American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 124 The deal between Orochimaru and Sand Ninja Village

Inuzuka Kiba, who was working below, was almost hit by something dropped by Naruto, and he almost went berserk and cursed non-stop.

However, Naruto ignored Inuzuka Kiba and stared blankly at the screen in front of him.

"Orochimaru? He was successfully contained? What's going on?"

At this time, on the screen broadcasting the Sand Ninja Village, Orochimaru was standing in front of the IKEA store, guarded by a group of javo monsters.

Jiraiya: "What's going on! Why are you there, Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru: "Oh my, I was discovered after all. I thought I could keep a low profile."

Tsunade: "Answer us! Orochimaru, when did you run to Suna Ninja Village!"

Orochimaru: "I've always been here, I've been here for a long time."

Tsunade: "What's your plan, you bastard!"

Orochimaru: "Of course it's selling the C virus."

Tsunade: "What did you say!"

Orochimaru: "Do you think yesterday's attack was only against Konoha? I also specially invited various ninja villages to watch. They are very interested in the power of the C-virus and use it as a terrorist attack and to create obedient animals." The subordinates are undoubtedly very interesting.”

Orochimaru: "Just this morning, several people from the ninja village came to me and wanted to buy the C virus at a high price. They were even willing to provide civilians for me to experiment on."

Jiraiya: "What did you say! How could you do this, you bastard!"

Orochimaru: "Hey, you can't blame me for this. I didn't force them to agree to me. They took the initiative to come to me for cooperation. I can't change human greed."

Tsunade: "Do you think it's okay to say such nonsense? If you don't take out the C virus, how could this happen? You will plunge the entire ninja world into a terrorist crisis!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, wouldn't that be more interesting?"

Rhodes: "Virus? Monster, what is this? It sounds like an old zombie movie."

Tony Stark: "According to what Orochimaru said, his C-Virus does this kind of thing. This is indeed an incredible weapon. Just imagine that there is a large-scale zombie chaos within the enemy before the war begins. It will undoubtedly be caught off guard. "

Diana: "Virus, it's really disgusting. This boring weapon will only kill you!"

Akainu: "Really? I find it very interesting."

Karp: "Sakaski, shut up!"

"Now the reward is Orochimaru, the Super Beast Making Machine."

When the electronic screen sound ended, a strange-looking machine appeared next to Orochimaru.

"Huh? Super beast? What is that?"

This made Orochimaru a little confused.

"A super beast is a monster that is more powerful than a monster. It does not feel any pain and can only attack continuously. It is the best biological weapon. The super beast making machine combines ordinary monsters with animals and plants to form a super beast."

The screen's voice chimed in, explaining.

Zhu Xingtuan: "What! You can even get a reward for the Super Beast Manufacturing Machine!"

Nick Fury: "The Star Cluster, do you know what that is?"

Zhu Xingtan: "That is the technological product of the aliens of our universe, the Yabo people, used to mass-produce super beasts that are more powerful than monsters. Our earth has been attacked many times by the super beasts created by the Yabo people. ”

Diana: "What, this is actually an alien invasion weapon from another universe!"

Orochimaru: "Haha! It's interesting to create a super beast. Is it like the monster that appeared in Leo's universe just now? It seems to be the same as Nine Tails."

Tsunade: "Don't think so wildly, there are no monsters in our world!"

After Orochimaru saw Tsunade's comment, he thought for a while. Yes, there are no monsters in Naruto's world.

"Wait a minute, what if it's an animal mutated by the C virus?"

Orochimaru's eyes lit up. He not only conducted experiments on humans, but also on animals. It has to be said that the monsters mutated by animals are more terrifying than the zombies mutated by humans.

"Hehe, it seems to be a very interesting research."

This immediately ignited Orochimaru's scientist spirit, and he would have fun again in the future.

"Hey, Orochimaru, what is that?"

At this time, several ninjas from Sand Ninja Village came running over. He looked at Orochimaru with a wary expression.

Then those javos immediately ran over to protect Orochimaru.

Seeing these monsters with eyes all over their faces, the ninjas of the Murderer Village couldn't help but take two steps back immediately.

"Lord Orochimaru, the deal has been completed. I gave them twenty C-virus syringes. Instead, we will give us 10,000 villagers for experiments and two million dollars."

Kabuto appeared next to Orochimaru and said.

"Well, very good. It's a pleasure to cooperate. Let's continue to cooperate in the future."

After Orochimaru finished speaking with a sneer, he formed a seal with his hands and his body disappeared. Orochimaru who appeared here was actually just a clone.

"Goodbye then, let's continue working together next time."

After Kabuto finished speaking, he gave the javos a wink and asked them to pick up the super beast making machine and leave here quickly with him.

Seeing Jiraiya here through the screen, he couldn't help but let out a cry.

Unexpectedly, Orochimaru was the biggest winner.

In just one day, Orochimaru did so many things with that terrible virus.

It is definitely not just the Sand Ninja Village that is trading with him, other ninja villages must also be taking action!

In that case, it is really unimaginable what the ninja world will become!

"Damn it! Damn Orochimaru! If I had known this, I would have killed him in the first place!"

This made Jiraiya regret that he had been merciful to Orochimaru in the past.

Naruto: "Hey, Lustful Sage, why don't you go to Sand Ninja Village quickly? There is a terrible virus there. If it is leaked, everyone in their village will die!"

Tsunade: "Naruto, don't talk nonsense. If we go there casually, it will easily trigger a war. Sand Ninja Village is not from the same country as us!"

Nick Fury: "Oh, that's it. Different countries in your Naruto world have their own ninja villages."

Jiraiya: "Most of them are like that."

Tony Stark: "If it involves politics, you will understand. No matter what happens in the other country, if other countries interfere at will, it will provoke international public opinion and put them at a disadvantage, or start a war at worst."

Naruto: "What are you talking about! Do you just don't care about anything!"

Jiraiya: "Naruto, I understand your thinking, but we must act with caution."

On the abandoned roof of Konoha, Naruto couldn't help clenching his fists as he looked at the miserable ruins around him.

Due to the attack by the C-Virus monster, the once prosperous Konoha was full of broken walls and ruins. You could even see families crying after the bodies of victims were dug out.

Looking at this scene, Naruto couldn't accept that he knew that Sand Ninja Village might become like this, but let it go!

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