Kama Taj

Gu Yi looked at the screen seriously.

The hostile races of humans are obviously races that are malicious to humans, and Dormammu is one of them.

I don’t know what the hostile races in the containment universe are like. Are they like the beasts that mimic sound?

Nick Fury: "A hostile race invades! Is this going to trigger a war?"

Sun Wukong: "Is it an invasion by demons like Piccolo?"

Piccolo: "Who knows."

Zhuhoshidan: "Maybe it's like an alien invasion, so we have to be prepared!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, is there an invasion by a race other than humans? It looks interesting. I wonder if there will be any interesting material."

Jiraiya: "Orochimaru! Don't cause trouble at this juncture!"

While everyone was chattering, the screen began to change, and a creature with yellow hair all over its body appeared, which looked very much like a spider, but was larger and more bizarre.

"The visual phantom beast is an extremely fast, strange creature that can receive human brain waves. It can know the opponent's movements through the target's radio waves. It can clearly perceive even the movement of its eyeballs, and then it can move at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. , does not make any movement.”

"Many humans were once followed by visual phantoms without knowing it. However, because visual phantoms are so fast and can know their every move, no one can detect the visual phantoms, even if there are people around them. All I could see was an afterimage passing from the corner of my eye.”

"Just because you can occasionally see afterimages, some people began to think that there was a mental problem, which triggered more mental illnesses."

When the electronic voice said this, the screen changed.

In a medical room, a middle-aged man with a bald head, dark circles under his eyes, and a particularly bad mental state was receiving a diagnosis.

"What I said is true! I really saw it. There was a strange shadow passing by the corner of my eye. Every time I wanted to look over, I couldn't find what it was. I thought it was an illusion, but I still see it every day. Is it an illusion! Something must be bothering me!”

When the bald man spoke, his throat kept shaking and he almost couldn't form a sentence. The doctor opposite him was very experienced in calming the other man's emotions.

"Relax, this is just an hallucination caused by you being too stressed. I know you are engaged in software development and like to watch horror movies, so your brain will dream up some strange things to relieve stress. It's just because you are too stressed. Just keep it under control, I'll give you some medicine and you'll be fine."

The doctor said this.

"No! It's not an illusion!"

Hearing this, the bald man stood up very excitedly.

"Everyone of you says it's an illusion! But I know it's not! That thing is haunting me, why don't you believe it!"

The bald man was extremely emotional and his eyes were so fierce that he looked like he was about to commit murder at any time. The doctors and nurses were so frightened that they couldn't help but step back.

"He's there! He's there!"

At this time, the bald man looked around nervously and kept shouting.

Sometimes he pointed there, sometimes he pointed here, as if he saw something particularly terrifying, and he became hysterical.

However, neither the doctor nor the nurse could see what he was talking about, so they could only walk out cautiously, ready to call the police at any time.

"Our asylum didn't pay attention to these mental illnesses at the beginning. Under the high pressure of today's society, mental illness often occurs and it is impossible for us to deal with it. But when the number of such problems increased, we felt that something was wrong and sent people to investigate. . We collected footage of the incident, slowed it down a hundred times, and finally saw something incredible."

After the electronic voice finished speaking, the video on the screen began to play back at an extremely slow speed.

I saw that when the bald man pointed around in fear, there was a black shadow two or three meters in size running around. Obviously this video was played at a speed of a hundred times slower, but the speed shown by this creature was It can run faster than an Olympic champion, but obviously under normal circumstances, this creature's speed is terrifying.

Because of this discovery, our shelter team discovered that there is a strange and very fast creature in this world.

This creature is not only fast, it can also receive the brain waves of nearby creatures, detect their every move, and then use its amazing speed to move within the blind spot of vision when they move.

Even if there are several people watching nearby, they can accurately find the blind spot and move directly in full view.

They really like to use this method to track designated targets, making them mistakenly think that they have mental problems, causing them to collapse, and finally eat them. This kind of evil taste is really beyond our understanding.

In order to catch this creature, the shelter found several people to occupy all the positions and blocked all the blind spots before forcing the creature out.

However, this creature quickly showed amazing power. With the blessing of such a terrifying speed, the power it showed was beyond imagination. In order to catch it, we don't know how much manpower and material resources we can use to do it.

However, this race is still lurking in human society, and no one knows which unlucky ones are being targeted.

Because every move of this creature makes people think it is an illusion, so we call it a visual illusion.

Seeing this, many people were surprised that there was such a strange creature.

Diana: "What a vicious creature this is. It's so hateful that it plays with the other person's spirit like this!"

Nick Fury: "The speed and perception of radio waves are too terrifying. It is definitely several times the speed of sound. How can it be silent at such a speed!"

Karp: "What does it mean to sense other people's brain waves?"

Tony Stark: "It's about sensing thoughts. You can know whatever the other person thinks."

Garp: "Isn't this the Haki of seeing and hearing? I can do it after sensing the movement and then moving quickly."

Warring States: "The problem is to avoid being discovered, or not being discovered by many people!"

Orochimaru: "Such a creature is so interesting! It can actually drive people crazy and then destroy them. If it is used well, it will be at its peak. No matter who dies, they will think that they committed suicide because of mental problems, or they were If someone else did it, you would never expect it to be this kind of creature!”

Tsunade: "Don't have such dangerous ideas!"

Usopp: "Ah, don't let such a creature appear!"

Usopp is extremely scared now. He is already timid. If there is such a creature around him, his courage will explode!

Marvel Universe.

Tony Stark had to seriously think about how to deal with the visual beast. The terrifying speed was very difficult to deal with, unless he used a faster and more powerful weapon!

Mexican town.

Thor took a sip of wine and shook his head.

"If my thunder god power is still there, I can just use thunder and lightning to solve it. What bullshit visual beast, ah, my divine power."

Thinking of this, Thor drank even more distressedly.

Xie Yun next to him shook his head helplessly when he saw this scene. It turned out that Thor had been hit so hard. He hoped to get better soon.

Otherwise his wallet will be drained by Thor sooner or later.

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