Tsunade: "The C virus has the power to turn people into zombies, and zombies can continue to evolve by eating people."

Nick Fury: "What! There is such a terrible virus."

Orochimaru: "Hehe, Tsunade, you are wrong. It is not as simple as turning into a monster, but it can promote a new evolution."

Tsunade: "Orochimaru! Why are you here too!"

Orochimaru: "I don't know, I suddenly saw this screen, I can send my thoughts and talk to you. Is this your secret? We got our power here before, it's really interesting."

Garp: "Indeed, this is the first time I have encountered such a thing. By the way, the one called Orochimaru, what do you mean by the new evolution you just mentioned?"

Orochimaru: "The C virus has It has the ability to transform the genetic structure of organisms. Zombies and the like are the product of inhaling the gas diluted with the C virus. "Orochimaru: "If you inject the complete C virus, you will not become a zombie but will evolve into a life form called Javo, which has higher intelligence and strength. Even if you are seriously injured, you have amazing regeneration ability and can even continue to evolve." Orochimaru: "After I was injected with the C virus, I evolved into a whole new field, surpassing humans and possessing power that you can't imagine!" Barton: "Hey, is it my illusion? I feel like this person is like a charlatan." Jiraiya: "This guy is really weird." Orochimaru: "That's your ignorance. I'm just explaining my research results." Natasha: "It feels a bit like Tony Stark."

Tony Stark: "Hey! Don't joke."

Tsunade: "What kind of evolution is that? Whether it's zombies or javo, they are all monsters without their own thoughts and at the mercy of others. They have no thoughts and are not even as good as humans."

Orochimaru: "That's because the C virus I injected them with is very low-level. If it were me, it wouldn't happen. What's more, if most people in the world don't have their own thoughts, there won't be any conflicts. You have to know that wars break out because people have different ideas. If people all over the world have no thoughts and their wills are controlled by the same person, there will be no more wars in the world."

Diana: "What a joke! Controlling the thoughts of the whole world, what kind of crazy talk is this! What qualifications do you have to control others!"

Tony Stark: "What a joke! Controlling the thoughts of the whole world, what crazy talk is this! What qualifications do you have to control others!" Nicestark: "You're right. If you dare to control my thoughts, I will definitely make you pay. If people don't have their own thoughts, they can't build the world today!" Orochimaru: "However, it is because thoughts are too complicated and people's behavior cannot be controlled that disputes and wars continue to occur. My ideal is destined to be unacceptable to no one, but it doesn't matter. I will continue to mass-produce the C virus and control the entire world." Jiraiya: "I will definitely stop you!" Orochimaru: "Hmm." Natasha: "Oh my God, how can such a terrible and weird psychopath appear inexplicably." Rod: "Fortunately, it doesn't exist in our world, otherwise it will be troublesome." Nobita: "ZZZZZZ" A bunch of Zs suddenly appeared, making everyone stunned. What is this doing? Luffy: "Nobita, what are you talking about?"

Nobita: "ZZZZZZZ"

Zoro: "I think he is actually sleeping."

Doraemon: "Sorry, this guy, he falls asleep as soon as he gets home from school."

Nick Fury: "Can't you wake him up? The Zs that keep popping up will block the screen."

Doraemon: "There is no way. If this kid falls asleep, it is difficult to wake him up. He should have done his homework first, but he didn't do it. Today he was kept in class to make up for his homework because he didn't do his homework last night. He can't change this habit."

Doraemon: "Does anyone have a way to change this habit?"

Garp: "It's very simple. Throw him into the deep mountains and old forests and see if he dares to sleep."

After hearing Garp's speech, everyone was silent, except Luffy who fell into fearful memories.

Garp: "It's just that seeing so many Zs makes me want to..." Garp, Luffy, Zoro: "ZZZZZZZ" Nami: "Why can I spread sleepiness through the screen!" Sengoku: "Garp! Don't embarrass yourself!" Rod: "Are these people fools?" Thor: "Hey, brother, father, are you there? Can you let me go back?" Odin: "Thor, you are not allowed to come back until you have reflected on yourself!" Thor: "No way!" Tony Stark: "What happened? Kicked out of the house?" Thor: "How did you know!" Tony Stark: "Really." Barton: "By the way, there was a few days ago Something fell in the desert of Mexico. That thing was the hammer that Thor used in the battle on the screen before. "

Barton: "The strange thing is that I can't pick it up at all, and this Thor can't do it either. How come you could pick it up before, but now you can't?"

Thor: "It's because my father took away my divine power."

Loki: "Thor, you should reflect on yourself."

Thor: "Woo woo woo"

Nick Fury: "What! Asgardians appear on Earth!"

Nick Fury was surprised when he got the news. He had seen Thor's fighting power on the screen before. Such a powerful person actually appeared on Earth. He didn't know whether it was a good thing or a bad thing.

But it seems that he has no power now, maybe he can try to contact.

"Natasha, come with me to Mexico."

Nick Fury made a decision immediately.


Ancient One was not surprised by this, she had known about it for a long time.

In a bar in a small town in Mexico.

Ever since Thor could no longer lift the hammer, he has been particularly depressed and has been drinking in the bar every day.

"Mr. Thor, drink less, after all, you are not spending your money."

Jane Foster next to him reminded.

"Oh, sorry."

Thor only reacted then and looked at Xie Yun who was drinking with him.

"It's okay, I can still afford it."

Xie Yun didn't mind. For this live broadcast editing, the system would give him a lot of money. Last time, it gave him tens of millions. It was nothing to invite Thor to drink.

"Thank you, Xie Yun, you are my good friend. One day I will definitely take you to the Asgard to play."

Thor immediately clinked glasses with Xie Yun excitedly. Since he fell into the mortal world, he has been penniless. His food and accommodation during this period were all provided by Xie Yun and Jane Foster.

After Xie Yun took a sip of wine, he looked at the screen next to him.

From the audience's perspective, it was quite interesting, and it felt a bit like a public execution.

While everyone was discussing, the sound of the screen continued.

"The next containment to be predicted is called Between the Stairs."

After the electronic sound sounded.

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