Wang: "A small fruit contains power beyond human imagination. It is indeed a magical magic item."

Naruto: "How does this taste?"

Luffy: "It tastes awful, worse than poop!"

Naruto: "Don't sound so disgusting. Have you ever eaten poop?"

Luffy: "No, it's just an analogy. Isn't it like this?"

Tony Stark: "I'm eating!"

Loki: "What a vulgar human being, but that Aoki Pheasant is really powerful. He can actually use water spray and air to freeze to form a cage. Is this absolute zero?"

Loki looked at Frostmourne in his hand with great interest. He was an ice giant and had the power of freezing.

The combination of the two would bring out the power of freezing even more, and he believed that he could definitely achieve large-scale freezing to form a cage.

"Absolute zero, if I can do it too."

When Loki thought of this, his eyes flashed and he looked at Odin's palace in the distance.

Fengyuan: "Wait a minute, I remember Luffy and you guys are also on Skull Island."

Luffy: "Yeah, we're trapped, haha!"

Nami: "Idiot, what's so funny about this!"

On Skull Island, Nami was so angry that she shed two lines of tears and beat Luffy to the ground.

That iron fist full of domineering love knocked several pieces out of Luffy's rubber man's head.

"I told you to leave quickly and leave quickly, but you didn't listen! Now I'm fine, I'm trapped here and can't get out! What should I do!"

Now Nami was so angry that her whole body was on fire, and she forgot about the cold for a while.

"Miss Nami, Miss Robin! I have prepared sweaters and hot drinks for you. As long as I am here, you will never catch a cold!"

At this time, Sanji took out a bunch of things and placed them next to him. They were like seaweed, twisting and turning, with hearts sprouting out of his body.

"I want to get out of here! Don't want this kind of thing!"

However, this only made Nami even more angry.

"Oh, if this is the case, what should we do if we are inadvertently locked into a cage and unable to leave?"

Zoro also had to sigh, this was indeed a big problem.

"We are going to die here, we are going to die here."

Usopp and Chopper hugged each other and shivered, wailing non-stop, and their bodies were wet with tears.

"Now we can only take one step at a time. We might as well settle here."

Brooke has long been experienced in being trapped in one place. The only difference is that he has a companion now, so his mentality is quite good.

"Actually, there might be a way to leave."

Just then Robin spoke while drinking hot coffee, immediately attracting everyone's attention.

"Sister Robin, you are indeed the best! Please tell us the solution quickly!"

Nami immediately looked like she had seen the savior, lying on top of Robin, her eyes flashing continuously.

"Just go to the Red Sea World."

Robin slowly stated his plan.

"First use the Red Sea Disc to enter the Red Sea world, then take out the disc, find a piece of glass to put on it, and then come out. Maybe you can leave Skull Island."

After hearing Robin's words, everyone opened their mouths. This method sounded dangerous, but it seemed a bit reliable.

"Have you ever thought about whether we will return to this world? It would be troublesome if we went to other worlds."

At this time Sauron reminded him of the problem.

"Well, no matter which world you go to, it's better than being trapped here, isn't it?"

Robin smiled indifferently.

"That won't work! If I go to other worlds, I won't be able to find the great secret treasure and become the Pirate King!"

Luffy immediately jumped up and was the first to object.

"Ho ho ho!!"

At this moment, beast roars sounded from all around.

The sound waves were terrifying enough to shake the earth.

Immediately afterwards came the sound of particularly heavy footsteps, each of which would cause a small earthquake.

This moment made everyone quiet down, and they all looked around to find the source of the sound.

However, there is no need to look for it at all, because as long as you turn your head, you can see that there are many monsters not far away taking different routes.

Muto, Behemoth, Godzilla, King Kong, Skeleton Lizard and other huge monsters are walking into the center of the island.

Judging from the injuries on their bodies, it was obvious that they had been fighting. I wonder if they had fought each other.

In short, their current aura is very terrifying, and their current emotions can be strongly felt on the monster's face, as if they are saying not to get close casually.

Maybe they were very unhappy because they couldn't leave Skull Island.

"Here they come! The monsters are here!"

Seeing this scene, the timid trio immediately hugged each other tremblingly, and tears continued to flow out like floods that had not been blocked by the dam.


Luffy immediately gave the order, and Franky immediately activated the function of the Sunshine, turned on the auxiliary outer wheels, and glided on the river to leave here quickly.

They had just fought against the Sword-spine Jackal and the Shocking Vulture. Although they won, they were not arrogant enough to fight against monsters that would make even generals troublesome, so they should leave here first!

"Dragon-killing magic in the sky!"

Nami also calmed down now and used Sky Dragon Slayer Magic.

The air on Skull Island is much cleaner than the outside world, so it will make her magical power even higher.

Now there are strong winds blowing around, rotating in different ways under Nami's control. At the same time, her weather stick continuously releases hot and cold bubbles.

"Massive mirage!"

It turns out that Nami wants to use sky magic to cooperate with her ability to control the weather, creating a mirage that is enough to cover the Sunshine, making the Sunshine invisible, so that the outside world cannot see the Sunshine.

At the same time, the strong wind was used to speed up the Sunshine.

Obviously Nami's approach worked. Although the group of monsters were very close to the Sunshine, they didn't seem to notice it.

This gave people on board a lot of peace of mind.

"Hey, everyone, if we can survive here for a long time and defeat these monsters, how much do you think our strength will increase to?"

At this moment, Luffy had a sudden idea and said this.

The others didn't say anything after hearing this. They all understood that if they could really do it, they wouldn't have to be afraid of the general.


Just then, the screen suddenly sounded an alarm and kept flashing red light.

This sudden alarm frightened many people.

The last time this kind of thing happened, it was because of the Red Sea Disc. What happened this time!

"Alert, alert, hostile races of humans have begun to invade your world, please be prepared."

The electronic sound has become quite serious, making people shudder.

Especially a hostile race of humans, what does that mean?

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