American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 103 Dragon Ball Universe Crisis, Goku Arrives in Time

Dragon Ball Universe.

Vegeta and Nappa have descended on Earth.

Different from the original plot, as soon as they arrived on Earth, they used their own power to create a small moon and directly transformed into a giant ape.

Carrying out brutal attacks.

Any building they saw was completely destroyed.

Piccolo and others noticed the Saiyan invasion and immediately went to fight.

With their current strength, they had a huge chance of killing Vegeta and Nappa.

However, the Saiyan's combat power will increase tenfold after transforming into a giant ape.

Therefore, the battle has just begun, and Piccolo and the others are at a disadvantage.

Now they are all lying on the ground with serious injuries, unable to move at all.

"Damn it, this is too strong, it's not easy to become strong."

Klin looked at the giant ape in front of him with a look of reluctance.

There was no way to fight back.

The power of the Saiyans is so terrifying that no matter how they attack, they can't have any effect.

Even if you want to attack the tail, you can be guarded against it.

It’s really disappointing to try your best to end up with no fighting ability!

"Hey, Namekian, answer me quickly, where are the Dragon Balls!"

Vegeta asked, grabbing Piccolo.

Now Piccolo is also seriously injured and unable to fight anymore, and is like a toy in the hands of the giant ape Vegeta.

"I won't tell you, you'll kill me if you dare."

Piccolo sneered.

His eyes were filled with strong unwillingness.

He could feel that his body had unimaginable potential, but the Saiyan attack left him no time to practice. Otherwise, he was absolutely confident that once his potential was unleashed, he would definitely be able to defeat Vegeta!

"Damn it, if you give me just one more day."

Piccolo felt very reluctant, but now it was useless to say anything.

"Haha, do you think I can't find the Dragon Ball if I die? I can find it even if I turn the earth upside down, and I can torture you in a thousand ways, destroy your spirit, and make you tell me the whereabouts of the Dragon Ball. "

After Vegeta finished speaking, he gradually increased the strength of his hand.


This made Piccolo scream in extreme pain.

It now felt like all the bones in its body were screaming and seemed to be cracking bit by bit.

Vegeta did this deliberately to let Piccolo slowly feel the pain of his body gradually shattering.

It's very interesting to see Piccolo look miserable.

"If you don't want to suffer, tell me where the Dragon Ball is quickly, otherwise not only you, but your companions will be killed by us."

Vegeta said while looking at Krillin and others lying on the ground.

"Haha, I'm not familiar with them. I can kill them if I want."

Piccolo sneered twice, he really didn't care about the life or death of those people on earth.

"Haha, is that so? What if it's this kid?"

After Vegeta finished speaking, he picked up Son Gohan who was covered in injuries.


When Piccolo saw Son Wuhan, his eyes had to change.

"This kid seems to have a good relationship with you. He was trying to find ways to help you when we were fighting before. You also care about him a little, don't you think I can't tell?"

When Vegeta said this, a smirk appeared on his face.

Then he specially clamped Sun Wuhan's head with his fingers, and then gradually increased the force.

"woo woo woo woo!!"

Sun Wuhan immediately felt the pain as if his brain was about to break, and he kept screaming.

Piccolo, who originally had a cold-blooded expression on his face, changed his eyes slightly after seeing Son Gohan scream, but he still closed his eyes forcefully and pretended not to see.

But as soon as he heard Son Wuhan's screams, he would have such a scene.

"Why, can you really bear to watch this kid die?"

Giant Ape Vegeta had a wicked smile on his face and gradually increased the strength on his hands.

This made Sun Wuhan's screams get louder and louder.


Piccolo couldn't bear to see that he couldn't do this, and his heart suddenly became very complicated.

He didn't understand why he was so worried about Sun Wuhan's life and death. He was obviously just a tool to him!

"Uncle Piccolo, never say anything! Don't let them know the whereabouts of the Dragon Balls!"

At this time, Son Gohan endured the pain and shouted, he didn't care how painful he was now, even if he sacrificed himself, he couldn't let the Saiyans know where the Dragon Balls were!

"You brat, you have a lot of backbone. I want to see how long you can hold on!"

After Vegeta finished speaking, he gradually increased his strength, trying to crush Son Gohan's head.


Piccolo was touched by his apprentice's determination. He really didn't want to tell the enemy the whereabouts of the Dragon Balls, but he didn't want to watch Son Gohan die.

The entanglement in his heart made him extremely painful, and he didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

"Sun Wukong, where are you! Why don't you come quickly?"

At this moment, Piccolo wanted to shout to Sun Wukong in the sky, hoping that he would appear quickly and save his son.

"Let me go Gohan!!"

At this moment, a roar sounded from the sky, and a meteor fell from the sky.


After hearing this sound, everyone raised their heads and looked at the meteors in the sky.

The person in that meteor is Sun Wukong!

"Triple Kaio Fist!"

Sun Wukong immediately used the Triple Kaio Fist, increased his speed, and turned into a red flame, falling in front of Vegeta like a meteorite.

Quickly fire a beam attack towards Vegeta's eyes.


Vegeta was hit in one eye and screamed in pain.

Subconsciously, he raised his hands to cover his eyes, thus letting go of Son Gohan and Piccolo.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong immediately went to catch them both.

"Are you okay?"

Sun Wukong said quickly.

"I can't die. You're finally here. It's too late."

Piccolo coughed twice and said.

"Sorry, I'm late. I'll deal with them right away."

Son Goku put down Piccolo and Son Gohan and waited for Vegeta and Nappa who had transformed into giant apes.

"Are you two Saiyans? You actually came to invade the earth. I will never forgive you!"

When Sun Wukong said this, he exuded a strong aura.

"Oops! Kakarot actually appeared, he was really resurrected!"

Vegeta looked at Sun Wukong in shock, but he didn't expect to meet him.

"Tsk, what is a mere low-level soldier doing so arrogantly?"

At this time, Naba suddenly yelled and looked at Sun Wukong with disdain.

Then it picked up the detector with its big hand and looked at Sun Wukong.

"What, the combat power is as high as 12,000! How is this possible! He is obviously a low-level warrior!"

Naba was extremely shocked by this. As a warrior from a well-known family, he had worked hard for so many years, but he still had not broken through the combat power of 10,000.

Why can a mere lower-level warrior surpass himself!


This made Naba extremely unwilling, and he immediately spit out the light cannon and attacked!

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