
This unknown thing roared, turned around quickly, and swung its claws towards the captain.

The captain didn't react for a moment and was hit directly.

He was obviously wearing the highest standard of body armor, so even if he was caught in the aftermath of the explosion, he would be fine.

However, such a powerful body armor could not withstand the monster's claws and was directly pierced, digging out the heart.

Kill the captain with one move.

"Ho ho ho!!"


"Bang bang bang!"

The monster's roars, screams, and gunshots echoed through the stairwell at this moment.

In this chaotic situation, it can be seen that the bullets hitting this monster cannot cause any useful damage. They are basically scratches, and some bullets are even bounced away.

It's enough to show how terrifying this monster's defense is!

Several team members died in the monster's claws.

Even if someone ran away upwards, they would be caught within a short time.

"Let's go!"

One team member shouted to the remaining person, and then pulled two high-explosive grenades on his body.

Set off a terrifying explosion!

Fierce flames filled the platform. The strange thing was that even though the explosion was so powerful, the flames could not light up the dark stairwell.

At this time, the last team member ran upwards with all his strength, trying to get out of this terrible place.

There were so many people just now, so even though he was in a weird environment, he wasn't that scared.

But now that he is alone, why is he not afraid? His mentality is about to explode.

The environment was dark, the light source was very weak, the sounds of crying and banging on the walls filled the ears, and the tragic scene of the death of his teammates lingered in his mind.

This task force soldier's mentality completely exploded. He kept howling and ran upstairs, trying to get out of this ghost place as soon as possible.

As a result, he ran so hard that his steps slipped and he fell heavily.

Just as he was about to stand up, the monster's howl came.

I saw the monster chasing up from downstairs. The power of the high-explosive grenade did not kill him, and it was even impossible to see any injuries on its body.


The soldier watched the monster getting closer and closer to him. He was so frightened that he completely lost his mind and kept shooting, but it had no effect at all.

The result of the soldier can be imagined. The screen also switched to the entrance to the stairwell of the school at this time.

The person responsible for responding outside heard the screams of the troop through the intercom and knew what happened.

The shelter will then send more capable troops down with sophisticated weapons to eliminate the monster and thoroughly explore the secrets of this stairwell.

But the monster was so terrifying that it could not be destroyed with any known weapon.

And according to the report, some troops once seemed to have eliminated the monster, but as they continued to go down, the monster reappeared.

Whether this monster will regenerate indefinitely in the stairwell, or whether there is more than one, no one knows.

Even if any team is lucky enough not to encounter monsters, they will be driven crazy and shoot at their own people due to the environment.

After an unknown number of people were sacrificed, the containment group stopped exploring the stairwell.

The entrance to the stairwell was completely sealed with cement, the school was purchased, and the memories of irrelevant personnel were erased to prevent anyone from approaching this place.

The video ends abruptly here.

Everyone looked a bit unsatisfied.

Orochimaru: "Haha! It seems that my guess is correct. There are really scary monsters in this stairwell. It's interesting. What kind of weapons are these? They are so powerful."

Rhodes: "Hey, doesn't this person know anything about guns? Why is he so happy when he sees monsters?"

Jiraiya: "There's just something wrong with his brain."

Natasha: "Dark environment, narrow space, scary monsters, it's simply the cliché of a third-rate horror movie."

"Now start predicting the universe where the contained objects will appear."

Seeing this, everyone stopped talking.

Rhodes: "Containment object appears? Is this stairwell going to appear?"

Tony Stark: "Yes, the containment object mentioned on the screen will randomly appear in the world of each of us viewers. If it really appears in my world, then I must study this stairwell carefully. , this kind of infinite superposition space is really interesting!”

After Tony Stark got the Void Engine, he had a dark space with him. If he could use the Void Engine to study and understand the principle of infinite superposition space, could it be used in dark space? Then he would have infinite space. space capacity.

"The stairwell will appear in the world of Ultraman Leo."

When the electronic sound sounds, the screen changes.

Zhu Xing Tuan: "What! It will actually be our world!"

Just then the screen switched to a street.

Fengyuan and other team members were chasing an alien from space.

The speed of that universe is so fast that even Fengyuan has a hard time catching up.

Finally, they ran into a building and didn't know where they were going for a while, so the MAC team members decided to disperse and pursue them.

Then two people discovered the spaceman and immediately gave chase. As a result, they ran into the stairwell door after him!

"not good!"

When Zhu Xingtuan saw this scene, his eyes widened instantly.

Now we are in big trouble!

“Boom, boom!!”

And it's not just that.

The ground nearby suddenly cracked open, and a monster crawled out from the ground and began destroying the city everywhere.

"Damn, but it's just right."

Seeing this, Zhu Xingtuan immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and gave orders.

"Everyone go deal with the monster immediately. Fengyuan, you go find the spaceman."

Zhuxingtuan took this opportunity to separate Fengyuan from the others.

"But Captain, wouldn't it be too dangerous to let Fengyuan go find the cosmic man alone?"

Immediately, other teammates raised questions and felt that this distribution was quite random.

"This is an order! However, the stars issued the order in a tough way.

After the others heard this, and there were monsters nearby, they had no time to argue, so they had no choice but to do this first.

Zhu Xingtuan immediately typed the text on the screen and sent it to Fengyuan.

Zhu Xingtuan: "Fengyuan, I'm begging you to take care of that stairwell. We must rescue people."

Fengyuan: "No problem."

Fengyuan paid attention to the screen when he was chasing the cosmonauts.

Normally, the Star Clans would have ordered the area to be cordoned off, but if teammates ran in, they would have to be rescued.

So Fengyuan immediately hurried to the stairwell!

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