American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 114 Another infinite space, IKEA supermarket

Rhodes: "Hey, what is this guy named Zhu Xinguan thinking? Why did he let that person go to such a scary place by himself?"

Tony Stark: "You'll find out later."

Rhodes: "Ah? Then can you tell me what's going on with that giant animal!"

Tony Stark: "That's a monster unique to Leo's world."

Orochimaru: "Monster? I wonder how it compares to Kyuubi."

At this time, Fengyuan had already run into the stairwell. He looked at the dark environment in front of him and took a deep breath, then raised his right hand to reveal the ring with lion pupils.


Fengyuan was seen transforming into life-sized Ultraman Leo.

He immediately flew downstairs to look for the two team members.

Rhodes: "Hey! Why did this person transform! Where did this clothes come from!"

Nick Fury: "It's not his clothes, it's who he is."

Tony Stark: "Let me explain."

At this time, Leo was falling rapidly towards the bottom of the stairwell.

With his speed, it was very easy to fly through several flights of stairs in one second. This full-speed flight, I don't know how many floors he went down, but he didn't see the two team members who came in before.

The crying sounds that kept coming to his ears and the sounds of banging on the walls around him made him a little irritable and strange.

"How deep is this? Who did it?"

When Leo went deep into the stairwell, a very fierce battle was going on outside.

The monsters are wreaking havoc everywhere as soon as they appear, and the MAC team is struggling to deal with them.

However, when they were almost completely destroyed, the star clusters finally arrived here in time with Gunteras.

With the appearance of Gunteras, the battle situation will be reversed immediately!

Rhodes: "There are actually giant robots. Tony, I always thought you were the most outstanding scientist, but it doesn't look like you are now."

Tony Stark: "What do you mean by that! Tell you, as long as you give me time, I promise to make it! By the way, where are the data and analysis results of Star Cluster and Gunteras, can you tell me!"

Zhu Xingtuan: "Are you sure I want to send it to you here? It's very complicated."

After Zhuoxinguan finished speaking, he tried to send out something, a bunch of numbers, symbols, and words, which seemed very confusing.

Frankie: "This is kind of interesting. If I could figure it out, I could make a giant General Frankie!"

Luffy: "That's great!"

Warring States: "Don't even think about it, we will do it first!"

Jiraiya: "I don't care about this, but don't block the screen!"

While everyone was discussing these things, the screen suddenly emitted electronic sounds again.

"However, in the universe of contained objects, there are countless infinitely superimposed spaces like stairwells, and one of them is a very famous supermarket called IKEA."

After the electronic sound started playing, the screen switched and a large-looking supermarket appeared.

Strange: "Hey, haven't we finished containing the stairwell yet? Why continue?"

Natasha: "Maybe something has changed."

Bruce Wayne: "There is also a new infinite space. What is the secret of this supermarket?"

"IKEA Supermarket sounds like a very ordinary supermarket name, but no one knows when this supermarket appeared. It has never appeared in an open space, but it suddenly appeared one day."

"According to the investigation, this supermarket has unlimited space. If you enter casually, you will almost never have a chance to come out."

"At first, I used a drone to explore, but after a while, the drone lost control. Then we sent people in."

"It was originally agreed that he would come out in two hours, but the D-class personnel failed to come out after a whole day and night, and the contact was completely cut off. I don't know his condition."

"After that, we didn't know how many D-class personnel were sent in, and we even changed the method and directly destroyed the wall to get in."

"However, if you enter it through a passage other than the entrance, you will only see a normal supermarket, and you will come out after a while, and you will not find the missing people at all. That means that the abnormality in this supermarket can only be triggered by entering from the entrance. ”

"After I don't know how many D-class personnel entered, one person finally escaped. He was covered in injuries and looked like he had experienced a battle."

"According to his description, we learned that the interior of this supermarket is an infinitely extending and intricate maze-like space. Not only that, there are also a group of monsters that look like mannequin dolls. They have their own consciousness and wander around. Move around. When the ceiling lights are still on, they won't do anything. But when the lights are turned off and the supermarket is dark, these models will be violent, saying that they want to drive away people after closing time, and will kill this D-class personnel. ’s companions were killed.”

"This D-class personnel spent a lot of effort running around to find the exit. According to him, he couldn't find the route he came from. Even if he could find it, he couldn't see the exit. That means the entrance and exit would disappear randomly. Appearing in different places, that’s why so many people can’t come out.”

Rod: "Hey, is this a horror movie routine? Why does it look like that famous novel?"

Diana: "Are you talking about mist? It's a bit similar but not the same."

Mordo: "An ordinary supermarket will have infinite space and monsters. Is this cursed magic?"

Orochimaru: "Magic? What is that, your chakra system?"

Modu: "That's not it. It's the power to change the world."

Orochimaru: "Changing the world? That's interesting."

While everyone was discussing, the screen continued.

On the second day, we found a man running out from inside, followed by a monster similar to the model described by the D-class personnel chasing him out.

However, what he didn't tell us was how many meters tall this monster was.

The model actually took a knife and chopped the fleeing man into serious injuries.

When they ran out of the supermarket, the mobile task force immediately shot and killed the model before going to save the man.

That man was actually dead.

After inspection, we found that he was carrying a diary recording his experience in the IKEA supermarket, so we decided to analyze it in the hope of getting useful clues.

The diary content is as follows:

So, I'm writing this for the record and can only assume that I suddenly went crazy. There's no way I'm bad at wayfinding, but now I've been stuck in IKEA for 2 days. I saw no one the whole time. At first I thought it was a prank. Turn the place into a maze, let everyone leave, watch me get lost, and everyone laughs. It was only when I returned the same way that I discovered that this was not the case. Everything changed and I finally got lost. The exit was gone, only rows of bookshelves.

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