American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 112 Between the stairs, there is infinite superposition of space.

When the electronic sound sounded, a particularly dark door appeared on the screen. Behind the door was a staircase going down.

Rhodes: "Huh? Containment stairwell, what kind of strange name is this?"

Tony Stark: "Rhode, don't underestimate the objects contained here. They are all very scary monsters."

Bruce Wayne: "Or objects."

DC Universe.

Bruce Wayne keenly believes that this stairwell may be a terrifying existence related to stairs.

Just like the unstoppable kitchen knife he sealed in a top-grade safe.

I just don’t know what a staircase does.

"In a certain university, a passage to a dark basement suddenly appeared. No one knew where it appeared. It had never existed before. Then someone was brave enough to go down and explore, but he never came back."

"Later, the school called the police and asked someone to go inside to look for the missing person. In the end, even the police never came out. Such a strange thing alerted the shelter to investigate."

Then the screen switched, and a heavily armed team walked towards the dark underground passage.

This underground passage is very dark. Although the troops have extremely powerful lights in their hands, they cannot illuminate very far and can only barely illuminate the environment around their feet.

This troop carefully went downstairs. They had already walked through more than a dozen flights of stairs. According to calculations, they had descended at least six or seven floors.

Such a result is undoubtedly particularly confusing.

Because judging from the architectural design drawings of this school, there is no such deep basement at all. If you go down at this distance, you should have access to the school's underground garage.

As for the lower parts, there are no underground works at all.

And along the way, they discovered some beast-like scratches on the nearby wall.

This made everyone immediately understand that something existed here.

"woo woo woo woo."

At this time, there was a sound of sobbing from below, which sounded like a woman crying.

"Attention, there is someone down there."

After the captain finished speaking, everyone speeded up and walked down, while also keeping vigilance around them.

Judging from the clarity of the sound, it seems that the source of the sound is not far below.

But at this moment, a strange situation occurred, that is, the troops did not know how many stairs they had walked down. The crying sound was still the same as before, and there seemed to be no feeling of getting closer.

In other words, no matter how much they continue to walk down, they can't get close to the sound?

"Dong Dong. Dong Dong"

At this time, there was a rhythmic knocking sound on the wall next to him.


In the originally quiet and dark environment, hearing the woman sobbing was terrifying enough.

As a result, there was a sudden sound of knocking on the wall.

Everyone was so frightened that they couldn't help but scream.

"Calm down! Don't panic!"

The captain immediately comforted all the team members and then took a deep breath.

"Report, I suspect that there are other things besides us in this stair space. Do you want to continue exploring?"


The voice from the other end of the wireless intercom prompted the team to continue moving forward.

After hearing this, the captain did not hesitate and directly ordered everyone to follow him.

They didn't know how many floors they had penetrated.

According to calculations, they must have traveled more than a kilometer.

Think about the concept of one thousand meters underground.

No matter how the outside world measures it, there is simply not that much space underneath this school.

In other words, from the moment you step into this stairwell, you will enter another infinite downward superimposed space. No one knows whether there is an end.

Tony Stark: "What! Infinite downward superposition of space! How is this possible! This is completely inconsistent with common sense of physics!"

Modu: "Is this a very advanced space magic?"

Kama Tajri.

Mordo has some understanding of this infinite space, and there is a particularly advanced space magic that can do it. Just like Gu Yi's control of the mirror dimension to constantly switch scenes, it can also achieve the effect of infinite superposition of spaces.

"It's a pity that Master Gu Yi is not here, otherwise you can ask her."

Strange looked at the sanctuary at the back.

Now Gu Yi is immersed in using new magic sources to create a career belonging to Kama Taj Magic.

If nothing too troublesome happened, she wouldn't show up.

Chopper: "But this is really scary! It's dark enough, and there are these strange noises. If I had run away!"

Naruto: "That's right! It looks like a haunted place at first glance!"

Warring States: "Wait a minute, run? Why didn't those missing people run out in the end? If there is no end to going down, there will always be someone who wants to go back up, right?"

Bruce Wayne: "There is a possibility that going up is also in a state of infinite space."

Orochimaru: "There is another kind, that is, there are some unknown monsters in that space."

Seeing Orochimaru's words, everyone remembered the scratches on the wall that had appeared before.

It is enough to show that there is another unknown creature in this space.

In a certain underground base, Orochimaru licked his tongue and looked at the screen.

"It's a bit interesting, infinite space? It's a bit like Izanami of the Uchiha clan, but this is not an illusion. This screen can give me a lot of fun."

At this time, the screen was continuing. The troops continued to move down. They were all on tenterhooks at this moment. Fortunately, there were many of them. Otherwise, if there was only one person, they would probably go crazy with fear and even run away regardless of the order.

In this dark passage, there is no tool that can calculate time. The only thing they can rely on is their watch.

Time passed by, and after more than ten or twenty minutes, this troop had already gone down who knows how far. In short, it was definitely higher than the height of the school.

And what was even more strange was the female sobbing that kept coming from below. No matter how they walked, they could not get close.

And the sound of banging on the wall was always there, and I had no idea where it came from.

Just as everyone was about to continue walking up the stairs to the next level, they saw a human figure standing on the platform one level below.

This man was leaning against the wall, not knowing what he was doing.

"Watch for a person, make contact now."

After the captain finished speaking, he walked over cautiously.

"Hello, who are you and why are you here?"

the captain asked as he approached.

When he was close enough to the person, the flashlight could barely illuminate the person clearly.

Now the captain had to look ugly.

The other party was naked, and the muscles all over his body looked badly rotted. His hands were claws, and he was over two meters tall. He didn't look like a human being!

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