American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 146 Qing Pheasant takes action and builds an ice cage


The shivering sailors saw their general flying back and hurried over to ask about the situation. When they saw Akainu's serious injury, they were startled.

Even the general of the headquarters was seriously injured. Is this monster stronger than the general?

At the thought of this, all the sailors showed expressions of despair.

"What's that expression on your face? What's there to be afraid of! I'm not dead yet!"

As soon as Akainu saw the expressions of these sailors, he shouted angrily, forced himself to stand still, and then spit out a mouthful of blood.

"That monster seems to be called Godzilla, and its rays are terrifying."

Kizaru looked at Godzilla who was coming out of Skull Island.

The two natural enemies, Godzilla and Muto, started fighting as soon as they saw each other, which just relieved the pressure on the Navy.

"Oh, those big birds have all flown away, and I don't know where they will go."

Kizaru looked at the sky. Without his obstruction, the Ratans flew towards the distance without any hindrance. No one knew what they would do.

In short, the people on the Shampoo Islands were frightened when they saw the sudden flying giant beast, and everyone was running around crying.

"Anyway, we have to stop these monsters from escaping. We have to take action!"

Akainu glared angrily at Godzilla in the distance. He hadn't been beaten so badly for a long time, and he wanted to take it back at any cost!

At the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku and Garp both showed serious expressions when they saw that the two generals were at a disadvantage.

"It's actually difficult for both of them. It seems that Skull Island is enough to become a terrifying place that surpasses the four emperors."

Warring States looked extremely solemn. He never expected that the monsters on Skull Island were so powerful.

"It seems I really have to go there."

Garp had to hold his head. He originally thought that these monsters were just scary to look at, and two admirals were enough to deal with them, but things went beyond expectations. If he had known this, he would have gone there in the first place.

"More, more, more."

At this moment, the phone bug's voice rang, and Warring States immediately answered it. It was Qing Pheasant calling.

"I am Qing Zhi, leave the rest to me."

At this time, Aokiji has led more than 20 warships to the vicinity of Skull Island.

The sailors on the warship and even the lieutenant general saw monsters like Godzilla for the first time, and an island appeared out of nowhere, which made them very confused.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!"

At this time, there was a fierce roar of beasts on the island, and more and more monsters came out. They all found themselves in a strange world and planned to leave Skull Island to find out.

Skeleton Lizard, Behemoth, Muto, Godzilla, King Kong, Scylla and other famous monsters in their world appear in multiple numbers.

Seeing this scene, countless sailors were shocked and dumbfounded. They had never seen such a scene before.

"Fire! Don't let these monsters come out!"

The lieutenant general was able to maintain his composure and ordered the firing of artillery to deter the monsters.

So more than twenty warships bombarded Skull Island one after another, planning to carry out a demon-slaying order to eliminate these monsters.

However, they completely underestimated how terrifying the monsters' bodies were. The shells were just tickling them and had no effect at all.

"You don't have to take action, just let me do it!"

At this time, Qing Pheasant gave an order and disappeared instantly as soon as he finished speaking.

I saw Aoki Pheasant appearing on the sea not far from Skull Island and putting his hands into the sea.

"Let me try the power of Absolute Zero!"

Qingzhi said with a little expectation. Ever since he learned what absolute zero was, he has been trying his new power. It is much stronger than before. Now that he encounters such a big opponent, he naturally has to give full play to it!

"Akainu, Kizaru! Please help me!"

Aoki shouted to the two of them.

As colleagues, each other knows what to do without saying anything.

Kizaru and Akainu looked at each other and immediately jumped into the air.

"Meteor volcano!"

"Eight-foot beautiful magatama!"

Akainu and Kizaru launched their moves one after another. This time they went all out, using their natural abilities to their fullest, and incorporating armed Haki into them, making the destructive power of their moves even more terrifying.

But their target is not the monsters on Skull Island, but the surrounding sea.

Under their successive bombings, countless huge waves were set off on the sea surface, which was comparable to a natural disaster!

"Ice Age!"

At this moment, Aokiji took action, and the extreme temperature of physics, absolute zero, was fully released!

At this moment, with Qing Pheasant as the center, time seemed to have stopped for everything around him. Not only did the water droplets no longer fall and turned into ice cubes, but the air and light also continued to freeze into ice.

This phenomenon is spreading crazily, covering the sea around Skull Island. In just a short time, a huge ice wall has appeared around Skull Island.

Moreover, the ice wall is spreading upwards, seeming to form a cage.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

The monsters on Skull Island seemed to sense what was about to happen, so they started attacking one after another.

Various rays, or throwing boulders, in short they have to try their best to break the ice so that they can get out of here.

However, ice at absolute zero is not so easily destroyed.

Once any substance touches absolute zero, it will freeze with it.

It even spreads along the ray to freeze the monster bit by bit.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

This group of monsters were no fools. When they saw that the attack was useless, they stopped one after another and looked at the ice cage that was barely forming with great anger.

The only ones that can escape now are flying monsters.

So more flying monsters began to dare to fly out before the ice cage was completed.

Rodan, Shock Vulture, Wings of Icarus, and other flying monsters are trying to break through the ice cage.

However, they underestimated the danger. As they approached the exit, their bodies were affected by the freezing air emitted by the surrounding ice.

His body was shaking uncontrollably, and his movements suddenly became stiff and slowed down.

"I can't let you come out. A few of them running away is enough to give you a headache."

At this time, Kizaru appeared to block the exit and directly released the eight-foot magatama, bombing the group of monsters and preventing their flight.

At this time, Qing Pheasant also continued to use its strength to speed up the freezing!

In just a moment, an ice cage surrounding Skull Island was formed, and the monsters inside could not escape for a period of time.

"Hufufufu, the power of absolute zero is really no joke."

Aoki kept breathing heavily. If there was a large-scale freeze in the past, he wouldn't have expended much strength. But when his freezing energy escalated to absolute zero, he actually felt that sometimes he couldn't stand absolute zero. Such a large-scale The use of it made him even more uncomfortable.

“It’s better to use less in the future.”

Qingzhi said helplessly.

"General Kuzan!"

"General Kuzan!"

At this moment, the surrounding marines couldn't help but cheer for Aokiji. Aokiji was able to deal with the monsters they couldn't fight on his own. How could they not be excited and admired.

The most important thing is that the other two generals are at a disadvantage. As a result, Aokiji's popularity instantly rises to an unimaginable level.

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