American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 102 Investigate Diana and fully arrest the Straw Hats

"By the way, Lucius told me that to imitate your night riding armor, it would cost half of the Wayne Group's property. Nanotechnology, the refining of new alloys, and fabric issues are all. Beyond the current technological level of mankind, as for inserting cards, it can only be used for playing cards.”

Alfred Hui reports.

Ever since Bruce Wayne got the night riding brake, he asked Lucius to imitate it.

According to the technology and funds of Wayne Group, it is naturally no problem to produce a set of powerful exoskeleton power armor.

But that’s not the case with night riding equipment.

Just why the fabric is so hard, where the energy supply comes from, the function of the call machine, the belt to hide the armor, etc. are all completely incredible technologies.

Lucius swore he had never seen this thing before, and even Alfred didn't understand how Bruce Wayne got it.

But no matter how he asked, Bruce Wayne wouldn't say anything, just all kinds of prevarication.

It's not easy for Alfred to ask questions.

"Imitate it as much as possible. It doesn't matter if the function is slightly different."

Wayne also knew that this matter was difficult, but he could not give up as the threats would become greater and greater in the future.

What if more group monsters like the Sound Beast appear all over the world?

And he remembered that Diana said that there are many people with super powers in this world. What if there are criminals with super powers.

Therefore, mass production of night riding equipment is a must!

"Speaking of Diana, Wonder Woman."

Since Bruce Wayne met Diana, he mobilized the computer to enter the name, photos, and search for relevant information. During this time, he had been letting the computer search for these two keywords and found a lot of information.

After sorting it out one after another, he discovered something strange.

That's when Diana appeared in photos from the Second World War.

If Diana lived during World War II, she would be very old now.

Sure enough, this woman has a lot of mysteries.

"Actually, you don't need to search like this. You should know where she works. You can visit her for any reason, or even ask her out to meet."

Alfred immediately urged Bruce Wayne to take action and seize every opportunity to rush the marriage!

"Alfred, she may be an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years."

Bruce Wayne complained helplessly.

"I don't mind if you get along with an old lady, it's better than being alone. Now you have to fight criminals and destroy monsters. I'm really worried that one day you will become less human."

Alfred's words were filled with strong concern.

No matter what, all he cared about was Bruce Wayne.

Bruce Wayne sighed heavily. He understood Alfred's feelings, but he couldn't stop at this time.

Alfred didn't say much when he saw this.

"I have something to do above, so I'll leave first."

When Alfred finished speaking and was about to leave, he looked at the Darkwing Bat, which seemed to be full and made a satisfied sound.

"Fortunately, you started to have a pet, at least you are not alone, although this pet is very scary."

After Alfred left these words, he left here.

Bruce Wayne shrugged helplessly.

"If you are full, go back to the mirror world and rest. Remember to patrol for me when you see me."

Bruce Wayne shouted to Darkwing Bat.

He has currently reached an agreement with Darkwing Bat.

Darkwing Bat will help him patrol the entire Gotham City every once in a while and investigate the situation in the real world through the mirror world. For this purpose, he was specially equipped with a high-definition camera with extremely long battery life.

Not to mention that with such a helper, Bruce Wayne's work in fighting criminals went much more smoothly.

"No, change the plan."

Then Bruce Wayne suddenly changed his mind.

"You are in the mirror world and help me monitor Diana."

After Bruce Wayne finished speaking.

He called up Diana's address and work place and fell into thinking for a while.

One Piece World

Garp and Aokiji have long returned to the Navy Headquarters.

When he learned that the Straw Hat gang's bounty had been increased and that Akainu and Kizaru went to the Shampoo Islands to ambush, Garp instantly became furious.

Later, Sengoku explained in detail the matter of the containment and the current threat from the Straw Hats.

Only then did he manage to comfort Garp.

"Garp, please understand. Now that the Straw Hats have come into contact with the secrets of the World Government, they have become even more powerful. They are a huge threat and must be dealt with no matter what."

Warring States said with a gloomy look.


Although Garp is unwilling to do so, as a navy, he must make his position clear.

"Don't let Luffy die, this is my final bottom line."

Garp turned around and his voice was quite cold.

After hearing this, Warring States couldn't help but shed a ray of cold sweat and nodded.

"So, what's going on with that so-called containment object and barrier? Is it because of it that my ability suddenly improved?"

Qingzhi, who had been silent until now, changed the subject and looked at his body.

Today, he is even colder than before. As long as you are close to him, you can feel the extremely strong cold air.

"Yes, your Absolute Zero and Garp's Cow Charm all come from that mysterious screen, but it's a pity that you can't see it."

Sengoku replied.

"Speaking of which, with such power, you should be able to destroy the Four Emperors, right?"

Zeng Guo's eyes lit up as he thought of this.

"That's not easy to say. They are not fools and will not let me do whatever I want. Moreover, if there is a fight, I cannot go to the meeting alone. If I take others there, there will be heavy casualties."

Aoki said with a shrug.

He couldn't take that risk.


Sengoku looked at Garp.

But Garp turned around before and crossed his arms as if sulking.

"Is this guy a child?"

Seeing Garp like this, Seng Guo complained helplessly.

Then he called Akainu's phone number to inquire about the situation.

"Hey, Akainu, Kizaru, have you arrived at the Shampoo Islands now?"

Sengoku asked.

"It's already here, but the Straw Hats haven't arrived yet. They may have to wait a few days before they arrive."

Akainu reports.

"Then continue to wait and be careful not to be discovered."

When Warring States said this, he paused and then said: "By the way, be careful on that island, Pluto Rayleigh is also there."

Warring States reminded.

The two admirals on the other end of the phone showed solemn expressions after hearing this title.

Then a sailor walked in.

"Report, Lord Vegapunk has arrived!"

When Warring States heard the name, he immediately went to greet it. The various high technologies that appeared on the screen made him realize the importance of technology in the military.

The threats will become bigger and bigger in the future, and it may be difficult to fight against them with only the original strength, so he has to keep up with the times!

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