American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 122 Doraemon’s containment was successful and she was rewarded with a memetic resistance dev

Although Thor had said before that he was currently in conflict with Odin and was exiled, they were father and son after all and could not always be enemies.

Thinking of this, Tony couldn't help but think about the situation between himself and his father. He now understood Howard's good intentions and had reconciled with him, but it was a pity that Howard never knew about it.

Tony quickly put away his emotions and thought that maybe he should go to Mexico to find Thor. Contact Odin through him so that he can borrow the Red Sea Disc.

As for unclean people, evil gods, etc., there should be ways to avoid them if you think about it.

If that doesn't work, there are weapons like Crystal Man missiles for protection.

At this time, Doraemon immediately put away any door placed in the North Pole, and then immediately entered the IKEA store.

"Congratulations to Doraemon for successfully taking in the IKEA store. Now the reward is distributed, a memetic resistance device."

At this moment, the electronic sound on the screen sounded.

After the sound ended, a device that looked like headphones appeared in Doraemon's book, and a large amount of information poured out of his mind.

At the same time, the explanation voice on the screen sounded.

"Memes are units of cultural information. All the information people see, hear and receive contains memes. In the universe of contained objects, there are many contained objects with harmful memes. Memes can be used to modify other people's perceptions. , for example, you will go crazy if you see him, you will die if you know about him, and you will be controlled even if you just look at him. Therefore, the Memetic Science Department developed a device to resist memetic infringement. When ensuring that you see the other person, Not influenced by the other side’s harmful memes.”

After listening to the explanation on the screen, most people knew what it was, but people like Luffy and Naruto who had a hard time reacting couldn't figure it out for a while.

Luffy: "Ah, what do you mean?"

Robin: "That is to say, when you see something, you may suddenly have a bad reaction, such as fear, physical discomfort, etc., or you may be directly hypnotized. But with this meme-resistant device, You won’t have a problem with those things.”

Luffy: "Oh, that's it. Then I sometimes get scared when I see an angry Nami. Is it because of some meme? As long as I have this resistance meme device, I won't be afraid of Nami even if I spend money randomly. ?”

Nami: "How dare you spend money randomly!"

Usopp: "Luffy, your fear of Nami has gone deep into your bones and cannot be offset."

Tsunade: "I don't understand what's going on with you, but if there is such a thing, wouldn't it be able to resist genjutsu?"

Strange: "Theoretically, it's possible. Illusion is a memetic attack."

Doraemon figured out the function of this device and put it away. He also had a memetic weapon.

Things like touching microphones and non-biological hypnotic speakers are all memetic weapons. As for anti-memes, I can’t think of any at the moment. In short, multiple good things are a good thing.

"Okay, now we have to find a way to find Fat Tiger and the others."

As soon as Doraemon walked into the mall, he saw an endless walk as far as the eye could see, and there were all kinds of very tall containers all around, which seemed to be connected to the ceiling.

So Doraemon simply picked up the bamboo dragonfly and flew up to see if there was a top.

However, the strange thing is that no matter how high Doraemon flies, he can't be higher than the surrounding containers.

"Oh my god, is this really infinite space?"

Doraemon looked at the containers around him in disbelief, never expecting that it would be so outrageous to experience it in person.

Then he curiously took a bag of potato chips from the shelf, opened it, and even took a bite.

"Hey, it's quite delicious. It seems like the stuff here might be useful."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he finished a bag of potato chips in one go and then continued to look for someone.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, there were heavy footsteps nearby. Doraemon turned his head curiously, and he saw an incredible scene.

There was a giant doll with a height of more than 20 meters, striding around in an employee uniform, causing the surrounding ground to constantly shake.

Such a huge doll is walking, and just looking at it feels particularly impactful.


Doraemon's face was so frightened that he turned blue. How could there be such a big employee monster here!

I didn’t say that when the previous screen was playing!

The doll seemed to notice that Doraemon stopped, and then slowly turned its head. The face of the doll without facial features was facing Doraemon, and it was not known whether it could really see things.

"Ooooo! What do you want to do!"

When Doraemon saw the other person looking at him, he was frightened and quickly found props to protect himself. He knew very well that the employee monsters here were very aggressive.

But I have never heard of such a big thing!

"Eh, eh..."

Doraemon looked at this huge employee blankly. He didn't know if the other person had facial features, but he was very sure that this employee must have seen him.

"What do you want to do? Don't mess around!"

Doraemon knew from previous videos that the employees here were very aggressive, so he anxiously took out weapons to protect himself.

However, this employee didn't seem to care about Doraemon and just walked away.

Doraemon, who was searching his pockets, had to look confused.

"Eh? What's going on?"

Doraemon said doubtfully.

Ancient One: "It should be because it's not night yet. The employee monster only becomes violent at night."

"Oh, that's it."

Doraemon suddenly realized after hearing this, and then suddenly showed a bad look.

He didn't know how day and night were calculated here. It would be troublesome if it turned into night later.

"If that doesn't work, we have to find Xiaofu and the others as soon as possible, but how can we find them in such a big place?"

"Ah! That's right!"

Doraemon immediately thought of a way and took out the fetching handbag.

"Just use the retrieval bag to get the three of their things, and then use scent tracking to find them."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he immediately reached into the bag to find something.

But he suddenly found that he had reached the bottom and could not pass through the space at all.

"Hey! How could it be possible? Could it be that!"

This made Dora A dream about very bad things.

So I quickly took out any door and opened it immediately, and found that the opposite side was still a shopping mall, and there was no way to connect to other places.

"No! The space here is blocked, and my space-type props can't be used!"

When Doraemon said this, his face gradually turned ugly. If he was like this, he couldn't leave here immediately.

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