"This is much more convenient than the Rainbow Bridge. Human science can actually be so terrifying!"

Odin couldn't help but take a breath. He always thought that although Asgard didn't pay much attention to technology, it was definitely ahead of the people on Earth. However, Doraemon's science was beating Asgard in all aspects.

Odin couldn't breathe.

The only good thing is that any gate cannot destroy the planet like the Rainbow Bridge.

Wait a minute, black technology like the Random Door is already available, but isn’t there a star-destroying weapon in Doraemon’s world?

This time Odin had to worry again and looked at the screen curiously.

SHIELD, Tony Stark couldn't help but wave his fists in excitement.

"That's great! You can actually develop such a convenient space mobile device. Does this use the theory of wormhole channels? Can you tell me how this is done!"

Tony Stark was so excited now that he roared loudly, scaring Rhodes next to him so much that he couldn't help but step back.

Of course, he also understood why Tony was so excited. This was a black technology. If it appeared in this world, it would definitely cause countless people to fight for it.

Just imagine that you can just open the door wherever you want, and it would be very convenient if you were to do a raid.

I thought that getting a weapon like Crystal Man Missile would be awesome, but I didn't expect that there would be something even more outrageous, which made Rhodes very envious.

Doraemon: "I don't know how to say this. Anyway, I have more important things to do now."

After Doraemon finished speaking, he took out an instrument and two paintbrushes.

"Go to the North Pole!"

After Doraemon finished speaking, he opened any door and headed to the North Pole.

"Aqiu! It's so cold!"

The climate here made Doraemon extremely cold, and he immediately took out the adaptation lamp.

"Get used to the light!"

Doraemon took out the adaptation lamp and illuminated it on himself, instantly adapting to the cold climate of the Arctic.

Then he immediately put on the bamboo dragonfly and drew a circle with chalk on this place.

Tony Stark: "Hey! What was that you took out just now? Why are you not afraid of the cold all of a sudden? No, why are robots afraid of the cold!"

When Tony Stark saw Doraemon come up with new props, he was as excited as a child seeing a new variety of toys.

Doraemon: "This is called an adaptive lamp. As long as it is illuminated, it can adapt to any environment, including space, the seabed, and radiation sites."

Luffy: "It's so powerful! Then if I'm exposed to it, wouldn't it mean that I'm not afraid of the sea anymore?"

Seeing Luffy's words, Sengoku and the others' eyes lit up.

Those with devil fruit abilities are not afraid of anything, but their biggest fear is the sea. As soon as they touch the sea, their power will be weakened countless times. If there is technology to help them become immune to the sea, that would undoubtedly be great.

"This is a good thing. It would be best if our navy could get it!"

Akainu shouted with excitement.

"But it's impossible, it's not the same universe."

The adaptation lamp made Kizaru very envious, even though he was always lazy, he had to get interested.

"Red Sea Disc."

At this time Akainu spoke.

"The Red Sea Discs in different universes all go to the same world. If we steal the Red Sea Disc from the Straw Hats and enter that universe, we can let Doraemon come to us and we will have a chance to get the adaptation lamp."

As soon as he said this, Akainu immediately felt hot and became more determined to destroy the Straw Hats.

"Then what about the unclean ones and the so-called evil god?"

Kizaru reminds Akainu the most important thing, there are terrible unclean people in the Red Sea world, and there are evil gods in that position.

Akainu's expression darkened after hearing this. He almost ignored this, but it doesn't matter. We'll talk about it later when we get the Red Sea disc!

It's not just Akainu who has the same idea, Luffy does too.

"Awesome! Why don't we go to the Red Sea World to find Doraemon! In this case, we can get an adaptive lamp, and I won't be afraid of the sea!"

Luffy shouted excitedly, immediately alerting everyone.

"Idiot! Aren't you afraid of something happening? There are terrible monsters in there!"

Nami was the first to object and even slapped Luffy.


Nothing but!

Another person who had the same idea was Sun Wukong.

Although Sun Wukong is powerful, he cannot move freely in the universe. If there is an adaptive lamp, this problem can be solved.

Sun Wukong looked at the Red Sea disc hidden in his chest and thought about whether to contact Doraemon. Forget it, let's wait until Doraemon handles the IKEA store.

Speaking of which, since getting the Red Sea Disc, Sun Wukong often drags others into the Red Sea world to find unclean people to practice.

There is no better opponent to practice against than the Unclean One.

As for the terrifying evil god in the Red Sea world, Sun Wukong has not yet encountered it. Anyway, as long as his strength increases, there will always be a way to deal with it.

While everyone was arguing, Doraemon had already finished drawing a large circle, then quickly returned to the IKEA store and drew a circle around the store.

Rhodes: "What are you doing? Why are you graffiti?"

Tony Stark: "Rhode, be quiet, this must be some special scientific prop!"

Frankie: "I really want to know what will happen!"

Everyone is looking forward to what Doraemon will do and waiting for him to finish painting.

After a while, Doraemon drew a circle around IKEA, and then immediately flew to the North Pole to start the machine.

An incredible scene occurred in the next second, that is, the IKEA store disappeared in an instant and then appeared in the North Pole.

In the Arctic, a large piece of ice appeared on the original vacant land of the IKEA store.

Doraemon: "Huhu, this way you won't be afraid of anyone coming in."

Tony Stark: "Space movement! You actually made the entire mall move through space!"

Doraemon: "This is space exchange. I use it to replace the space chalk. It can exchange the positions of two places circled by chalk."

After listening to Doraemon's explanation, everyone was shocked again. They could actually use space to such an extent. This technology is so incredible!

Leo Universe.

Zhuhoshitan looked at the screen in shock. He thought that their Kingdom of Light technology would be among the best, if not the best in the universe, but it was nothing compared to Doraemon's technology.

I don’t know if there is anything like a plasma spark tower in their world.

"Are these humans from another universe? It's too scary. There's no need for Ultraman to protect the earth."

Fengyuan couldn't help but sigh.

In the Marvel world, Tony Stark jumped up and down excitedly.

"Damn it, I really want to see Doraemon now. This technology is so amazing!"

Tony Stark immediately thought of the Red Sea Disc in Asgard, which was the only way to see Doraemon.

But he doesn't know how to get to Asgard. Wait a minute, isn't Thor coming to Earth? Maybe he can ask him for help.

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