Bruce Wayne: "This is too dangerous! He must be arrested! If he threatens the whole world to fulfill his demands, it will be a bottomless pit!"

Diana: "I'm afraid not, I have to kill him for sure. If I knew about this kind of pirate, I wouldn't let him go."

Akainu: "That's right! This is simply the embodiment of evil! It must be eliminated!"

Ace: "Stop humiliating Dad! Dad is not that despicable and shameless person!"

Luffy: "Hey! Ace, you're here too!"

Ace: "I've always been here, but I never spoke before."

Ace is very angry now. He has two great enemies, one is his younger brother Luffy, and the other is his most respected father Whitebeard. He will never allow anyone to humiliate him!

Akainu: "Humph, can't you hold your anger in because Whitebeard was humiliated? What a stupid kid."

Ace: "Shut up!"

Garp: "Ace, just shut up! But you are telling the truth. Whitebeard is indeed not that kind of villain."

Sengoku: "Garp! How can you speak for the pirates?"

Garp: "Sorry, I'm just telling the truth. That guy with white beard is the most amazing man besides Roger, hahaha!"

Nick Fury: "Hey, as a soldier, why are you praising criminals?"

Naruto: "It must be that the uncle named Whitebeard has a very charming personality. I just saw him fighting. He is very protective of his subordinates. Even his enemies are amazing."

Akainu: "Huh, what a stupid thing to admire an evil pirate."

Ace: "Oh, what good thing do you think your navy is? You talk about upholding justice, but you are just a lackey of the Celestial Dragons, helping the Celestial Dragons to oppress others. What kind of justice is it? There will be people who become pirates, including yours." Credit!”

Akainu: "Shut up!"

Watching the conversation between these two people, smart people from other worlds noticed something.

"Celestial Dragons? What is that? The navy is the lackey of the Draconians? Is it like private soldiers under the aristocracy of the old times? And then the aristocrats exploited others and took risks to become criminals?"

Bruce Wayne immediately analyzed the answer with his detective brain.

"If this is the case, this pirate world is not simple."

Thinking of this, Bruce Wayne no longer gets involved in the problems of the pirate world. His own world also has many problems.

"Now the star clusters are rewarded with unlimited energy, Guntras is rewarded for being upgraded to Daishasha, and Fengyuan's physical fitness is doubled."

At this time, the screen's electronic sound sounded.

Leo Universe.

Zhu Xingtuan and Fengyuan clearly felt changes in their physical fitness.

"Guntras also got a reward? Is it because he also contributed just now? And what happened to the upgrade to Daishasha?"

The stars looked at Gunteras in confusion, and found that Gunteras's appearance had indeed changed dramatically.

The head turns into a dragon's head, the legs are purple, the left arm is a robotic tiger, the right arm is a robotic whale, and there is a red eagle-like thing on the chest.

When did Gunteras become this thing? ?

"There are actually more than one super star god robots like Gunteras, and there are also Dolcurus, Garuda, Gangxisai and Libaiasan that represent the four astrological signs of wind, fire, water and earth."

"These four robots can be combined with Gunteras to form Daisha, which has even more amazing power. The super high-energy explosion is enough to destroy the planet."

"If given the order, Daidaisha can be disintegrated into five robots."

After the on-screen explanation was over, the stars had to take a breath. They didn't expect that there were still four robots like Gunteras, and more importantly, they could actually be combined!

Destroying the planet is just like Ultraman. I'm afraid it will be difficult to defeat even Severn!

Such a change made Zhu Xingluan very happy. With four more robots, they can combine to become stronger. With him and Leo, the earth's defense is more secure!

Tony Stark: "What did I hear! You have a new robot and you can combine it! This is so romantic!"

Luffy: "That sounds so handsome!"

Naruto: "It looks so cool!"

Sun Wufan: "The robot fusion is so handsome!"

Nami: "What are you all so excited about?"

Usopp: "Nami, you don't understand, robot fusion is a man's romance!"

Franky: "Yes! This is the most romantic thing!"

Tsunade: "Ah, is that so?"

Diana: "I don't quite understand."

Tony Stark: "You don't understand this!"

Tony Stark is extremely envious now. It would be great if he could have such a big robot. Even if he wanted to research it himself, he would have to take a lot of detours. If there is a ready-made one, he can find many ways to imitate it.

He was heartbroken when he thought that he would miss out on those rewards.

"Sir, we are already in Mexico."

At this time, the sexy stewardess came over and said.

"Okay, by the way, help me book a room later. I will be very tired today and need someone to massage me."

"No problem~"

"The Sleeper Killer in the world of Doraemon was successfully contained, and Nobi Nobita will be rewarded with magic course books for the entire year of Hogwarts."

When the sound on the screen ended, countless magic books fell from above Nobita, drowning him underground.

"Ahhh! It hurts so much! Why do you have to give me a book! Can't you just let me learn magic!"

Nobita shouted with a displeased look on his face. What he hated most was reading. He hadn't even read one-tenth of the first-grade books. When would he be able to read so many books?

"what is this?"

Xiaofu picked up a book and asked doubtfully.

"This is a book for learning magic. I told you that there will be rewards for successfully containing the contained objects, and this is it."

Doraemon explained.


Hearing these two words, Fat Tiger, Xiaofu and Shizuka all had to show expressions of shock, and then became excited.

"Nobita! You guys are actually learning magic secretly! If not, I will learn it too!"

Fat Tiger immediately shouted dissatisfied.

Xiaofu and Shizuka also expressed the same thoughts.

"That's great. If we all study together, we will definitely learn faster."

Doraemon immediately agreed upon seeing this, and it was good to use it to encourage Nobita.

Ancient One: "The magic books for the whole grade are really interesting. I really want to see what kind of magic books can be used as inspiration for our Kama Taj's new magic."

"Congratulations to the DC Universe for successfully wiping out humanoid monsters. The ones that reproduced are not included. Keep up the good work and reward Diana with the distant utopia."

When the sound on the screen ended, a golden scabbard with blue lines suddenly appeared in Diana's hand.

The moment it appeared, Diana felt that the energy she had consumed was rapidly recovering!

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