Naruto: "Damn it! If you don't want to go! Then I'll go!"

Tsunade: "Naruto, what do you want to do!"

Naruto: "Of course it's to eliminate the C virus. I can't just watch the tragedy happen! Even if they don't come from the same village as me, I don't want it!"

Tsunade: "Idiot! If you do this, you may start a war between the two countries!"

Naruto: "I know, but it's even more impossible for me to worry so much and watch terrible things happen at any time!"

After Tsunade saw Naruto's words, she knew that Naruto was serious.

Now Naruto can mobilize the power of the Nine Tails at any time without being counterattacked.

If you insist on going to Sand Ninja Village, you may even be able to massacre the village.

"Damn it, you bastard!"

Tsunade stood up angrily and wanted to stop Naruto immediately.

Jiraiya: "Naruto, just stay in the village with peace of mind. I will handle this matter."

Tsunade: "Jiraiya, what do you want to do!"

Jiraiya: "Same as Naruto, I can't watch that kind of terrible thing appear casually. As for war or something, don't worry. As long as I show absolute strength like the first generation, there will be no People dare to cause war."

After Tsunade saw Jiraiya's words, she couldn't help but be stunned.

During the Senju Hashirama period, the ninja world was able to maintain long-term peace because Senju Hashirama was so powerful that he could frighten all the ninja villages and prevent them from acting rashly.

With the strength that Jiraiya now has from the Six Paths Sage, he is definitely stronger than Senju Hashirama, and he can indeed do the same thing.

Tsunade: "Even so, but in terms of public opinion."

Tony Stark: "What is there to worry about? If you are strong enough, do you still need to be afraid of public opinion? You can also control public opinion in turn."

Tsunade: "What did you say?"

Tony Stark: "Your previous concerns were all based on insufficient strength, but if you face a strong enough strength, even if you slap someone in the past, no one will dare to say anything, not to mention biochemical Terrorist incidents are enough to give you the moral upper hand, so don’t be afraid at all.”

Diana: "What you said makes sense. It reflects the United States' demeanor of speaking righteously and its ability to manipulate public opinion after taking away the Indians' habitat."

Tony Stark: "Are you scolding me? I'm just telling the truth."

Thor: "Haha, as long as you are strong, don't worry about what others think. They can't beat you anyway."

In Mexico, at the home of Jane and others, Thor was sending messages with a smile on his face, which reminded him of the all-powerful days on the battlefield.

At that time, he was also criticized by many people, but in the end, it was not because of his strength that everyone had to be convinced.

Thor was originally very happy when he recalled his experience, but when he thought that his divine power had been taken away and he was now an ordinary person, he became depressed again.

He had discovered yesterday that Thor's hammer had fallen in the desert, and he had gone over to pick it up with confidence.

As a result, he couldn't even pick up Mjolnir even though he tried hard to suck it. Not to mention how oppressive he felt.

Now Thor is not as heroic as he used to be. He goes to the pub every day to get drunk, or sleeps in Jane's house.

If it weren't for the fact that he was an alien and could help Jane and the others with some research, he would have been driven away long ago.

"Why, this person was very happy just now, but now he looks like he is dying?"

Daisy, who was working on the computer, asked with a puzzled look on her face after seeing Thor switching quickly.

"Who knows, maybe he's in a bad mood."

Xie Yun next to him replied.

He hasn't left yet and is staying here temporarily.

Originally, Jane and the others were reluctant. After all, it would be troublesome to raise another Thor. After seeing the rent offered by Xie Yun, they immediately agreed.

Xie Yun has become familiar with Daisy these days and chats with her without a word.

Sometimes, while Daisy was immersed in her work, he glanced at her sizable pair.

"so big."

This made Xie Yun couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

At this time, the discussion continues on the screen.

Orochimaru: "Using powerlessness to force peace? It's interesting. But so what if you can prevent Suna Ninja Village from using the C virus? I'm just afraid of you on the surface. You can't control what you do in private. ”

Jiraiya: "Even so, I will do what I should do!"

Orochimaru: "Haha, whatever you want, by the way, let me tell you something interesting. When I went to take him in, someone had already entered that shopping mall."

Jiraiya: "Who is what?"

Orochimaru: "They are Gaara's three brothers and sisters in the Sand Ninja Village. We can really look forward to what will become of them after they enter."

Naruto: "Hey! Gaara has also gone in. Wait a minute. With his strength, there is no need to worry."

Orochimaru: "Humph, it's true. I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. I have to study this new toy carefully."

Zhu Xingtuan: "This is not a toy, it is a machine that creates terrifying monsters. If you abuse it, it will definitely give your world a devastating blow!"

Orochimaru: "Oh, really, that's really interesting."

Natasha: "It seems that Orochimaru has a problem with his brain."

Tsunade: "Indeed, he is an out-and-out mad scientist who will do anything for research."

Rhodes: "Are you so crazy? I thought Tony was crazy enough to stay awake for days and nights just to study. I didn't expect there was someone more powerful than him."

Tony Stark: "Hey! Rhodes, are you asking for a beating?"

In SHIELD, Tony Stark couldn't help but pat Rhodes on the head.

"Oh, please, I'm just praising you. I'm praising you for being more normal than that Orochimaru."

Rhodes said, rubbing the back of his head.

"Why didn't I feel it?"

Tony rolled his eyes and complained.

"That's enough, you two should stop flirting."

Nick Fury said helplessly, this is a bit noisy.

leo world

Zhu Hoshidan looked at the screen nervously.

Unexpectedly, even the Yabo people's super beast making machine would be regarded as a reward.

I don’t know what the mad scientist named Orochimaru will do with it.

"Sigh, I hope people from Naruto World can solve it."

Zhu Xingtuan sighed helplessly, cross-universe matters were not something he could interfere with.

In the DC Universe.

Bruce Wayne has arrived near the IKEA store and has gone out of his way to hide in the dark to avoid being discovered.

"Master Wayne, that street has been purchased by us. You can develop it however you want."

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