogers, who has a strong sense of justice and mission, can be rewarded.

What's more, he will definitely belong to S.H.I.E.L.D., which would be equivalent to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s increasing strength.

How could Nick Fury not be happy?

"The humanoid monsters in the Dragon Ball Universe have been eliminated, and the remaining offspring are not included in the first batch of invasions. Please keep up your efforts, all Dragon Ball Universe warriors. Rewards will be distributed now. All those who participated in the battle will have their combat effectiveness multiplied by 2."

After the sound on the screen ended, Sun Wukong and the others immediately felt that their power was indeed much stronger.

"It's so strong. Is this the power of that screen? It can actually make us stronger out of thin air!"

Klin looked at his body in disbelief.

"Awesome, this power!"

Tianjin Fan looked excited. As a martial artist, there is nothing better than becoming stronger.


But Sun Wukong seemed worried.

"Dad, aren't you happy?"

Sun Wuhan asked doubtfully.

"Nothing, I just feel that this kind of power that appears out of thin air cannot be completely relied on. If we blindly rely on the power from rewards and forget about solid cultivation, sooner or later there will be a situation where we can no longer make progress."

Sun Wukong looks at his own power improvement from another angle, quite like a master.

This made Sun Wuhan look suddenly enlightened.

"It seems you are not stupid. I will go back to practice now."

Piccolo suddenly said this.

"I only killed the humanoid monsters to get rewards. Now that I have the things, there is no need for me to waste time here. The life and death of humans is none of my business anyway, so just keep working hard."

Piccolo sneered and disappeared.

"This ruthless guy is indeed a big devil and not worthy of trust!"

Leping didn't expect Piccolo to leave so simply, and had to grit his teeth in anger.

"Forget it, let's keep doing what we need to do."

Sun Wukong didn't care much and continued to chase the remaining humanoid monsters.

One Piece World

"Congratulations to the Navy Headquarters for successfully containing the visual phantom beast. The reward will be Garp's Overlord Color Haki, the Warring States Tiger Talisman, and the other naval forces will be rewarded with twice the strength."

After the sound on the screen ended, Warring States discovered that there was a talisman on his hand, which was a black and white tiger.

Before he could be confused, he felt a powerful overlord-colored domineering energy erupting next to him.

It's Garp!

"Haha! It turns out that this is how I feel when I have domineering domineering energy. If I had thought about it back then, I would have defeated Roger and Whitebeard long ago!"

Garp couldn't help laughing three times.

"Idiot, please calm down!"

Sengoku shouted in annoyance, but he was more happy. The heroes of the navy became stronger. There is no more exciting news than this.

But what's the use of the Tiger Talisman in my hand? Can it increase the power hundreds of times like the Ox Talisman?

"The Tiger Talisman can balance different powers and prevent a person from exploding to death due to conflict with multiple powers. In other words, as long as you have the Tiger Talisman, you can still achieve balance and normal use even if you have incompatible powers."

"But please note that the Tiger Talisman can divide people into good and evil individuals, so be careful when using it."

After listening to the screen's words, Warring States had to look depressed and disappointed.

The effect of this spell doesn't seem to be very good. What the hell is it just divided into two entities, good and evil? Who wants to split?

What's more, balancing different powers, where did he get the different powers?

"Hahaha, Sengoku, your rewards are very poor. You don't know the chakra of other worlds and so on, so you can't use it at all. You can't eat one more Devil Fruit to balance it, hahaha!!"


Garp's unintentional words immediately made Sengoku's eyes change, and Garp also reacted later.

Eating one more Devil Fruit is an absolutely crazy idea in the world of One Piece.

A person can only eat one devil fruit in his life. If he eats more than one, two devils will conflict in his body, causing his body to explode and die.

This is generally accepted knowledge.

But the Tiger Talisman can balance various different forces, even if fire and water are incompatible, doesn't that mean it can balance multiple Devil Fruits?

"Sengoku, do you want to try it?"

Garp asked.

"let me see"

Warring States took a deep breath. This matter was very important. If they guessed wrong, they would be in big trouble.

But if it is true, then the strength of the Warring States Period will be further enhanced.

This is a huge gamble with huge risks and benefits!

"Congratulations to Whitebeard. Edward Newgate succeeded in destroying the air jellyfish. He will be rewarded with a dog talisman. Others who contributed will have their power doubled."

At this moment, the sound on the screen sounded, causing Garp and Sengoku's expressions to become extremely ugly.

At this time, Whitebeard's side.

Whitebeard looked at the jellyfish fragments scattered on the ground in front of him, panting.

The strength of the giant air jellyfish is beyond his imagination, and he must try his best to defeat it.

Even if you are in your prime without any illness, you still have to put in a lot of effort.

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