After Temari and the others heard her voice, they immediately looked over and saw that there was actually another one of them, talking and walking.

Behind them is the entrance to Sand Ninja Village!

"Really traveling through time!"

Seeing this scene, the three of them were shocked, but they did not forget what they should do and immediately ran towards the entrance at full speed.

Since they ran out from the other side and were very fast, they were not seen.

And when they reached the entrance, they disappeared with the entrance.

Gaara, who was passing by, suddenly stopped and turned around. He looked at nothing behind him and had to show doubts.

At this time, Sand Ninja Village.

"Huhuhu, we ran out, it's great, we are back in our village!"

Kankuro looked at the familiar environment with excitement. He almost went crazy after staying in IKEA for so long!

Now I finally escaped successfully, not to mention how happy I am.

"It's like a dream."

Temari looked at the time belt around her waist. If it hadn't been for it, she would have thought that her previous experience was just a dream.

"It turns out that I turned around when I noticed my movement."

Gaara lowered his head and thought. He turned around when he noticed something behind him, only to find that the entrance had disappeared.

It seems really amazing now.

"Hey, why is the village in ruins?"

At this moment Kankuro shouted in shock.

The Sand Ninja Village turned into ruins, and the corpses of some villagers could be seen, and some even looked completely non-human.

"Oh my God, what happened while we were away!"

Temari had to scream in shock when she saw this scene.

Judging from the time point, the village was fine when they entered. Why did it become like this when they came out at the same time?

Is it because the time in IKEA is different from outside?


At this time Gaara looked towards the sky and spoke.

Temari and Kankuro immediately looked up and saw a person flying in the air.

That person was none other than Jiraiya.

Jiraiya also noticed Gaara and the three of them, but left without paying much attention.

"Hey! Where have you three been?"

At this moment, Manai ran over anxiously and shouted to Gaara and the others.

DC Universe, Bruce Wayne and Alfred escaped from IKEA smoothly.

"Huhuhu, I didn't expect that I could really travel through time. It's such a wonderful technology."

Alfred said stroking his belt.

I thought that the time traveling machine in science fiction movies was exaggerated enough, but I didn't expect that a mere belt could do such a thing. It's really amazing.

Bruce Wayne did not speak but looked around, and then he saw a sneaky man moving not far away.

He was very familiar with that man. He was a habitual criminal who had committed many murders, thefts and robberies. The most important thing was that he was also a clown.

"Sure enough, what I said in the past was right, the clown really did something."

After Bruce Wayne thought of this, he decided to follow it. As for the appearance of humanoid monsters later, Diana would help, and he would also greet Gordon in advance and be prepared.

"Alfred, I have something to do. Help me contact Lucius to prepare for battle, and research this time belt."

Bruce Wayne looked at the Time Belt and suddenly thought of his dead parents.

Can I use this item to travel back in time and save my parents?

As soon as this idea came to him, he was ready to act, but he immediately remembered Doraemon's words.

"It is very dangerous to change the chain reaction of the past. If you decide to become Batman because your parents died, then in other words, if your parents had not died, you would not have become Batman. How many criminals would have died without you? Won’t he be arrested? It’s not a good thing to say, but the consequences of changing the past are very serious.”

Doraemon's words made Bruce Wayne hesitate. He was worried that after he successfully rescued his parents, his future would become a mess.

Gotham City will continue to sink without Batman, or if the parents don't die in the alley, they will die somewhere else.

All kinds of speculation made him afraid to go back to that time.


Just when Bruce Wayne's head was about to explode, Alfred suddenly spoke up.

"You have to do what you have to do now, right, Batman."

After hearing Alfred's words, Bruce Wayne realized that the clown was about to leave.

"Yes, you are right. Now that I am Batman, I have things I should do."

Bruce Wayne nodded, he almost forgot what to do now.

So leave here immediately.

Alfred immediately did what he should do.

Doraemon universe.

"Finally out!"

Through the fourth-dimensional pocket, Doraemon and the four of them successfully returned to their own universe from IKEA.

Fat Tiger couldn't help but cheer.

"Wait a minute, we have been away from home for so long, will mom and dad say anything?"

The husband asked with a worried look on his face.

"Don't worry, it's night now, which means it's only been half a day, so you can fool it."

Doraemon reminded.

"Doraemon! It's great to have you back. I was so afraid you wouldn't come back!"

Nobita hugged Doraemon with excitement and cried bitterly.

This made Doraemon quickly comfort him.

"Okay, let's go back first. We'll come to Nobita tomorrow to discuss the so-called containment matter later. Now that we know it, we can't just ignore it."

Fat Tiger suddenly said manly.

Others naturally have no objections.

"The containment objects in each universe were detected, contained, destroyed, completed, and the rewards are now settled."

At this moment, the same voice came from the screens in each world.

Marvel Universe.

Tony Stark had just arrived at his destination when he heard this sound and had to look depressed.

"What's been settled, I just arrived."

"I should be the one to say this."

By this time Nick Fury and Natasha had also arrived at the scene.

At this moment, a group of heavily armed people walked out of the laboratory building, led by none other than Steve Rogers.

"Are you sir? We have killed all those strange creatures and locked up two of them."

Steve knew Nick Fury's identity through someone else and reported the situation to him.

"So now, should you tell me what's going on, where is this place, and what are those monsters?"

Steve has too many questions now, and now that the battle is over, he naturally wants to ask them clearly.

"Steve Rogers of the Marvel Universe rewards Kamen Rider BLACK's transformation belt, and other combatants who act together will have their physical fitness doubled."

Just then the sound on the screen sounded, and the next second a belt that had never been seen before appeared on Steve's belt.

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