"It's amazing, there is such great technology!"

"I thought I was dead!"

"Are you a god?"

"God! You must be a god!"

At this time, an old man ran out and knelt directly in front of Doraemon.

"God has come to save us. Please, God, have mercy and lead us out of here!"

The old man knelt in front of Doraemon with excitement and kept kowtowed and prayed. He looked very pious.

Doraemon was frightened by the old man's behavior and stepped back.

"Don't be like this. I'm not a god."

Doraemon said anxiously.

"Sorry, he is like this. Because he comes from a feudal timeline, he thinks you are a god when he sees someone with powerful technological capabilities like you."

Chris said helplessly.

"Is that so."

Doraemon probably understood after hearing this. He has encountered many such things.

"By the way, have you seen these three kids?"

After Doraemon finished speaking, he took out three photos from his pocket and showed them to Chris and the others.

"I found them coming in here, and the purpose of my coming here is to find them."

Doraemon explained.

After listening, Chris looked at the three photos carefully, and then showed them to others.

But no matter who saw it, they all shook their heads.

"Sorry, no one here has seen it."

Chris replied apologetically.

"Is that so? Are they still outside? That's very dangerous."

Doraemon looked at the corridors and shelves outside the wall with a worried look.

There are no idea how many employee monsters are wandering in there. If Suneo and the others encounter them, it will be troublesome.

"I have to find our companions quickly."

Doraemon said anxiously. He couldn't just leave it alone. If Suneo and the others died here, it would be a big trouble!

"Hey, you're leaving. Aren't you going to wait until dawn? It's too dangerous at night. There are monsters everywhere."

Chris said anxiously when he saw Doraemon was leaving.

"I have to go, or my friend will die outside." Doraemon answered decisively. When the residents of the exchange town heard that Doraemon was leaving, they looked at each other, not knowing what to do for a while. They all seemed reluctant to let Doraemon leave. After all, Doraemon's props were too powerful. If he could stay here, it would definitely ensure the safety of everyone. But they didn't dare to force Doraemon to stay. Fortunately, Doraemon saw what everyone was thinking, and then looked around. The wall was in a mess, and it didn't look like the employee monster could continue to defend. "Let me help you first." Doraemon said so, and then took out the banana fan and handed it to Chris. "You just saw the power of this palm leaf fan. Just waving it will create a strong wind. The harder you waving it, the more times you waving it, the stronger the wind will be. I'll give you this palm leaf fan to protect yourself."

"Really? You're willing to give us such a valuable weapon!"

Chris looked at Doraemon in disbelief and shouted, his hands shaking as he took the palm leaf fan.

"It's okay. I have plenty of this stuff anyway. Then, that's it."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he immediately flew towards the nearby wall, took out the recovery flashlight from his pocket, shone it on each wall, and actually restored all the damaged parts to their original appearance one by one.

This scene stunned both the residents of the exchange town and the audience outside the screen.

However, this was not the end. Doraemon took out a lantern-like machine from his pocket, and then emitted light to illuminate the surrounding walls.

The next second, a pile of wooden furniture and leather sofas piled up into a wall that actually looked like it was coated with a layer of metal and looked quite solid.

"Try to hit the wall with force." Doraemon flew to Chris and said. "Okay." Chris nodded and raised a shovel to hit the wall. "Dang!" As a result, there was a loud metallic sound, and Chris's hand was hurt by the recoil, and he almost couldn't hold the shovel. "Eh? How did this wall become so hard!" Chris shouted in shock. "I changed the material of the wall to steel, so that it can better resist the attacks of employee monsters." Doraemon said with a smile. "My God! You can actually do such a thing. Is the technology in your world so powerful? Are you really a god?" Chris shouted in disbelief. Such technology is completely beyond the cognition of everyone present. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a miracle! "I'm not a god, just a robot. Okay, I won't tell you for now. I have to find my friends quickly." Doraemon flew into the air after he finished speaking. It happened that a member of the investigation expedition team that was released earlier flew back and pointed in a direction anxiously. "Have you found it? Take me there!"

Doraemon said with a look of surprise.

Then he set off with the members of the expedition team.

At this time, many people on the screen were arguing about the props he had just used.

Rod: "What was that just now! The light that repaired things and changed the material! It can be done with just light, is this magic!"

Tony Stark: "Rod, you have to see clearly what Doraemon said just now, it is technology, this is the power of technology!"

Mordo: "Is this really technology! Technology can repair things and change the material of objects out of thin air, this can be regarded as very advanced magic!"

Ancient One: "In the world of magic, only magic that modifies reality can modify the material of objects at will, but Doraemon's props are so magical."

This made Ancient One feel a long-lost sense of frustration. She really couldn't imagine that Doraemon's auxiliary props were so terrifying. If they were used in battle, there would definitely be weapons more terrifying than air cannons and banana fans.

"If he were in our world, he might be able to take over my protection of the earth."

Ancient One couldn't help but think so.

Tsunade: "I want to ask, can this restoration ray repair anything!"

Doraemon: "Yes, except for those objects with a short lifespan, anything that is accidentally damaged can be repaired."

Naruto: "Is it so good? If we have this, rebuilding the village won't be so hard."

Naruto couldn't help but envy, looking at the ruins around him, and he wanted help everywhere. If there was a restoration ray, it could be repaired in an instant, so why would it be so tiring?

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