Navy Headquarters

Sengoku looked at the screen with some enthusiasm as Doraemon took out the restoration light and material modification light.

The significance of these two props is really great.

Just talking about the restoration of light, the number of warships damaged by their navy every day is astronomical. After all, sometimes they encounter particularly powerful pirates who can directly blow up the warships with one punch.

The funds required to manufacture or repair warships are astronomical. If there is a treasure like the restoration light, I don't know how much money can be saved.

There is also material conversion light. If used well, it can directly destroy the enemy's pirate ship, or enhance the defense of your own weapons, etc.

"Is this the power of technology? It's really amazing."

The green pheasant next to him couldn't help but admire him. He originally thought that nothing in the world could scare him, but now he was undoubtedly shocked.

"It looks really powerful. I wonder how hard this material converter can convert it, so that I can practice my fists."

Garp said expectantly.

"Idiot, if you use it like that, it's just a waste!"

Warring States shouted in displeasure.

At the same time, I was thinking about everything.

It seems that contact with Doraemon is necessary. All he needs to do is grab the Red Sea disc from Straw Hat and find a way to get Doraemon to agree to meet.

As for the dangers of the Red Sea world, we can only take the risk and give it a try.

Tony Stark: "What an incredible prop! There is such incredible technology! What is the scientific principle of this! Doraemon, can you explain it!"

Doraemon: "Well, I can only say that it involves the arrangement of atoms. Whether it is damaged things or different materials, they are basically composed of atoms, but they are arranged and combined in different ways, and the light is restored and the material transforms the light. , which is to rearrange the atoms.”

Tony Stark: "What! You can actually control the arrangement of atoms. This is very difficult! How interesting!"

Orochimaru: "How can science be so magical? It's interesting."

Orochimaru himself was a fanatical scientist, so he was naturally very interested when seeing such novel things.

He thought that the research on the C virus would be enough to make him obsessed, but he didn't expect that something brand new would pop up.

But after Orochimaru was happy for a while, he sighed helplessly.

The scientific level of his world is very backward, and it is impossible to replicate Doraemon's technology, so he can only think about it.

This made him yearn for the high-tech world of Doraemon.

Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D.

Tony Stark's eyes were shining. Now that he knew the principle, he must find a way to realize it. He might not have been able to do it before, but with the power of the Void Engine to modify the world, maybe he could actually create it.

"Jarvis, I want to generate a new project, control atoms."

"Yes, sir, but sir, you have established too many projects during this period. Can you handle it?"

Jarvis reminded worriedly that Tony Stark is currently doing various research.

He has to study the containment objects here and a bunch of his new projects, so he is simply too busy to do all the work.

"Don't worry, Jarvis, who do you think I am? I am the top scientist, and I have been genetically modified now, so there is absolutely no problem."

Tony replied with a careful look on his face.

"If you are too busy, you can let me help you."

At this time, Natasha said this.

"Hey, my research projects are all top secret, so you can't get involved."

Tony Stark immediately refused.

He knew very well that Natasha's brain, which was developed to 30%, could definitely help with many things and even accelerate research progress.

But how could Tony, who has always been conceited, agree to let someone smarter than himself help with research? If he became an assistant, that would be troublesome.

So Tony will never agree.

Natasha saw Tony's little thoughts and just shrugged helplessly.

"OK, all right."

Then Nick Fury got a call and stood up.

"Arrangements have been made to catch all those Hydra people."

Nick Fury looked at everyone and said.

"What? Hydra?"

Rhodes was confused after hearing this.

However, Nick Fury didn't bother to explain so much, and directly called Natasha and Hill to leave here to do something.

"Do you want to come together?"

Nick Fury asked after looking at Tony and Rhodes.

"I'm not interested in your secret service. I'll just watch the screen here."

Tony said as he sat in Nick Fury's seat.

"Then don't mess around."

After Nick Fury gave the warning, he took the people out of here.

Tony continued to look at the screen, but Rhodes was the only one who looked confused.

At this time, there were three small figures walking cautiously in a location in the IKEA store. They looked very scared.

"Fat Tiger, where are we going?"

Xiaofu asked with a scared look on his face.

"How do I know? I don't even know where I will go if I continue."

Fat Tiger swallowed his saliva and replied.

"Why, we came to such a scary place, a bunch of monsters like models."

When Shizuka said that, she couldn't help but wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"What the hell is this place? Woohoo, where is mom?"

The husband was timid at first, but when he saw Shizuka crying, he couldn't control himself and couldn't help crying.

"Idiot! Keep your voice down, are you trying to attract those monsters?"

When Fat Tiger saw Xiao Fu crying so loudly, he couldn't help but slap him in the face to tell him to be quiet.

"What? After all, it's not your fault! You were the one who asked us to come in."

In this case, Xiaofu forgot about his previous fear of Fat Tiger and directly pointed at Fat Tiger and scolded him.

"What are you talking about! Didn't you say it! Didn't you yourself say that the newly opened shopping mall will have discounts!"

Fat Tiger grabbed Xiaohu's collar and cursed.

"I don't care! It's your fault! You were the one who took the lead!"

The husband kept cursing and cursing.

"You guy!"

Fat Tiger was already very angry because of this environment. Now that he saw Xiaofu being so arrogant, he immediately wanted to beat him up.

"If you want to beat me up, just beat me up! I don't even know where it is anyway!"

The young man was so arrogant that even Fat Tiger didn't know how to proceed.

"That's enough, stop arguing. Do you really want to be discovered by those monsters?"

Jingxiang saw Xiaofu and Fat Tiger arguing like this, and quickly went over to stop it.

"Do you want to live? Do you want to get out of here?"

At this moment, a male voice came from not far ahead.

"who is it!"

The three of them were startled when they heard the sudden sound, huddled together and looked ahead.

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