"Ao Pheasant!"

"Ao Pheasant!"

Seeing the sailors around him cheering him so excitedly, Aokiji scratched his head in embarrassment. He was not used to this kind of thing.

"Oh my, Kuzan's popularity is so high. In this case, he must be the next marshal."

When Kizaru saw this scene, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but he specifically said this to Akainu next to him.

"Humph, if it weren't for his luck"

Akainu was slightly unhappy after hearing this. If Aokiji hadn't taken in Carnivorous Ivy earlier and obtained the power of Absolute Zero, how could he have been able to do such a thing.

If Akainu himself was powerful enough to contain Skull Island, how could Aokiji be in the limelight?

This makes Akainu have to worry about what kind of reward Aokiji will get next, and how big the gap between them will be.

"Congratulations to Qing Pheasant for successfully containing Skull Island."

The screen's electronic sound sounded. After hearing the sound, Qing Zhi's face smiled slightly.

Garp: "Haha! You are worthy of being Kuzan, and worthy of being my disciple. I already knew you were here, so I can rest assured!"

Warring States: "Hey, you were worried just now, right?"

Garp: "Hey! What nonsense are you talking about? How could I be worried!"

Tony Stark: "Is this absolute zero? It looks like time has stopped."

As a scientist, Tony Stark couldn't help but look shocked when he saw the legendary thermal limit appear.

Viewed through the screen, when the blue pheasant releases absolute zero, everything around it seems to be still, not as simple as freezing.

"It's really scary. Can this be the absolute zero that stops everything? Such power is enough to destroy everything."

Tony couldn't help but let out a heavy breath, and at the same time his eyes showed a fanatical look.

The rumored extreme temperature can really be achieved! Even if it's another world, it gives Tony Stark hope. He must master this power. He doesn't believe that with his genius brain and the anti-void engine, he can't research absolute zero!

"Jarvis, after the cryo weapon is developed, a research project on absolute zero will be generated!"

When Tony Stark said this, he suddenly thought of the magicians of Kama Taj.

"I wonder if they can master absolute zero faster? Maybe if we get in touch, Natasha's brain can also come in handy."

As soon as Tony Stark thought of this, he immediately shook his head and showed an unhappy expression.

"What am I thinking? I'm Tony Stark, the most outstanding scientist. Why should I ask for help from magicians and mere agents? I don't believe I can't do it myself!"

Tony, who has always been conceited, immediately rejected asking for help.

Naruto World

Jiraiya had to look at the screen seriously. After he obtained the power of the Six Paths Sage, he was quite conceited and thought he had no rival.

But the absolute zero made him feel a strong threat.

"You really can't underestimate it."

Jiraiya looked serious.

Leo Universe

After seeing Absolute Zero, Zhu Xingtuan's face suddenly became unhappy, which reminded him of very bad memories.

"The cold enemy is really troublesome. We need to think of a way."

Zhu Xingtuan murmured to himself, sweating profusely.

Dragon Ball Universe.

"Awesome, is that Absolute Zero! I wonder if I can fight against it after becoming a Super Saiyan!"

Sun Wukong looked excited. Through the screen, he strongly felt the power of Absolute Zero, which not only made him not afraid at all, but also eager to try it.

"Now the rewards will be distributed, and the rewards will be ten animal-type devil fruits based on monsters."

The electronic sound on the screen sounded, and the next second, ten fruits with different colors and patterns appeared out of thin air in front of Qingzhi.

When these fruits appeared, Aokiji seemed to see the monster that had just appeared on Skull Island, staring at him eagerly.


As soon as this feeling appeared, Aokiji couldn't help but take a step back and solemnly looked at the ten devil fruits in front of him.

"Dragon Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Godzilla Form."

"Dragon Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Raton Form."

"Spider Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Muto Form."

"Ape Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Vajra Form."

"Lizard Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Skeleton Lizard Form."

"Elephant Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Behemoth Form."

"Fish Fruit·Ancient Species·Death Pool Giant Tooth Crocodile Form."

"Fish Fruit·Ancient Species·Swamp Giant Squid Form."

"Niu Niu Fruit·Ancient Species·Lonely Reef Bull Demon Form."

"Bird Fruit·Ancient Species·Shocking Vulture."

The electronic voice explains what the names of these ten devil fruits are, while not forgetting to explain their functions.

"These Devil Fruits are the same as the Devil Fruits in the One Piece world. After eating them, you will gain the power of monsters. Once awakened, you will have terrifying vitality and power beyond the ordinary."

"Same as the devil fruits in the One Piece world. If you eat one devil fruit, you cannot eat another devil fruit, otherwise you will explode and die, but you are immune to the threat of sea water."

Aokiji was surprised to receive a Devil Fruit in the form of a monster from Skull Island.

We didn't fight each other afterwards, but we also saw the abilities of those monsters through the screen.

Even Kizaru and Akainu have trouble gaining the upper hand, which shows how terrifying these monsters are.

In particular, Godzilla's rays can seriously injure Akainu, which makes Aokiji think that Godzilla may be the strongest monster currently appearing.

Now that we know that these Devil Fruits are immune to sea water, how can Aokiji not be shocked.

The biggest natural enemy of Devil Fruits in their world is the sea. If they are not afraid of the sea, Devil Fruit users will be more terrifying than imagined.

If news of such a fruit were released, I don’t know how many people would fight for it. Even the Four Emperors might try to seize it at all costs!

"It's not even afraid of sea water, and it can also create Devil Fruit according to the characteristics of our world. The power of this other world is so terrifying."

Kizaru, who had always had a calm face, couldn't help but look surprised. He knew very well how much gold this devil fruit contained.

"Huh, now it belongs to our navy and can enhance the strength of our navy."

Akainu was a little happy, as long as it was beneficial to the navy.

Moreover, Aoki Pheasant has not further increased its strength, which is huge good news for him.

Garp: "Are they devil fruits in the form of monsters? It's a bit interesting, but a few of them are actually ancient species. These creatures existed before we co-authored it."

Warring States: "Who knows, no matter what, it is a good thing. Garp, do you want to eat it?"

Garp: "I don't want it, I only believe in my fists."

Strange: "Is this the Devil Fruit that you said can give you special powers? It's really magical."

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