"You can see this screen!"

Tony looked at Rhodes in surprise. He couldn't see it before.

"What do you mean, Tony, you already knew about this screen?"

Rhodes looked at Tony in confusion, completely confused as to what was going on.

"How do you say this..." Looking at Rhodes' confused look.

Tony wanted to explain but didn't know how.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. building.

"Pierce, I really didn't expect that you would be a Hydra. Please tell me how many Hydras there are in SHIELD."

In the interrogation room, Nick Fury stared at Pierce opposite, with a bit of sadness in his eyes.

"Why don't you tell me how you discovered me."

Pierce had a gloomy look on his face. He really couldn't figure out where he had made a mistake and someone would actually find out!

He was still discovered by Nick Fury, and he was finished now!

"This is our secret."

After Nick Fury finished speaking, he looked at Natasha beside him.

In fact, these are all Natasha's abilities. Ever since Natasha's brain potential was stimulated by CPH4, she has gained all kinds of incredible superpowers.

Among them is a very outrageous and terrifying ability, which is to check radio waves.

As long as it is a communication device, it will release radio waves, and Natasha can turn on the radio waves and see the content inside.

No secrets are hidden.

In order to test this ability two days ago, Natasha specially checked every radio wave in SHIELD.

As a result, it was unexpectedly discovered that someone was sending the containment items that appeared during this period to someone.

Then after tracing, the recipient of the letter was Pierce.

Originally, I was still thinking about how to investigate Pierce, but later I discovered that Natasha can also read minds. As long as she touches the other person, she can see clearly the other person's past.

Just call Pierce over and let Natasha read her mind.

Then use Pierce's memory to find his evidence.

Pierce was speechless.

Now the Hydra forces under Pierce's command have been controlled by Natasha using ghost soldiers.

Now Pierce has completely lost his former glory.

"Pierce, don't even think about that plan. I have stopped it. The aircraft carrier will not go up to the sky. In this way, your Hydra will be completely ruined."

When Nick Fury said this, his face looked quite bad.

According to Natasha's description of Pierce's memory, the so-called Insight Project is just a weapon used by Hydra to massacre others at will in order to control the world.

The idea of ​​eliminating criminals in advance is just an excuse.

The most important thing is that Zora during World War II is actually alive in a digital life form, which is outrageous.

Originally, Nick Fury wanted to catch Zola, but unexpectedly, Zola escaped through the transfer program in advance.

Now there are many hidden dangers.

"Haha, Fury, do you think you have won? I'm not the only Hydra. There are Hydras everywhere in SHIELD, no, even in the whole country! I don't even know who else is there, after all. There are so many! It’s even possible that the cleaning staff passing by are Hydras!”

Pierce shouted with great excitement!

He even tried to rush forward, but was restrained by handcuffs.

"When one head is severed, two new heads will grow. This is our Hydra. Just wait until SHIELD is controlled by us!"

Pierce's eyes were as wide as copper bells and filled with bloodshot eyes, and he shouted angrily.

Trying to maintain the last bit of dignity.

"Well, don't worry, I will find them one by one."

Nick Fury replied coldly.

In the past, he would have had a headache, but now with Natasha's superpower, he believed that he would be able to catch all the Hydras sooner or later.

But the problem is that if it really penetrates all fields, then the entire country may have problems if it moves, and the council may have to stop itself.

Forget it, we’ll talk about it later.

Just then a screen appeared in front of Nick Fury.

Seeing this, he glanced at Natasha, and the two of them immediately went out, along with Hawkeye and Hill, so that they could view the containment items together.

Leo Universe

The Star Cluster is following up on the Gunteras imitation project.

"Captain, with our technology, it is simply impossible to imitate such a large robot."

A team member came over and said.

"What about just weapons? What about technological applications?"

The stars asked, looking at Gunteras's whole body.

"Some of this can be tried, but it will take time."

"Then try, I will do my best to communicate with the people above and ask them to mobilize more resources."

As soon as Zhu Xingtuan finished speaking, a screen appeared in front of him.


Seeing this screen, Zhu Xingtuan remembered that today was the day to broadcast the contained objects live.

At this time Fengyuan ran over.

The two glanced at each other without speaking, and walked away together.

[Welcome all selected viewers back to the live broadcast room. Now a new containment object is about to appear. Please be prepared. 】

An electronic sound came from the screen to remind everyone that the live broadcast was about to begin.

Luffy: "Hey! Everyone! Long time no see!"

Sun Wukong: "Long time no see. How are you guys doing lately?"

Tony Stark: "It's good, but I'm busy every day. These containment objects and rewards all challenge human cognition!"

Bruce Wayne: "Indeed, it is quite difficult to mass-produce my night riding equipment, and it may not even be exactly the same."

Bruce Wayne: "By the way, Diana, are you there?"

Diana: "What's the matter?"

Bruce Wayne: "I investigated matters related to you, and I found a photo from World War II, and you appeared in it. What's going on? How old are you and who are you?"

Diana: "Don't you think it's rude to ask a woman her age?"

Bruce Wayne: "I'm sorry, but I really want to know about you."

Diana: "I'm sorry, I don't want to tell your playboy my affairs."

Sanji: "Brother, this is not how you chase girls."

Jiraiya: "Yes, you are so insincere."

Tony Stark: "You can't do this. Do you want me to teach you a few tricks?"

Bruce Wayne: "I'm not."

Naruto: "Although I really want to watch the live broadcast now, I don't have time at all. There are too many things."

Luffy: "What's wrong?"

Naruto: "Our village was attacked by zombies last night. Now we are rebuilding and rescuing people. We also have to be on guard. We are very busy."

Tsunade: "Naruto! Don't talk about the village's affairs casually!"

Naruto: "Huh? It doesn't matter, it's not the same world."

Nick Fury: "Wait a minute? Zombies, the kind that have no intelligence and just eat people? Why do you have them there?"

Tsunade: "It's not the C-virus reward Orochimaru received before."

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