"Who is there!"

Fat Tiger took courage and shouted with a trembling voice.

"I'm here to help you. If you want to survive, come with me."

"Yes, we have companions around here, it's safe."

"We can protect you."

Several more voices appeared from behind, sounding very concerned about the three of them.

In this strange environment full of monsters, I can hear such a kind human voice.

It immediately reassured the three people who were already scared.

"Really, can you help us?"

Xiaofu asked with a smile on his face.

"Really, we can help you, come here quickly, our base is near here."

The voice continued to persuade.


After hearing this, the three of them immediately dropped their guard and ran towards the source of the sound, hoping to see a familiar human appearance.

"Great, thank you for being willing to help us!"

The three of them ran to the corner and looked at the opposite side with excitement.

But when they saw the opposite side clearly, they all looked confused and shocked.

Because there were no humans on the opposite side, but several monsters with blood-red bodies, crawling limbs, and mouths like crocodiles.

At their feet lay some badly mutilated humans.

These monsters are the beasts of mimicry!

"You're welcome. We have to thank you for your willingness to come up and feed us."

The monster made a human voice, with a hint of mockery.

Then it quickly opened its mouth.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

This terrifying scene immediately made Xiaofu and the three of them scream in fear, and they quickly turned around and ran away. In addition, they were very short children, so they narrowly escaped the monster's attack.

"Why is this happening? Why are there monsters?"


The three of them screamed and ran quickly, fearing that they would be caught up by the monster behind them.

But their speed was still a bit slow after all.

In just a split second, with their astonishing speed, the sound-imitating beasts caught up with the three of them and surrounded them, leaving no escape route at all!


Seeing no way to escape.

The three of them had to hug each other, looking at the monsters around them with fear on their faces. They couldn't help crying and calling for their mother.

They really don't know what to do now.

"Three kids, not much meat, just take it easy."

"Hehe, whoever bites it first will get it!"

After the argument between several imitating beasts that refused to give in, they immediately pounced on the young husband and the three of them to have a feast.

"Disruption is coming."

At this critical moment, an electronic sound sounded.

Then a yellow beam of light came quickly.

The air in front of Xiaofu and the three of them turned into a shield and surrounded them.

Then there was a very harsh noise all around.


When the sound-imitating beasts heard the sound, they all screamed in pain, covered their ears like humans, and lay on the ground rolling back and forth in discomfort.

In the next second, a huge bat appeared above everyone.

Then a figure jumped down from above.

If you look closely, it's Batman who has transformed into Kamen Rider Night Rider!

After Batman landed on the ground, he quickly swung his sword. After a few sword flowers came down, he directly cut off the heads of these mimicking beasts.


Upon seeing this, the dark-winged bats immediately pounced on them and ate the fresh corpses.

"Are you guys okay?"

Batman ignored the Darkwing Bat, but looked at the trio next to him. Because of the yellow shield, he was not disturbed by the harsh sound waves.

Then he raised the yellow light ring and recalled the yellow light mask.

"This light ring is really magical. It can do anything."

Batman looked at the yellow light ring in his hand.

He just tested it specifically, and it turned out that he could use light to create various things according to his imagination. It was a very incredible artifact.

"Is this alien technology?"

This suddenly made Batman have to think a lot. What would happen if cosmic beings with such powerful technology came to the earth one day? Will they launch an invasion?

"Um, who are you?"

While Batman was thinking, Shizuka asked cautiously.


Only then did Batman react and look at the three children.

"You three!"

As soon as Batman saw these three children, he immediately recognized them as people from the Doraemon world who accidentally entered the IKEA store.

They will appear here, doesn't that mean it!

"Xiaofu! Fat Tiger! Shizuka!"

Just then, a voice that was particularly familiar to these three children came.

I saw Doraemon's mini expedition team flying down from the night sky. When he saw the three of them, he couldn't help but be filled with joy.


After the three of them saw Doraemon, they all screamed excitedly, stood up quickly and couldn't help but jump up and down.

Then when Doraemon landed, they ran over and hugged Doraemon. The joy on their faces could not be hidden at all, and they even cried with joy.

"Doraemon, you are finally here!"

"Oooh! I'm so scared."

"My close friend, you are indeed the most reliable!"

"Okay, okay, you guys are fine."

Doraemon had to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw that the three of them were safe, and then he stroked their heads to calm their emotions.

"Are you Doraemon?"

Batman couldn't help but stepped forward and asked.

Before, he had seen Doraemon through the screen, but now he finally saw him in person, which made his mentality change.

"Hey, are you Batman?"

Doraemon also recognized Batman and looked shocked. He didn't expect to actually meet someone from another universe.

"Eh? Doraemon, do you know him?"

Fat Tiger asked doubtfully.

"It doesn't count as acquaintance."

Doraemon had a dream and didn't know how to explain it.

The audience outside the screen showed surprise when they saw Doraemon and Batman actually bumping into each other.

This IKEA store can really connect different universes.

Tony Stark: "I knew it! It really allows people from different universes to meet. This Batman boy is so lucky to meet Doraemon!"

Diana: "Doesn't that mean it can be traded!"

Luffy: "I'm so envious. I really want to see Doraemon and exchange some treasures with him."

Tsunade: "Jiraiya, have you been to Sand Ninja Village? Can you go into the mall and find Doraemon!"

Jiraiya: "I just arrived, but I have to deal with these ninjas from Sand Ninja Village now to prevent the conflict from becoming more serious."

After Jiraiya answered with a wry smile, he looked forward. There was a large group of Sand Ninja all around, staring at him.

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