American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 123 Orochimaru was successfully contained

"Oops! You can actually block space, now you're in trouble!"

Doraemon was anxious all of a sudden. If he couldn't leave immediately through any door, it would be troublesome to find the exit.

He just went back the way he came and took a look, but he really couldn't find the entrance he came from!

That means he has to be prepared to stay here for a long time.

"Nobita, I hope nothing happens to you."

The first thing Doraemon does is worry about Nobita's condition. Who knows what will happen if he is not with Nobita for a long time.

Nobita: "ZZZZ"

However, Nobita is still sleeping.

Doraemon: "Forget it, just fend for yourself."

Tony Stark: "Space blockade, what kind of mall is this? It's so weird!"

Ancient One: "After all, this is an infinite space, controlled by many laws that we cannot imagine."

Karp: "I just want to say that I'm confused. This doesn't look like it can be solved by hitting."

Strange: "Then in a place like this, can the magic of our portal still work?"

Mordo: "I think it's okay."

Gu Yi looked at the IKEA store on the screen and couldn't help but wonder whether her mirror dimension control magic could still be used normally there.

Doraemon: "No matter what, let's find a way to find someone."

Then Doraemon took out props again.

"Mini Expedition."

I saw that Doraemon released many villains, and they would spread out to investigate the place and help him find the husband and the three of them.

"Please, we must find them."

After Doraemon showed them the photos of the three people, he dismissed them, and then he immediately moved in a direction.

Along the way, he saw several normal-sized employees, all with no facial features, working numbly, stocking and sorting goods. They looked like a very normal shopping mall.

However, looking around, I couldn't see the shelves at the end or the corridor. I couldn't believe that this was normal.

"Hey! There's also Dorayaki!"

Doraemon passed by a place selling food and saw his favorite Dorayaki. Although it was not the right time, he still couldn't help but want to get it.

"Wait a minute, this is not stealing, right?"

However, just as he was about to encounter it, he couldn't help but think of this problem.

According to the video on the screen, things here seem to be taken casually, but as a well-educated robot, how can it do such a thing casually.

"Forget it, it's better not to take it! Now is not the time to do such a thing!"

After Doraemon finished speaking, he immediately flew away and concentrated on finding Xiaohu and the others.

However, some people had some thoughts after seeing his move.

Marvel’s S.H.I.E.L.D.

"This Doraemon likes Dorayaki. If we really meet him, we can trade with Dorayaki."

Nick Fury said this.

"Is it that easy?"

However, Barton felt that this idea was a bit unreliable. Isn't it nonsense that you can exchange top-notch technology with snacks?

"Who knows, maybe I can try more."

At this time, Tony walked into Nick Fury's office as easily as returning to his own home, and Rhodes came with him.

"Hey, Stark, you can't just walk into my office like you're going home."

Nick Fury was speechless.

“Even bringing friends.”

"God, don't worry about it, don't forget, I'm helping you."

Tony Stark said helplessly.

"By the way, I have roughly researched how to imitate the Jingman rocket launcher, but I need your cooperation, just in case."

Tony said.


Nick Fury nodded after hearing this and studied various strange things, and finally got some good news.

There is no way to figure out the reason for those contained objects. As for the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, there are still things that are difficult to understand. Now if there are more weapons as terrifying as infectious diseases like the Crystal Man Rocket Launcher, it would undoubtedly be the best. choose.

"Tony, do you really want to help them get such a terrible weapon?"

Rhodes asked cautiously, feeling that this was a bit unlike Tony's style.

"There is help, but the technology is exclusive. I believe that few people except me can master this technology immediately."

Tony said with confidence.

At the same time, he checked his phone and received a message from Xiaojiao.

A dorayaki production company has been acquired.

One Piece World.

"Dorayaki? It's a local snack. I haven't made it in a long time."

Sanji said as he took a puff from his cigarette.

"Hey, that's great. With Sanji's cooking skills, he will definitely be able to make very delicious Dorayaki. Then he can trade it with Doraemon and get the replica mirror."

When Nami said this, her eyes immediately turned into money symbols.

With the copying mirror, she can copy as much gold as she wants, and then she won't have to worry about running out of money!

"Miss Nami, since you recognize my cooking skills so much! I'm so happy!"

Sanji twisted his body with a heart-filled face, immersed in this happiness.


Zoro next to him couldn't help but complain when he saw this, and at the same time carefully wiped his Zanpakutō Asura.

In the past few days, he had been studying the power of the Zanpakutō and discovered a new area that could take his swordsmanship to the next level.

"Ah, you dare to say that I am an idiot, are you looking for death?"

Sanji immediately came up and said with a twisted and angry look on his face.

"Ah, you are the one seeking death. If you really want to fight, I can test the power of the Zanpakuto on you."

Zoro was worried about not being able to find an opponent to test his Zanpakutō. Since this perverted kappa wanted to come up to him, there was no way he would let him go.

"Oh haha, so do I. I also want to try the power of my Eight Gate Dunjia."

Sanji has not been idle these days. He has also been studying the Eight Gates Dunjia. Although it is impossible to open the eight gates, the first two gates are no problem.

It's enough to greatly increase his combat power.

The two people were immediately incompatible with each other, and looked very bad. Usopp and others next to them immediately started making noises heartlessly.

At this time in the world of Naruto, Jiraiya is rushing to Suna Ninja Village, hoping to contain the IKEA store as soon as possible.

"It's just that if I go there like this, will it be considered that I want to start a war? If a war starts then, it will be troublesome."

Jiraiya couldn't help but think like this.

"Congratulations to Orochimaru for successfully containing the IKEA store."

Just then an electronic beep sounded on the screen.

Hearing this, Jiraiya stopped instantly, and Tsunade and Shizune, who were dealing with various documents in the Hokage Building, were instantly confused.

Naruto, who was helping with the recovery work on the street, couldn't help but drop what he was holding.

"Hey! Naruto! What are you doing! It's very dangerous!"

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